Unkown hackers?!

well just searched 3o3 high and a guy name Kuna pmed me
19:03… · ·-———-· ·
19:03… Query with KUNA`````/[email protected] opened on Tuesday, January 29th 2013, 19:03:20.
19:03… Total queries: 294/~2.2 per day
19:03… Queries today: 3
19:03… Common channels: #et #6on6.et #3on3.et
19:03… · ·-———-· ·

we just played 3o3 vs em and ye nothing to say i guess got raped hard :D
just wanted to share the demo and SS with you maybe some1 wants to sherlock who they are or if they are already banned :p

in the .rar you will find 2 demos and a TZAC SS


*pretty obvious wallhack and dunno about KuBa may using a huge lagscript*

cheers <3

sounds legit
kuna haha

exec zlow
http://yae.be//?etproguid=3651160400&c=Search&a=players&type=id&page=4 <-- KUNA's 772 tzac is already banned
(kuna always says that polish guy called Subakk stole his account)
Let me guess. He played with guy called mucka (77706)
http://yae.be//?etproguid=134CBDD19E&c=Search&a=players <-- His other account 2398 also banned
blackwolf you are idiot i only serach warr i dont play,play pixel skipper and sycyl ggg random
better go to school instead of nerding a dead game
yes nerd has spoken gtfo now thx xoxo

Enough proof
this. Nothing more to say...
Afaik u were a cheater too, but it was long ago and doesn't matter now :)

And yes, he probably is using a wallhack. He will be banned soon anyway :P
Why doesn't it matter now?
It does matter except there are too many other fucking cheaters ''forgiving them'' creating the illusion that it never happened. (Pretty much everyone who has played for the dutch team in NC)
True, but actually kresti was participating lot of lans, and he profed that he is a very good player ;p
It was me, I admit it.
no way impossibru to cheat with tzac maybe you just lost your skillz
so wait, we're still surprised that tzac is bypassed? isnt it obvious at this point that it's almost as bad as PB?

Know this guy from 2.55. And yes, he is banned.
dobrze kuna
this. Nothing more to say...
Played 6v6 yesterday... damn obvious hackers... polacks, with wallhack, still loosing .... :|
Thanks ma friend :D English is not my best language :[
yeah np thats a common mistake :P
can you define lagscript pls? because many say it doesnt exist...
i always wondered about that too.
i belive it doesnt exist, atleast not anymore because theres those freakin limited settings(cvar?) at etpro config.
i guess it's something like:
bind mouse1 "+attack; com_maxfps 43;-attack;com_maxfps 125"
...i'd say lol, never tested something like it
some people used it for reload, it made their hitboxes a bit more lagging...
somebody to do the dirty job for you :D
rings a bell hes hack0r
oxy said they don't cheat, so they don't cheat!
is true, u just low. I had no trouble handling them!
Ye he's been busted quite recently
lol gg
not surprised about kuna
played few day ago vs hom (only known player for me was bloodje)..

well they got outplayed on B4, then Ragequit, after few mins they came back and we coudln't get the flag on B4 or Supply...

Obvious Hax0r with lowballs....
hmm thought he said come to some clan and learn from dyzelovski or w/e when we asked about sudden skillboost
played against them yesterday also ( won tho)
dunno about hacking but hitboxes were intredasting (i know im not the best guy to whine bout hitboxes ;D)
LOl :D yesterday polacks had the same thing.. extremely hard to get a hit
This happens to me when played against 90% of the polish players, no matter which cfg you use.
Horrible shit! Happens many times
holyyy shittttt
learn how to hit the hitbox lols :D that was obv that you won't hit him there in the back

just sayin bra :P

all lows gonna flame now :D
ye i know but still this almost never happened 2 me :D
still you aimed there pretty bad :P

e. what merli said :D
ye but its the same as ingame some1 is unhit as fuck but when u check the replay ur aim is just not on him
well you werent aiming on him much :p
its common sense when a dude is crouching and especially when you are backraping you won't be hitting him unless you shoot him on certain points (especially if you are trying to get a head hit). you just missed those spots nicely!
nix neues :P
the one I just found a war, and played pixel skipper and sycyl gg idiot kresti
not my fault that you are such low l3ku
EVEN with the demos on the ss can see that there is not my tzaka it's what you write stupidity gg DEUTCH IDIOT
Nice ethic you have to call someone as "IDIOT" being yourself a polish...

Not generalising off course, because gladly there are still some decent and cool polish people left in this game, not many tho...
But you seem not to be on that short list aswell. *big surprise*
uh so you call him a moron not because he is a moron, cant even reply , makes grammar mistakes etc but because he is polish?, then after you generalize you say you are not generalizing. Plz dont be a moron
even in the demo you can see that there is no tzac my tzac my fucking idiots to 27k

you played with another tzac guid against us... i dont believe that any polak got only 1 tzac guid :D
you fck idiot i got only 27 k tzac
So you got 27000 tzac accounts?
theres 2 tzacaccounts under your ip and etproguid so
I just found a war them
http://tz-ac.com/profile.php?id=27833 This is my tzac I have not played but I found war,
I do not see it here on my SS check ip idiots that tzac http://www17.speedyshare.com/nxghr/download/newcomers.jpg,where is my tzac http://tz-ac.com/profile.php?id=27833 i dont see mongols
I also met this Kuba guy, but we played 6on6 against them. Tipical brainless trash cheaters w aim only, when we changed to goldrush they almost lost it :DD (I was playing with players from 2.55 who know only reviving and trying to show teamplay ;])

e: yes, that grush was another war. cheaters won
image: 29vkpyp
image: 35j9zpi
here idiot i;m =CWEL
Sorry I mixed two grush wars, but I definitely remember your nicknames and you guys gonna taste shit soon on banlist. : P
Cheaters or not, that francis guy always so nice with computer users!!!
but Kuba is not me so?, I only searched war radoms
ja pierdole fajnie ze w 2013 roku czitujesz w 10 letniej gierce komputerowej, gratuluje zainteresowan
this is gold
polish trash stop spamming useless comments and just deal with the fact that ur getting banned.
Kuna? plzzzz low+
with hacks = med+
Hacks don't really improve your overall skills, when using wallhack of course your skills (especially when a corner is included) improve a lot on those areas. But when coming to a duel with no walls your wallhack comes useless right? Back to the roots there :_) Also wallhack won't give you any more skill in gamesense, or actually that's the only thing what it really can give when facing certain situations of course. Wallhack might give you an advantage if you use it for a little time (by knowing where the players usually camp/aim at a certain place/preshooting to certain places) but this is, of course something, what you would gain by just playing a lot. Aimbots are pretty useless for bad aimers also, if they don't set up their settings to a very high but that would be too clear with no hiding at all. Aimbots would give a ridiculous boost to players who have some sense how to aim and track and the aimbot would just tweak your aim to make it 'perfect'. That's a sad fact about cheats. I think.
as far i know, zAAba "coded" "made" a wh with the cracked version of nC and provided it to every polaks, like he did the last year for the etbot which made almost 70% of polaks ( included me [...] )has been busted.
gg kuna, inb get bust in 1 month or less
bad info there , cu@lan kanker hoer neger
mad mad mad
The comments posted by Superi0r (quite the ironic nickname) clearly state that he's a little soft in the head.
(Cheating) Polak & dutch kids, with very few exceptions, are the cancer of this game.
Poland is one of the weirdest Nations in ET... giving so many legends to this game, good players who destroy the 3/4 of community easily, but at the same time so many "randoms" from Poland gets busted. Respect their known Highskillers, /care noname cheaters.

<3 Poland
Maybe that's cuz Polish community was and still is the biggest one among ET? Technically the percentage of cheaters isn't higher than in other communities, just moar of them :D
we played them with TAG as well, few days ago. All of them were dumb as bricks, but some of them were extremely weird, insta 3hs and knowing a bit too much. As far as I remember they ragequitted, so I thought I am just being paranoid.
you left after sd
I found demo, it wasn't with TAG, it was short prac with Lightnings team for draftcup. And it was you who ragequitted in the middle of supply.
ye that's right , but then we played vs tag and they left after sd
In all fairness thats not newcomers, maybe we have been around since release off TZAC, I mean my guid is 221? or 211, but I played some obvious guy the other day with a guide of 100 thousand rofl.

Sir that was bullshit !
maybe he was better than you thomaz

avi or never gonna watch ;/
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