Good Morning Journal #1337

Morning follow crossfire users!

What you people doing ?
Today is the start of my bulk , hopefully will go 2-3 months as dirty as i can and then i will start cutting up.
Havent been to gym in a week cuz of wrist problems to rest up. Time to buy wristwraps i guess.

Since there aint any song about bulkin up , i most post one about cuttin.

im bulking really hardcore just ate 150 g of porridge, 6x bcaa, protein shake next meal in about 1 hour 200 g of chicken breast and 150 g of white rice then gym for legs and ab workout, gooooing big
image: 74107_453160998071653_1599237710_n
My hands are so hurt after being at gym I can't stretch them out properly .___.
just preparing for my physical chemistry exam which I got in 2hours and I slept only around 2hours, gg
just about to drink my preworkout and play some ET while i get hyped up listening to

today ill do some of those crazy bodyweight exercises

think its gonna be a awsome day ! have a grate day lads :)
kiirklahvide tööd vastan yo
pede jõmmi vend
Had a sick shoulder workout the other day!
sick bro!

i had a killer ass workout the day before aswell
what muscle
the ass-hole
I'm gonna go to McD and some random Chinese eat loads, nerd hard, party in the evening.
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