Eden Hazard kicks Ballboy

image: iCSwHE65FPwjz
image: ibhPHcBRUalWob

I love how that little cunt was crying for like 5 mins straight after this. He's gonna be a big one

image: ibgbclFPuHc1Zd
Both retards, that ballboy should disappear for life now.
i'd kick him in the head
pathetic ballboy, deserved 'kick' :)
Both retarded. Also, I read Eden Hazard kicks Killerboy ._.
pls no eden, stahp pls, i surrender my french frend
Ah, that's deserved though
This is Football
kid should get beaten up.
That kid even looks like a spoiled brat. Appearantly he posted on twitter that he would do this before the game. Hazard kicks the ball, but it just looks like he kicks the kid because he is on top of the ball and his coat is hanging down. Look closely, he hits the ball and the kids coat, but not the kid himself.
fucking moron
Well i looked at that this way " he still kicks the ball"
Boy died in hospital because of internal bleeding RIP
Belgians aka braincripples.
:D dat last gif, fucking theatre
lol kid deserved it
well the kick is not ok but the get some Fair play boys and girls :P

or get some neutral boys and girls like in Tennis... so problem soved
should have kicked harder
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