fast's quitting

Click and read my quote

<3 Will miss you
Ah enfin !

osef btw
de toi? clair
non , tout le monde en a rien a foutre de toi =]

bref bb et 0s3f
Et si tu /quit toi aussi ? ca nous fera 1 salope de moins sur ce site
kikoo les francophones <o/
n1 webspell update screwed up ur site^^
ngr , u didnt take me in sledGeh sometime ago ;P
2 bad fast, cya soon though=)

ill miss ya..
Good luck fast, take care of yourself, you'll need it! <3

Gl in this hard times


<3 you, gl!
gl fast :)
ask mesqi for help to leave with a decent quote next time if u quit thx:)))

edit: didnt read som1 died gl mate!:<
don't need to do a big text
gl FAST !
bb mate
gl irl. A+ et pas adieu
accepte moi sur msn, faut que jte demande un truc! :D <3
julien au revoir
PWND,, i thougt the fastes quiting, so a 10 seconds clan :P
i feel sorry for u m8

but for christ sake learn english... :\
Quote I had a death in his family

n1 english

innige deelneming
bb man and I'm sorry for your lost :<
fast :(( BB
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