2on2 clanBase official clanwar gaming match

the best 2on2 team ever, the most muscular womanizers of ET, are back in action for one last epic match. so in other words Virgin Islandssungi & Finlandlowrdi are looking for 2on2 official to be played anytime today. high skill of course. just a heads up, if we somehow manage to lose we will use being too drunk and stoned as an excuse. our map is adlernest and you can't choose goldrush because we dont like it, okay?

image: ffffff
image: sungay

pm me here
That picture is fake
i smiled
lordi is french abbreviation for tietokonetta just so you know
image: 9576&v=fit512
Francis is finnish abbreviation for a wank stain just so you know
:XD nice to see you're still alive
I don't know you.
vitu fägi
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