Jugde winghaven's movie!

Very nice frags. (I wanted more shoutcasting : [ )
fucking bad music as I expected.
This second song? omg its now used like 5 times issnt it? follow teh community!
Whats the opinion of you guys?
omg upload on ftp or something. so that we can see it????
awesome panzer cams
Nice syncing, weird music, too much cameras
Find me on irc if you really want it ... You will get link if I like you :p
hi attention whore... there are already like 2-3 journals about 1 stupid fragmovie :(
niet stom :'(
ik hoef geen attention over het internet en mak een journal waarneer ik wil.
Weet je zeker dat je uit Nederland komt?
look! iemand die inet fights zoekt praat gewoon normaal als je niks zinnigs te zegge hebt hoef je van mij ook niet te replyen of wel?
Om reeël te zijn ben jij de enige die hier over crossfire hartstikke veel heeft zitten bekvechten.
ja omdat sommige mensen het gewoon echt verdienen, normaal doe ik dat niet
So, Jij bent een E-Gangster die over xfire.be blaat? TBH: Degenen die z'n mond houden in zulke situaties vind ik E-Gangsters. Maar ok, Dat is mijn mening.
Ik zeg: soms doe ik het tegen mensen die het verdienen.
Normaal doe ik niet zo, kan je lezen of niet?
Ik zoek nooit ruzie alleen sommige mensen lokken het gewoon uit en heb geen zin om dan niks terug te zeggen wat ik de laatste tijd dus ook niet doe.
Al zeg je het tegen mensen die het verdienen is het nog maf. Dat is mijn punt. Kun JIJ niet lezen?
het was alleen niet duidelijk wat jouw punt was, en ik zie al dat jij naar een internet discussie opzoek bent dus ik zal wel gewoon niet meer reageren
Een discussie ben ik niet naar opzoek. Enigszinds wel naar een normale reactie van jou!


Im downloading. HOPE its the movie!

* Edit 25%
** Edit 50%
url ftp.ftp.ftp ?
stop spreading the ftp link you retard, that's what fucks swertcw up
No it's not.

It's spreading the link of the ftp which people upload the movie too before it's put on the actual ftp that fucked it up. But since they disabled downloading from that ftp months ago, it doesn't matter anymore.
i didn't mean this particular problem that they have today, but i know that they have or at least had some problems with spreading ftp links so that why i said that
Yeah but you're thinking about the wrong ftp, there's nothing wrong with posting that ftp link. :-)
oh :)
my apologize to the user i called a retart then=(
we should tell Mr. Bush that spain hides weapons of massdestruction. nice movie :)
Edit 7.5/10 (was good, but would be better with some interesting cut)
Content 9.2/10 (hard to make better frags in et lately)
Quality 8.3/10 (could be better but not bad)
Music 3.0/10 (not accaptable style, only at support frags)
Sync 6.5/10 (for a panzer movie it's not enough)
Cameras 9.7 (almost perfect, this saved the movie)
Overall: 7,36/10

-Vaggi:Dont compare with the 1st movie
-Tites:I would make but after 1,5 years im still making, Im sorry it takes time :(
and wing wanted a movie
yours was better, kthxbye
and yours movies no comment kthxbb
indeed ,ahahah
lol haha xD sagt der uberassi mit seinem uberhighskillmovie
why didn't you make the 2nd movie aswell?
really nice one
Excellent Movie. It contains a few nice edited parts. Well done!
really love it!
Edit: 8
Quality: 9
Music: 8
Frag: 8

Overall 8.5 imo
Really enjoyable movie...

editing 9/10 (nice cuts, i was pretty impressed)
music 7.5/10 (not bad but was looking for something better)
frags 9.5/10 (1 word.... impressing...)
quality 8.5/10 (it ain't revolutional, didnt tire my eyes)

overall: 9/10 ( definately worth watching... Good Job quaky)
finally something not-wasting my time, had fun, ty...
His movie is just incredible. Really - the frags- the music- everything!!
And stewie OMGZLOL , was shoutcasting like he was sucking cock and talking OMG just listen <3
alternate make better movie plx
Edit 9/10 (n1)
Quality 8/10 (could be better !!)
Music 8/10 (finally something "new" @fragmovies!)
Sync 7/10 (liked the end of teh movie)
Cameras ~9 (Like nice one!)

n1( faisst! was killed by razz's thompson ! )
mika's frags > wings frags with panzer, tbh.
well using a panzerfaust is harder then b4 (in mika's time), i havent seen the movie, but i guess it will have more newskool shit in it.

edit: loads of frags used in the first movie :X, was ok tho
true, the panzer was more powerfull than now :<
very nice<3
everything what quaky makes is good stop crying a river.
he can me anybody special in movies imo
i cant download it :XXX
didnt watch it yet... just downloading
Quaky you are still my favorite moviemaker :)

About the music.. I think it's not very common to have this kind of music in a fragmovie, but I think it worked out quite well! Excellent use of Camtrace and the movie quality is very good like your movies usualy are.. Combined with the great panzer / airstrike / visaversa frags from winghaven this is a great movie in my opinion.
hey sainted ;] long time no see ;]
n1 vaggi :x
well i say dont fix what aint broke and the last one was special.. and if its like most sequals it could spoil a good thing, however i will watch and i will rate. And Wing your still overrated cheers.

frags = 9/10
music = 5 (not my taste, but its your movie so its kinda irrelivant, also its not the sort i would choose for a pzrfst movie ).
editing = 8/10 (really really good i would give it 9 but quality wasnt perfect.)
config = 4/10 ( this was the only thing that really spoiled the movie for me by the end it was starting to piss me off, but i can see what you where going for).

Conclusion = 7/10

p.s. Nonix >

rly nice editing <3 quaky

frags = 9/10
music = 7/10
editing = 9,5/10
config = 9/10

conclusion = 8,5/10

ownage movie and i hope to see more from you quaky. prolly my new movie :p
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