Microsoft Certified Professional

Long time no journal,

anyways, no one will give a FUCK ( i dont care, blow me :p ) but this is going in my Achieved list :D :

Me is now a

Microsoft Certified Professional for Windows Server 2003 Managing & Maintaining a Win 2003 Server

AND ( AS OF TODAY :o :o :o )

Microsoft Certified Professional for Windows Server 2003 Implementing, Managing & Maintaining a Win 2003 Server

Ok enough bullshit, the best part of all ,

I love you all ... <3
im sorry for you
does that mean you can aim now? or no difference?

congrats n stuff <3
ROFL, aim mmmh, no difference :( :p , i wish it would have helped, but i guess they tricked me, those M$ bastards :(
Hello Mr postman!
en nu weer rood aub xD
ey ey ey, that song EUWNZ, ask AK & lunachick :D
microsoft sux!
congratz matey!
congrats, hope u'll find a job easily
thx, i hope so 2 ;)
proficiat maatie
wat heb je aan win2k3 op een server, gebruik dan unix ofzo :C
veel, als je weet dat 80% van de bedrijven ( toch in BE ) nog altijd met windows werken ... :p

Ik weet ook wel dat linux beter is, maar dit is gewoon handig om later werk te zoeken :)
i didnt :o, unless you are beeing sarcastic :( :p
you can become Microsoft Certified Application Developer at my uni.
Software developers don't give a fuck about it, but the bosses in economy love these papers.
its true they do ;)
Goeien han ;)
Gaan voor die job :)

BTW: Merci ver de o zo mooie shoutout :d
hehe no problem, :D
danke du sexy ! :D
np du mit der kleine aschlog
congratz ana !
and go for Linux now :D
linux exam is too hard, already tried one :p
gratz Ana, deserved
congrats mate, did you go on the 5 day courses or teach yourself? Been there done that with the courses and found them really boring but guess what... your gonna get a job easily now so big congrats for that... by the way where did you take the course if you did it

MCSE / MCSA the overall final plan?
Hey mate, thanks, i didnt had any courses, some of the topics were covered in my classes, the rest i studied myself .

And i made the exams at my "university" / college thing :p

MCSA is the overall plan for me ( to start with ) :)
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