fat tax

There should be a tax on fat people imo! They can cost a country a lot of money and cause problems like obesity and sicken people who have to look at them.

Therefore fat people should have to pay fat tax if they want to be fat.

case closed thx
and anarexia?
Oh, and also, someone "decorated" Canal Lane (street near my house)

image: anallane2

Pure genius.
There's a clinic called emo or something in jesmond, I always thought it would be amusing to paint an " 's suck " sign on the space to the right.
It's unfeasible to do such a thing. If you do it by weight vs height, which is simply a bmi, then people who bodybuild or even work out to some extent will have to pay extra tax - which they most likely already pay by consuming extra, tax ladened, calories.

If you do it by body fat percentage, then you have to factor in the fact that some people are naturally larger, and can be quite healthy at that weight. You also have the economic challenge of paying for all the tests, which would most likely cancel out an profit made from the fat tax itself.

In any case, it would all fall down the minute a fat person refused treatment on the grounds that they were being discriminated against because of their weight - You don't want me to be treated, so watch me die!

There's so much wrong with discriminating against people in this way that I'm not even sure where to start; it all starts with education, it's amazing how many myths there are about fat loss, and it's even more amazing that most of these myths aren't dispelled during the educational process.
How fair, all people who are fat can do something about it, yes.
They can, they just generally don't have the motivation or correct knowledge of how their body works.
There are also diseases which are not that easy to cure. Money issues etc. can make this even more difficult etc.
If calories in > calories out, then gain weight, else, lose weight. It's a simple law of thermodynamics that cannot be violated, and it means that it's possible for anyone to loose weight.
Ehm...., once people are so fat, there's also hormonal (correct word? dunno) distortions going on. You can eat as much diet pills/slimfast drinks or sport as much as you want but you will not loose weight.
sock is right - if you eat less calories then you burn off you make a calorie defasit, in these situations your body replaces the lost calories from its fat stores, their-for you lose weight.

all this "thinking their hungry" is phycological, just like drug addiction, it just requires will power to ingor it.
I've got nothing to do with science or whatever, but I know there are certain cases/diseases which make it (almost) impossible to loose weight.

Sheepshagger <3
their are conditions that make it harder yes

low matabalism, for example, but its never impossible, what i said about calories is still valid in every situation. its like if you dont breath you die! theirs no two ways about it

"I am going to help you! With the professional help I will provide you, you will loose 40 pounds and be hot again!" © Dr. Phil
nothing beats good old fashion will power :)
Hi Adolf
i heard ur fat :)
I stopped the heavy weights =o(, waisting away at boxing with endurance weights now!
Fatsos chould all die!! So we can walk through a door without having any probs ( not funny).
My BMI is like 2 more points than it should be, i'd rather get my degree than lose weight at the moment.
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