ET Allstars 3 - The Search

Hello there Crossfire,

it's been a long time since I was taking part in that what is or was happening in the community but, to be honest, I really didn't give a crap.

I recently got that feeling like I had to watch some old fragmovies again, and while I did, my head undug that idea I was thinking about once in a while.
It should be no secret that I always had the intention to let the "ET Allstars"-thing be a trilogy...yeah like Batman, Lord Of The Rings, Mass Effect 'n shit. I like Batman. And they're doing a 4th Mass Effect, but whatever.
My point is, that I really miss this game and its people, even if I hated that game for most of the time. Sounds stupid, yeah. But sometimes I think about old times (like 3 years and more ago) when we were playing all night. And I also think a lot about movie making and how fun it was.
I've been pretty busy with real life, like work, producing music, making babies (no, not really, but you know...the "act", so let's call it losing sperms), being a jerk/clown for my friends, etc.
But still, I think I'd like to announce my little comeback here with this post.

"So what does this strange guy want from us?"
[*] If you know a good, (prefered) high skilled player which is/was playing in EuroCup (is there still something like that?) or any other higher classed division of gaming leagues, then don't hestitate to steal/ask for their demos and to provide me with a link to download. If you are a good player yourself and you're reading this jibberish nonsense here, then don't hestitate to contact me and provide me with some download link.

"Why don't you ask some players yourself?"
[*] I would, but I don't really know which players are considered highskilled nowadays and which are just stinky poo. Giving me some names would be appreciated, giving me just demos even more. Unused demos would be prefered.
Also, just like I said, I am busy with a lot of other stuff, so I think it's understandable...if not, then screw you!

"What do you need us to do with the demos?"
[*] Like I said, upload the demo somewhere and provide me a link. BUT, before uploading them, rename them to something like this: goldrush_yourname_3-27_3 man airstrike.dm84
I need the name of the map in that demo name, your ingame name (or the name with which the player would like to be mentioned in the final product), the starting time of the action and what happens there. You don't need to write like "1 man rifle-1 nade-3 man mp" in such cases "5 man killingspree" or simply "5 man kill" would be enough.

"What kind of material do you need?"
[*] I don't care. Luger action, airstrike/artillery sprees, Thompson or Rifle-Madness, Panzerpussying, it's all welcome. And don't hestitate to send some funny material...that stuff would be used for another project maybe, if it isn't used for ET Allstars 3 already.

"You're a douche. What are your references?"
[*] I don't expect all of you to know me, so for those who don't I'll give you names of some previous work I've done (NOTE: all of those projects are several years old and outdated):

"ET Allstars" - Release: 2006 - Starred: Winghaven, snoop, dAv1d, kris, frac, gifty, and more
"ET Allstars 2" - Release: 2007 - Starred: Clown, RamiN, potter, snoop, Kevin, zerender, lioco, and more
"Gifty's Fratzengeballer" Deluxe - Release: 2006 - Starred: Gifty
"Lilium" (released as "Nana") - Release: 2007 - Starred: ohzor4
"Fracmovie" - Release: 2006 - Starred: frac
"Maaah - The Movie" - Release: 2005 - Starred: Sheep
"Simply Sublime" - Release: 2007 - Starred: hype, miXer, Lakaii, ins, matz, kiitos
and my own fragmovie row starring myself: "endless intoXication" (2005), "intoX 2" (2005), "intoX 3" (2007), "intoX 4" (created by slifer, released 2008) & "intoX 5" (2011)

I worked on two projects ("They Called Him Checko" and "The Lucky Ones" which some of you should remember, because I searched demos for that one) which should represent my new settings and style of editing (without killing the old flow of course, which I will always keep) in HD, but they never went final. Real life and stuff. Also I have thousands of tons of clips which all never got released. Those 2 movies I mentioned before will most likely be remastered and finished.

"I seem like I give a crap and found something for you. How can I contact you?"
[*] Well, I don't really use mIRC anymore, even if I would. But for now, the only place to contact me would be here, so just drop a message in my inbox or give me some channel on Quakenet and I'll see what I can do.

So, I see you made it to the bottom of this post. Either you scrolled all the way through, or you read everything. If you did, then I am gratefully thanking you for taking your time to do so.

I'm looking forward to your respones and messages if someone on this fancy day should give a flying frink.



Download for ET Allstars 1 & 2:

ET Allstars 1:!pE0lUJwC!EfvE_zGWJeHlBCUdZdT6AzghwwVPMb2ehk3WEXWuTj8

ET Allstars 2:!tNF0DD4L!UN8ejVcCbCfEojdXpZomIVjE5IIxyDQg3PyEkLA9MZ0
Awesome! best of luck :) ? :)
Do you still have those 2 old Allstars movie somewhere? Was searching them earlier but couldnt find them

e: i found the first now, not the second one!

United Kingdom sqzz
United Kingdom koop
Estonia freeze
France karnaj & an7ho
I can upload both for you if you want me to, I just need some host or something. I still got all my fragmovies and much more stuff on my HDD!
think he said he scanned his demos, cant remember
good luck with your project!
Hey vaGgi(na) :)

Hope you'll include some urtier frags!
pm RomaniaFaKy :DD
hey there, best of luck with the project...
It's nice to see you doing a comeback. Hopefully it won't be in vain! Wish you good luck!

I have some demos i collected from community like 1.5 / 2 years ago. I guess i could upload them for you if you can't find anything. Some of them are kinda good!

Yeah, please, that would be awesome!
so you quited that community movie once again? :D
Decades ago rofl :o I didn't have enough good frags.. asked few times, ppl didn't send so i didn't go forward.

And tbh if i recall correctly your radar frags were one of the best i got!
send them to vaggi :D

sad to hear tho
Thats what i proposed! I got most of them sorted and ready to be uploaded, it's up to him now :)
dropped subbi project's too? huehue
nop, subbi and mant proj is still up!
<i want to believe.jpg>
stfu, my current lesson is boring and ur making it even more boring!!! le fu
So what about giving me the link or did I miss your message? :p
You didn't reply back, though you didn't need them anymore!

Come to irc, lets talk about it. #webartdesign
Thats what i call wall of text.

GL with project
liked the part where you told us that you have sex
Yes. I like Sex.
so does your mom
Yeah, I guess.

Who doesn't?
Well, my parents are divorced and my father has a new wife in Miami, Florida.

Your comment is invalid.
its hard to troll you man
you are too damn serious lol

keep it up
I'm sorry. :(
GL with it :-)

Mass Effect <3
ahh sweet
best of luck mate
Didn't read anything except the title but if u thinking of making
another allstar movie then it isn't really worth it
I still play sometimes bro
Why exactly?
There is no audience anymore. You will feel like you wasted your time after you released it. People have asked me to make another movie loadsa times and I have gathered great ideas in my head with some really nice music with it but can't really motovate myself anymore. Been there. Done that.
there's no reason
positivity is good but reality wins
there's no reason at all to make fragmovies in any game, ever

amount of time / effort required isn't worthit -> therefore the only reason anyone could have is personal enjoyment, if vaggi has that then he has every reason to make whatever movie he wants d=
It sure is worth it in some gayms :)
hardly, there've been a million moviemakers in cs/cod for example, 90% of which probably had little to no recognition for their work.
In cod maybe, but the moviemaking scene in cs is not like that at all, people get paid for their work
And I'm just doing it for the fun, so what? :)
I have not said anything about that, just these people saying its not worth it, i think it is :)))
maybe a couple people _have_ been paid for their work. I know a shitload who never have while they've created a dozen fragmovies. so no, it's not worthit. it's like the guys who think it's worth wasting 213123 hours of their life playing LoL because there are huge prizes, think these noobs are ever gonna see that money??? :DDD
You keep forgetting that people do fragmovies cause they enjoy doing it :s Same goes for LoL
people get sucked into LoL because they see ca$$$h prizes, they end up enjoying it later. you saying people try the game out because of the wizards and minions? x)

LoL was out for 2 years before it became even slightly popular, everyone was playing HoN & stuff, since 2011 or whatever since the massive prizes, that's when the LoL scene boosted by like 30 million.

and as for moviemaking, I know most people do it for the enjoyment, because they certainly don't do it for income :)
sure goblin boy :S
i get paid too, u jelly?

infact i've been offered positions in cod and cs moviemaking teams but dont have the time.. u mad?
Haha lets say that ye
Bly somebody that released a proper movie would know what I am talking about (burned hard)
people make movies because they enjoy doing them, not because "it is or isn't worth it".
so then might as well just make a movie and not release it and leave it on your hard drive

u think people would make music if there was nobody to listen? no, movies when nobody watches? no
you can't really compare music production to fragmovie making (only the enjoyment aspect). people make music because they see a career in it, and because they enjoy it.

people listening to your music -> money.

people watching your movies -> no money.

anyway it seems you've trailed off, vaGgi has no reason to "not" make this movie, he should go ahead. you are telling him there's no point to make it, not me.
and if people didn't listen to your music, there would be no money.. hence no career and such the direct comparison can be made since you would be doing it for the enjoyment only and to compare once again, people would not make music if there was nobody listening.. people should not make fragmovies when there is no real audience out there anymore, sure you can do it for enjoyment and what is there to gain? if you are 100% doing it for the enjoyment, then you are not a real moviemaker since you are thinking about yourself instead of your audience
that would be correct if there would be nobody to comment when his movie came out, watch it etc, while there obviously would so I don't get what you're trying to say.
this site is dead, wake up.. you will be lucky to get triple figures
so you're saying he won't be happy unless he gets 50k viewers? :d I don't think so. he'd get +100 comments and that's all his generation of moviemakers needs. especially since when he was releasing movies everyone downloaded it.
i couldn't care less if vaggi is happy about it or not, this is a general comment here.. not one specific to a certain person

it is not worth the effort making a movie in the current state of ET, no matter how much you claim to be enjoying it... that doesn't mean you shouldn't make the movie still, do whatever you want (again you = general)
I agree then, let people do what they want.
Ignore them, make a movie! I'd be the only fan otherwise x)
Artstar is talking bullshit, just check the previous RtCW movies (the last one from crumbs for example) and you can see that people praise him for his hard work and the amazing outcome. If you release a movie where the audience (we) can see that you've put alot work into and really took the time for it, we will be gratefull. And I think thats one of the reasons for you to do it, I hope so atleast.
I don't think that Artstar is saying that making fragmovies is a waste of time, just that one shouldn't go about making them for the sole reason of getting attention for it like Kamz does but instead should do it because he wants to do it :)
Ah right, I misunderstood then. My bad.
I thought you meant it was useless to make a fragmovie. Which is pretty stupid of me, because you made a few x] My apologies.
love u really :$ <3
QuoteSo, I see you made it to the bottom of this post. Either you scrolled all the way through, or you read everything. If you did, then I am gratefully thanking you for taking your time to do so.

heheh busted
gl with project, i guess ur having sex with fat chicks.
No, my girlfriend's pretty slim to be honest.
finally a good news
well Poland Frag'Stealers frags are totally unused in FM...
yea and Poland naga 5 man luger kill vs. Latvia in NC playoffs
it was 5man smg x)
hmmm anyway nice material for FM
damn :P
but FS frags are still unused!
Nonix makes such great movies.

i idle there pretty much to find ag0n but there are some other moviemakers chatting there
i can upload u some of my lan frags :)
Did you get any? :D
beer frags aren't allowed :*
1 ping pong ball in 5 beer cups?
hei vagGi,,, first of all... how are you doing?? :) is there any possibility to get direct link to dl those Et allstars movies ...I would really like to see it again.. good old times :)))
Hey! I'm feeling good and you?

Well, just scroll up, I replied with 2 download links to another user's comment there!
ich will checkos movie sehen !!!!!
what kamz said
glad we agree on something for a change
Do 6 man landmine/nade kills and 6 man mg kills count?
ofc. not... it's the only way you can kill ppl ;)) j/k ;) ..heeeeei over wassup buddy? :)
just palying pubs these days. Might go through some demos of 2007-2008 to find some good stuff :)
Sounds like an good idea. ;)
gimme ip's of that pubs... bio is like always empty :S
got a few demos, can check them if u want :b
Sent some demos.
you know you can deploy that shit right? :s:s
good luck dude nice comeback!
im an allstar :)
yes you beast ! :$
Then show me what you got.

Goodluck, if you want to make it just do it, ignore everyone else
Thanks for the positive input!
PS: Nationscup frags are also welcome! It doesn't matter if the frags are from official, practice or international matches!
good to see you back vaggi, its been a while!

need some epic pistol frags? ;)
Sure, why not? ;)
vaggi, a piece of old ET
If you say so. :) And then again, I am not really THAT oldschool.
i know, but those guys are gone
Karrde thinks CF NC was "in the good old days" too :P
NAH! :D Good old days (for me) were FF times, sFx,and getting owned in 3on3 against croatians :) around 2007 :p
Good times for me were those when I fragged the wArning! guys (Winghaven eg.) on sw_goldrush_te...5 man kill or something. Pretty cool thing for a (back then) low+ guy. :D Too bad I lost the demo...the frag still exists in my first fragmovie though!
pic or never happened! D:
2004 ownagers would laugh at your 2007!
I started in 2005, thats why I name different teams, but had chance to play against Serious Intention on LAN and check how were things going earlier, they were an awsome opponent both on LAN and later online! (on a funcup)
gl with your project dude :) and thanks for uploading videos
I think you need some Xylos actions for your movies or that's nothing but shit ;)
Just get some stuff from him...for me? :p I don't really have any contact to him and he doesn't seem to be active anymore.
got plenty of 8-16man frags, if interested pm here

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