New way of aiming

Did u ever thinked about how u hold mouse and when u hold in defferent ways the aim is different? try it ull see =]
did you has ever thinked of laenring english?
I always wonder who you are when I see your name...
Did you ever learn to spell words correctly
why aim, try nexus
yeah, I have that too :] sometimes the middle of my hand is more on the back side of the mouse and sometimes the middle of my hand is exectly in the middle of the mouse and than I aim better because my laser is more on the front side of the mouse :p

yes I know that I suck in English :p
write lots of .txt, make some clips, put in some reg files and finaly spice it up with some trojans and you could call it "aiming by Sefer"
You are a
ì saw perfo aiming i was like uhm... why you hold your mouse that way :x but I agree it has influence on your aim:P
it depends on your sensitivity imo
jawul, my aim goes very twitchy if i hold my bigfinger a lil upper.
actually, it depends on my mood what kind of grip I do have on the mouse...

If I'm angry or stressed, I use to grab it with whole hand and press hard, but when I'm relaxed and feeling well, I hold it with 3 fingers and my aim can be really smooth then :O
Old way of aiming: Cheating...
i hardly touch my mouse sometimes.. just push it abit ^^
this is some lame post isn't i t? btw i can't speak english well...
it just was test-post! ...
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