New dirty bomb video - sick features

i know this isn't what happened but that map looks like:
- second section was too hard to attack
- made first section harder so they matched
Holy crap they're really trying here it looks like
Looks abit like bf3?
Okay wingie gimme a key
Fucking shit, no strafe :X
nice that they are doing such things, but I noticed something at the beggining that I didnt like, hope Im wrong :D doesnt look like team mates can get in your way - seemed as if a team mate passed straight through the player @ 0:11
maybe but just MAYBE they got something like in csgo where u can go through people in public mode but in competitive mode u cant get through your teammates
watching it again, I might have seen it wrong. not 100% sure ;]
This looks really cool, brb getting way to excited about something that will fill?

You can buy acces to the alpha for only 120 dollar :D also some packs of 320 dollar with lots of gifts and stuff

you can also get your in game name saved and sign up for the beta at this site, guess who has BelgiummAus EstoniaNight FinlandHukk and United Kingdomsqzz saved!?
Me, with 4 different emails.
CAn you leave again from crossfire pls? Was so much better without you
Looks pretty cool, hopefully someone is able/willing to make a promod for it ^^
no moddability in f2p games....
its part of the business model
That's gay :{ Hopefully they implement a competition mode or something then..
nope. id bet money on it not being part of the release version. they are gonna be like "we got echo to monitor the game balance and make it a great experience for all of our players" not realizing that a competitive scene will always need different tools than a public community. they dont realize that in order to succeed in a saturated market you need a selling point (we are hoping for that to be a competitive community in our case). either they are clueless or just rubbish at communicating their placement strategy to their publisher.
there is nothing id like more than for them to bring back highly competitive multi-stage objective fps gaming but i am pretty certain that their approach is a more generic "lets make f2p fps and print some cash" type. influenced, of course, by what made their previous games unique but not fully capitalizing on it.
CSGO competitive mode works pretty well though, atleast considering its also a public mode, so I think there's hope ;-)
CSGO is made by valve.
CS also draws on the game balance that has been refined for over a decade now.
This game appears to have more gameplay mechanics, which naturally makes it harder to balance and I doubt that they are gonna have a distinguished competitive mode at launch all together.
In ET we have weapons that are not available in certain game modes or not avaible at all when playing on match configs. We dont level up and we constatly kill ourselves not paying attention to the classic k/d like any other fps player would.
in short: we have certain demands. and I doubt that they are gonna release a game that works well on pubs and is completely viable for competitive play at the same time.
Seeing that it is a f2p business model (and judging from past decisions made) I see absolutely no chance for moddability which has them in the position to carefully select, desing and monetize additional content.
It is upon them to supply this community with what it has been longing for: a fairly well balanced, quite extraordinary fps that features class based teamplay, multi-stage objectives and immense skill ceiling at an incredible pace.
If this game is not that CF will get all hyped up again just for the game to never really pick up with a competitive cycle.

"Captures the Magic of ET"

DarkangelUK, Closed Alpha player

"Not had this much fun since Wolf: ET"

Loffy, Closed Alpha player

Who are these guys that played ET?
well I do know their names from the SD forums :)
Still, people talking about ET who never played ET competative is a bit weird :P
darkangel has played RTCW and ET. He watches warwitch everyweek too.
1.46 - "or enter a killstreak..."

Well that's the fps element fucked. You'll invariably end up with the same camping scrub / spamming behaviour as ever other fps game currently available.

Splash Damage going down the fps spam model - pretty convinced that this will soon be revealed as a priced download rather than free to play.
well will try it for sure when it gets out :o
fucking amazing if they're actually working this hard on balancing.. treyarch/dice can learn a thing or two..
"Captures the Magic of ET"

DarkangelUK, Closed Alpha player

"Not had this much fun since Wolf: ET"

Loffy, Closed Alpha player
I have managed to secure " Razzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
give me alpha access:(!
looks so slow again =(
oh wait ns2 is constantly changing already existing maps to suit the current metagame.

nice idea but nothing new.
at least they pay attention to map design. lets see how game design is gonna go.
atm i do see some issues with pace, spray&pray, lack of hitscan, no player collisions etc
ok guys is that game even good or also just another fail of splash damage and co ? :D
Looks slow and unsmooth, like all SD games.
a hope?
or another over hyped fail game?
Any idea if it supports Linux dedicated servers?
There was a thread on teh forums at warchest about this. You might want to check it out
'Just wanted to jump in and say that we're hugely aware of how important dedicated servers are to the community, and the Dirty Bomb Closed Alpha is actually running on dedicated servers right at this moment.'

Community Relations Manager
WarChest Ltd | Splash Damage Ltd
still depending what they see in "dedicated servers" BO2 is also on dedicated servers but not thirds parties, nor your own server is possible to manage like we know dedicated servers in ET , cod4 , csgo etc..
True. Let's hope for 'real' dedies :D

But I wonder if dedies are possible with free2play... You can prob buy special items etc with real money, but if ppl can adjust their server and dont want those ppl in...
well tf2,ET are free 2 play:( this buy item stuff is really boring:D
but yeah also should wonder why would they else make a game if they cannot get any money for/of it :P like ET etc..
you do not work year(s) on a game to release it for free without earning something with it^^
TF2 was not free at release, so first they want their invested money back and you can make it free2play later. ET was just a small 'unfinished' game, so they released the code and took the losses. Because of the release of the RTCW community tweaked their own game :D
getting sick of the cod/bf shit...
is this brink²?
Let's just hope they will keep doing this when the game is officialy launched, because getting some data of random players that are willing to pay 120$ (not sure if correct) and play pubstyle to balance the game doesn't sound too promising.
Anyone else playing yet?
Are you in the alpha?
I am indeed!
You paid 120 quid? lol
Was actually going to but recieved an emial with my key in. Select few people who bought the $30/$60 packs get keys.
lol you fucking bastard
first 5 csgo keys, now dirtybomb keys.. i hate you pottym8
How do you like it so far?
Only just installed.

EDIT: and you have to sign a NDA before playing so can't say much about the game.
Bummer... well hope it will be a good shooter and SP will finally redeem themselves. hf
As soon as we are allowed to release info about the game and stuff I will give my opinion. For now I will keep playing!!!
that echo thing is pretty sweet tbh

add q3 movement like on rtcw
remove ironsight

and i'll play it!
I don't mind ironsight tbh, as long as it's not really a neccecary feature, but more a zoom feature you can use like in Quake
I like their approach to design and refinement, should make for at least a balanced first release in terms of map layout, weapons etc.

For all those people that want quake esk movement, you will not see the like again (unless a massive quake engine fanboi developer makes a game). So deal with it or do something yourself.
Not entirely true as the developers behind the engine have intimated that there will be other builds along the same lines in future. However, actually when in time those might appear is another question entirely!

I suspect that part of the problem is due to the monopoly that Infinity Ward / Treyarch have on the market at the moment. They have sucked the fucking life out of the fps shooter market, operating an openly aggresive business model that demands absolute control over the game release cycle, its content and its future life span.

Simply put, they want to dictate when they can rape gamers again for more cash; (at the expense of actually fixing the MASSIVE faults in their original release packages...)

Of course at the same time they have designed the games to be accessible to the less skilled players, meaning a less powerful dissenting voice when they roll out their map pack while charging premium prices - because if you're a casual gamer, you likely don't care enough to be bothered by the very many faults that exist within each and every product these companies are making.

Unfortunately this disgusting practice has proven so successful that even when a developer suggests they're involving gamers at the development cycle, it makes zero business sense for them to ignore entirely the cash-rich precedents that the gullibility of modern gamers have consistently presented to greed-mongers like IW & TA.

Until gamers stop buying this crap and make it clear that they wont pay full price for (what is often in effect no more than a map pack), especially while there's still so many glaring, cirminal flaws within the original netcode, hitbox encoding, playability and general design, no developer will ever go entirely down the community-centric route again - it just doesn't make any sense for them to do so.

Of course it doesn't help when these money-grabbing gits release yet another sub-standard pile of junk, and on top of the usual gullible cretins throwing cash at them, you get supposedly more aware players and shoutcasters jumping into the fray and pretending that these releases are in any way acceptable.

By either playing or casting them they confer a definite legitimacy upon the game - and therefore by extension the business model that underlines them...consequently we signal our acceptance of these sub-standard practices, which in turn breeds multiple clones of the same, sub-par or otherwise flawed games and a definite lack of support for those aspects that made games like RTCW and ET so attractive.

Of course it is getting rather late, perhaps I'm just rambling.
Oh yeah I agree 100% (and have replied to others along the same lines in other threads) but as you have eluded, gaming companies are now run by actual business people, they are no longer run by 3 or 4 mates in a garage (e.g. John Cormack and friends).
hitsounds or gtfo
No - hit sounds are for beginners.
don't say ET look-a-like when I only see a big mess with explosions everywhere, a sprint option and a aim-more-accurately by zooming option
I didn't...
looks awesome!
Well let's be honest, they said they were listening the community when they made Wolfenstein 2009(not same company but still) and Brink... Nothing was done what was promised.
You said you was in alpha right?
wheres ma dot xhair
looks like a copy of Blacklight retribution
I assume the spread will be minimal since no-one actually uses their ironsight in the clip?
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