x264 install

i downloaded x264 codec from http://www.x264.nl/ but everytime i start the exe file, a black windows come up and then it closes fast :o do u know what the problem is ;o?
i dont know what the problem is.
make a folder called x264 and put that file in it, thats it, u dont have to install it :o
where make the folder :o?
desktop maybe?
alexjust make folder to some main disk like
C:/ x264
turn off ets!
image: Unbenannts
or so...
imo install old versions of megui.. :D new versions sux.. imo
ey ag0n i cant even install megui it says i dont have lastest netframwork or smht, but i have NET framework 2.0 installed
nytt fusk på gång?
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