CB ET NC XVI: Server Arrangements for Non-EU Nations

image: ncxvi_medium
Dearest community,

Some teams and players have expressed concern lately in regards to server rules and regulations for non-European nations this NC season. It is our hope that this post will clear up any remaining confusion.

First, let's take a look at the Rules:

Quote1. The ClanBase ET SW NationsCup is an online tournament for national teams from every country of the world. National teams are led by captains who are appointed by ClanBase based on the support they have in their national scene.
2. Using non-European servers is allowed. All players and servers - European and non-European - are considered to be equal in terms of validity during server negotiations.

Regardless of how things have been done in the past, we'd like to make it very clear that this is not a EuroCup but a NationsCup. All nations, including those from outside Europe, are welcome to play and should be treated fairly and equally.

There will be server restrictions in place for matches in which the following nations are involved:

Australia Australia
Brazil Brazil
Canada Canada
Chile Chile
Columbia Colombia
Skandinavia El Salvador
India India
United States of America USA

Unless both teams agree to something different, the guidelines are as follows:

United States of America/Canada - Matches should be played on a UK or NL server.
Columbia/Skandinavia/India - Matches should be played on a UK server.
Brazil/Chile - Matches should be played on two different servers. One map should be played on a UK or NL server, and the other map should be played on a US server.
Australia - Matches should be played on a US server.

We have both a US server and multiple UK servers available, if needed.

Thanks in advance to all teams for your patience and understanding. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or suggestions!

ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI

Firstly a massive thank you for clarifying this (first time in all NCs we have participated in!). FYI our lads are mostly happy with UK servers. Our lads are/have been playing on EU servers (also easier to find opponents for pracs) so we have gotten used to it more than say 250/300 (our team) vs 150/200 (EU teams).
seems like we'll meet in the states though!
when india vs pl, we hve time till sunday
I dont want to play on american servers :(
American servers don't want you to play on them.
Lets be honest, it's no good regardless of the location for you
50 vs 400 is much easier than 150vs300 tho! :)
neither do we :)
Are uk servers ok for you??
definitely, just across the north sea
Every match on UK server

When will the UK team be announced or did I miss it some where ?
soon really soon be on the hurry plz :p
There better be some Suiy in that line-up.
Are UK servers(YCN lol) still really shit?

Still can't believe how amazing k-play.de servers were however it comes at a price :(
I clearly remember k-play servers having some kind of godlike status, everyone seemed to want one back in the days :d
One4one had one I believe and yes godlike would be a good description.
Suddenly everyone was hittable and you never got mad when you were killed. (Polaks complained because suddenly they died a lot faster than they were used to and claimed it was a bad server)

It would have been nice to have been able to afford such a server a few years back :(
Why not like they do it in RtCW Anniversary Cup?

If US team plays vs EU team, first map on US server and 2nd map on EU server. For decider the winner gets to the server and the loser gets to pick the map? (or something like this to make it more fair)
Team United Kingdom dropped out I heard.
They didn't do the check-in afaik
Ye, they forgot to PM Roba in time..
UK servers fucking suck, just play everything on NL servers
This is amazing.
I reckon we should play everything on Estonian servers, they're the best, but no one knows because no one has tried them.
Sinnu to the rescue.
good, but some of the gtv servers doesn't have the tzac addon, they should update them.
afaik all gamestv servers are without tzac-addon
ohurcool, man you spealt colombia wrong bro. Thought id say, anyway sounds like a decent rule that all the indians cols and whatever play UK server that way they all got around same ping I guess.
nice move :DDD
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