Your nick??

How and why did you pick the game name you play with?

I picked mines like 5-6 years ago when the ipod was the coolest thing. I had really wanted one and set my name to ipod and got too lazy to change it. :>

Share you story.
I quite like the music Feed Me makes
spor is dissapointed in you
My mother registered my on crossfire
my sister used to call me timbolina 9 years ago gg cu
Scoof is the name of my friends dog


sCope + jo0f
So you named yourself after a dog?
yes cuz i like this Name, Short, cool Nick.
Soz writing from ipone (Autocorrecture)
so you named yourself after a portable media player?
yep, you named yourself after a monkey?
my real ET name was NeverMore and it was based on a dota hero, i just changed to monkey because i didnt want people to see my christmas-like yawn guid
some people still remember that dark age 8D
so you named yourself after an mp3 player?
had this phone ages ago (landline you know, before mobile phones) that had Zodiac on it
haha yeah i know, didnt know about him at first.. found out when Zodiac was printed all over town (to promote the movie).
i saw this awsome film called Top Gun fell in love with it since it is kinda awsome.. in there is a character called Jester he was kinda harsh and cool and i liked him very much so i decided to use it as my Nick in rtcw. later changed by Kamz or Matz to jEzt0rr the melestor and i liked it so i changed it :D
Tommi = Thomm, been with it since 1998 or smth.
Ekto is the shortened version of Ektomorf, that was my favorite band when i was 14-16 or something

and since evrybody just called me Ekto on ts, i decided to shorten it after a while
hi grandpa <3
none of your business
1950 Japanese movie by Akira Kurosawa.
I bet you picked it because it had "homo" in middle of it. Don't try to deny.
wtf who are you, be alpha first
Japanese legendary movie by one of the best director/producer*
Wanted to make it sound neutral but that's exactly my thoughts :)
I picked it in runescapezzzzz
hey ipod you own an ipod yet? or any apple product?
no darknutz
No story behind mine, been using since late 90's
me and my friend made a xfire accounts named nukits001 and nukits002 in 2006 while playing ET, and i started to use this name
when i first started et I really liked the vsay thingie that shouted Whohoohoo or whatever, so took something close to that as name
Loved the Knight Rider Serie as Child.. so i choose it for my Nickname..
Picked up a dictionary and chose a random word (was twiddle or something like that), shortened it to twid and later on added "i" to the end. So it doesen't have any actual meaning, even though I later on found out that it has a pretty interesting meaning in Australia (see below) :D

Pretty much only using this nickname here in crossfire anymore.

Quote by Urban Dictionary: twidiA small black person living ilegally in Australia who steals to survive and have food to eat. He lives on a dingy with his black dad and white mum who are both prostitutes earning hard money.

Oh look that kid's a twidi I heard that his mum fucked Billy last night.

Could add an extra question, does anyones nickname have some funny/weird other meaning you didn't know about when you chose your nickname? Possibly in another language or a slang word.
hahahaha this is fucking epic!
LOL harsh one
You were killed by your mother
your mother is on killing spree
your mother is dominating
your mother is godlike
your mother wins
Everytime a tree falls onto the telecommunication line, which leads to our house, I have to use a wireless modem for about a month or two, untill those lazy fucks come and fix it. That has happened 3 times so far (last time was 2 years ago) and of course it was nearly impossible to play with that internet, especially as the reception here is ridicilously bad.
So?? I don't get it
xD thought the same.. but what do you expect from an austrian dumbass?
That retarded prick forgot to mention, that hes "using" DrLagALot now
I could have sworn you're the dumbass here, hmmm, guess someone of us was wrong... but well, as you're the German and I'm the Austrian here it's rather obvious that you're the dumbass here
ah yes, a hint of racism is surely the best way to prove your intellectual superiority :)))
well, you can't denie that the social intelligence of germans shows a low average
too bad that i'm austrian aswell :DDdddddddddddddddD dat et community
You can tell me pretty much everything, but not that you're Austrian you german scum
unbelieveable that austrians live in germany..
Unless you come up with a real Austrian accent or an Austrian passport (a passport that you didn't receive due to just one part of your parents being Austrian) I doubt that you're Austrian
i got austrian passport.. like two of them.. or i had two until the little blue one came out.. i traveled to berlin to get my passport in the austrian government there or smth dunno.. actually i dont care what you think :D
well, as bobigay said, DrLagAlot is my nick :p
Oh it makes sense now xd
Was my nickname given to me first day of primary school (so age 4) for no apparent reason and it stuck since. Always get asked if I had black eyes like a panda but never had one :(
You a fat lazy white leaf (or w/e tree i dunno) eater?
OOOOO, las.
Talon Karrde was a smuggler in Star Wars VII-IX written by Timothy Zahn, his spaceship is the Wild Karrde which is a real flower, looks nice. Spikes n shit
Randomly typed letters, and liked it somehow. Got this nickname for 3 years now
So what about papi? and 3 years? :D
papi was my surname when i was playing jaymod so i kept this one when i began etpro. In the end of 2010 i switched my name to Snatix, so yeah, 3 years
what about Tanguy? :DDDDDDDDDD
liked it more tbh
It's my first name wtf you on about? :D
That was my point :D
From one commercial that was running in my country for a while (few years back..))

Used Papercut because I really liked the song Papercut from Linkin Park when I first started playing this game. Got into a couple of clans (including SAW with the almighty EnglandPotty) which started calling me paper for better communications when scrimming against other pub clans. Have used it ever since...
My name is from a game called killzone. Although in the game it is written as Helghast. Funny thing is that Dutch and Belgians pronounce it different than others because 'gast' also means 'dude' in Dutch ^^
Can't even remember my first nicknames in rtcw, but I was an avid skater back than so I took the nickame cro0ked and changed it to crook when I finally noticed how lame the 0 was.
I really liked monsters.
while I was taking art course at school,we learned about what's a montage,that's was hell long time ago,and since.
ETPlayer - ITPlayer - ITPlayerQ - IceQ
2004 almost 10 years :o
It comes from the game Rainbow Six 3 which I used to roll on my old ps2 back in the days. I was such a terrorist at that time :P

Ding Chavez was the leader of the squad.
Why the N in capital letters? My friend who made me discover ET in 2004 used to do this kind of thing in his nickname so..
j3lly.....enough said ..maybe you all jelly ;-)
Used to always switch nicks as could never pick one. Started loooong time ago as blindJe on rtcw, after that it went from blindJe > BliZzarD > icarus/icarvs > J4MM3R > RMY > to my nick now being adeto

when i was playing as J4MM3R/RMY I was talking to Ironic (who then was still called cheeze) about our nicknames and somehow we ended up with adeto/adeta. decided to go with adeto cause somehow I thought adeta was to feminine and sounded to much like gazeta :'D
MAYDAY- As in mayday mayday mayday the SOS call, simple reason i always die and am totaly shit at the game
When I was about six years old my father took me to his work place in a medical factory. He accidentally dropped me into a pool of acid, so I became HAPPOLAPSI (acid child).
i thought it was because you are emo LOL
people also call you "a cock-sucking fucking faggot". why?
must be related with his father too
ima ugly, pale-faced, boned virgin. and the 3 instead of e because everyone has and it let me feels that im good in this shit game. bye
played a lot of gta:sa when i started rtcw, and they keep saying homie, so thats when i decided i'll use homie as my nick
Got to have something right?
You can mess with it like play-doh.
alexL thought me that sladak means sweet in serbian.
It maddens swedish CS kids, which I find hilarious.
Every person pronounces it differently.
It is very suave and radical.
i honestly cant remember
I like cookies

image: cookie_monster
becous i doesnt thing
named after
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