Spawntimer with sound?

I'd like to get one, an external program or script whatever...
Every time when the enemy respawn is close the timer
should play a beep for example.
external programs are illigal np :>
not if they don't interact with ET
he wants a spawntimer and that would interact with the game
Not really, if I make a program that makes a beep every 30 seconds, how am I interacting with the game? It's like saying winamp is interacts with the game
But winamp doesnt change the timer every round :P
hi, this comment is over 2 months old.
:D i blame spirea for replying to me
not allowed and not scriptable
if those kind of programs are not allowed,
isn't this script disallowed too?
well you could ofc use the keyboard, then it would be 'cheating' . But common if you can't handle spawntimes ET is not your game. I only use the 20/25 timers, 20 as it sometimes help if things get hectic and you dont have time to check the spawntimes and 25 because its hard to keep track of all game.
is it allowed to use an external prog that beeps before own spawn?
I'm not CB, but if its an external program which interacts with ET its a cheat. Afaik its not allowed, why use an external if you have ETpro spawntimer?
ye but if it works similarly, so that u press a button and the counter starts...

And I would use it for own spawn so that I know when to kill without looking at the spawntimer :P

few days ago someone made a journal or forum thread about such a program for enemy spanwtimer, but I would use it for own spawntime :)
it interacts with ET
how do u define "interacting with ET"

I mean, doesn't ventrilo or TS interact with the game as well?
And ppl with G15 keyboard use whatever scripts that can show them much info afaik...

What if I had some machine that beeps every 30sec, like a clock or so. Not any PC program I mean. Would that be illegal as well :D ?
( Yeah I know I couldn't use it on lan :P )
If your beep were to be happening at a random interval it wouldnt interact. If both ET spawntime and the Beep happen at the same time, it interacts.

Ofcourse there is not direct link between beep and ET, but they are logicaly / by common sense interacting. Eventhough the beeper might not use ET outpout or send input to ET, it does interact.
ok, I got it :)
G15 is a cheat also :P
its scriptable if you have steady fps all the time and about 5 free keys >_> hard as hell though

edit: impossible to do with wait, so its not scriptable then i assume :O]
if i would be an admin...
die hax0r
Heron Spawntimer
Get an alarm-clock with different alarm-settings...
its a nice idea tbh
Some people have used that.
just fix your "snooze" button on your alarm clock to every 20/30 secs xD
can u make ur spawntimer like really big?
Im too lazy to focus on my screen
My dickclock is useful. Attach it to keyboard.
it would only be usefull on maps with 25sec spawntime.

A monkey could remember normal spawntimes.
arrow has a keyboard which makes a sound when the enemy spawns xD
just make a 30/25/20 second wav file which beeps at the beginning then open it with foobar and set it to repeat one then when the enemy are about to spawn just press play, most keyboards have a play button on them so you shouldn't have to minimise :p
send me that file :d
use a egg timer.
When I get a stiffy, it takes me 30 seconds to get it off again. So I just start masturbating when axis spawn.
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