Italy vs France 22.30

Yeah, it's time to frag (or to get fragged :x)
Tonight we'll have the answer. But anyway i like to have your opinion about your feelings about Italy and France..
Which do you like more?

Here's the challenge:

Miss Italia vs. Miss France

image: 1miss-italia-2012-giusy_650x435 vs. image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSmg7ALbxY6p0Yz_He95DzTEmxz7az6rQoht-zS3njKIgiNNSxzTQ

Mr. Italia vs. Mr. France

image: MISTERITALIA2012 vs. image: VIDEO-Mister-France-2011-Jonathan-Duforestel-est-le-plus-bel-homme-de-France_image_article_paysage_new

Soccer Team Italy vs France

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRyShWRCJLsX689LfKQJ_brCqDPYthaHl0InsMSqkO8m9Q4p26A3w vs.

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQQoVkAa9Jkft0oCuO2BYFAOs-92NS0o5rAo-yys3CIgjZDLvSOJg

Rugby Team Italy vs France

image: Six-Nation-Rugby-Italy-vs-France

Torre di Pisa vs. Tour Eiffel

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSWalruiFyDKwwWV10wx0B1pUvXsq53UAVP-rmUvev78xCYPw5EuQ
image: 240px-Tour_Eiffel_Wikimedia_Commons

well italy just beated france in the six nations yesterday for the first time in ages :)
six nations 2011, not too far away :)
image: 1014236-miss-bourgogne-elue-miss-france-2013-620x0-1 Miss france <3
just perfect :)
She reminds me of finnish whore aka Sara Sieppi
image: siep32008_vi
baguet vs spaghetti
Woa who fucking cares. sad
well .. i do
Miss: the most beautiful girl from a country AMONG those who were dumb enough to stand for their country *trumpet sounds*.
Miss contests or w/e are just organized for audience and sheeps who have some free brain time (TF1) to spare in front of commercials and retarded TV presenters who keep pretending watchers will decide who is the most beautiful girl of the whole country BY SIMPLy VOTING VIA SMS (will cost you only 2 or 3 euros, it's nothing, it will just help the channel to produce more advertising that you will watch in front of The 100 most hilarious jokes that ever happened on TV with retarded presenters making only silly and dirty jokes in front of a happy panel of spectators selected on their physical handsomeness. And repeat that every day so your brain is totally washed up and flabby).
welcome to the real world , i dont pretty much dont care of everything u said since i dont watch TV at all eventho ur right ;). as long as our miss is cute im fine with it. + u have to be pretty and smart to be a miss ( elle est en medecine hein quand meme )

I'd say concerning her that she is somehow an exception...
Great text from Bourdieu, one of the wisest men for sure, will soon read La distinction which seems to be of the utter interest!
better watch aphromoo vs tsm
Miss: france
Mister: who cares? both gays
Football: italy
Rugby: france (even with their loss)
Effeil tower ofc

ET: france 4-0 italia
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