Boston Marathon explosion

Some happier news now: the Boston Paralympic Team was happy to announce 23 new members earlier today.
did they just announce that you're a part of their team now?
that makes a lot of sense
It does.
Your joke is is so misplaced it seems like you're braindamaged, therefor allowed to participate in the special olympics.
calm your vagina. it was funny
It's very possible the admin of the page changed their name for when the event happened. You're allowed to change Facebook pages under 200-300 likes (I know from experience)
u dont say :OOOOOOOOOOO
welcome to the new world
Having a blast
They say the last mile is a killer ;P
Wouldn't have expected more coming from you.
mad gone world
som arabs gone mad
Would be nice to drop our CF biceps crew to those terorrist shithead's house and let them play with that idiot ...
shit happens. RIP
Who the fuck hates / wants to bomb marathon runners? Sad world

Inb4 omg fuck you retard omg conspiracy omg lets kill all the arabs omg fuck Iran omg fuck north korea.
That's sad for both innocent american victims and thousands of people that will be killed in retalation.
I hope the cunt that was responsible for this gets executed by something painful and not lethal injection
You'll feel better after having inflicted pain to someone who inflicted pain to people? You should be ***nuked*** for such words. Do I win at outdoing you?
No you don't, sorry m8
Do you think favouring revenge to justice will lead to greater things? Has it proven to be effective? I'll leave that to your narrow-mindedness and your so little brain competence.
Well in many US states, justice for a crime as big as this is the death penalty, so what are you trying to say? You seem to be the narrow-minded one with "so little brain" if you won't allow others to voice opinions.
You got my point concerning death penalty in US states, indeed.
About your so-called "opinion", I don't call it opinion but slipshod judgment. If you only had taken a piece of your precious time (that you waste invest in lifting 6 times a week by the way) to actually think about that matter, you could actually call what you voice an opinion but the outcome would be way different - I hope.
Oh what a fantastic idea. If you can't beat them, join them.

55 people got killed in iraq because of some bombs today...

but the whole world is talking about boston...

And would you expect newspaper to be able to do more than transmitting a Reuters telegram concerning a country where such things happen every day and where the notion of "rule of law" is barely known?
Either you're misinformed, or you merely misunderstand. In Iraq, The Rule Of Law is in fact very well known. It is fully appreciated and very well understood. Indeed that is a significant part of the problem; those who undermine the core principles of the concept do so with a very deft level of understanding. It is deliberate, not ignorant.

However, I do find it a little ironic that you (perhaps rightly?) identify the hypocracy by comparing the respective levels of coverage of the bombings in other countries with that in the US. Yet you then go on to dissect an event in Iraq using a concept largely driven by consecutive US administrations. Not a dig at you per se, but I just found it curious and mildly humourous.

(Although I'm now standing by for the wiki-warriors to head off with their shit internet-trawled quotes and links, which completely ignore the subtlety involved in this concept...)

Regarding the perpetrators, I wonder if the date / anniversary is of any significance?
I agree with you: it is obvious that the rule of law is known in Iraq, I should have picked another verb with more precaution. What I meant to say - and it is blatant - is that the power of the Iraqi state is close to zero and it is not strong enough to ensure the respect of this rule of law (correct me if you feel I'm misinformed again) which lead to daily bomb attacks and other atrocities. I didn't mean to say Iraqi do not bear in them the balance between good and bad (is it really what you thought I meant or did I mistunderstand you?) and act accordingly.
And pardon me but which "concept largely driven by consecutive US administrations" do you think I'm using? I simply wanted to say that , regardless of the gravity of a fact, considering the frequency of that fact, it is absolutely normal to treat it differently and to give it the importance it requires when it occurs in a place/country/etc. where it does not occur on a high frequence. Any other reasoning is hypocritical.
47 and 132injured tho :<
Basically what RASHOMON said, but just to be more specific. It's easier for us Westerners to relate to what happened in Boston because that environment is much like ours. Shit like that doesn't happen as frequently in Europe Europe / United States of America the US as it does in Afghanistan/Iraq. I don't weep for either one of the dead in Boston or Iraq, I only wish that they catch the real perpetrator(s) and punish him/them for his/their actions.
yeah but before the US occupied iraq - there was no bombing - eveywhere the US have influence this shit happen - same afganistan same somalia same germany (RAF)
True, however you forgot something; The Al-Anfal Campaign was a genocidal campaign against the Kurdish people (and many others) in Iraqi Kurdistan led by the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein and headed by Ali Hassan al-Majid. The campaign takes its name from Surat al-Anfal in the Qur'an, which was used as a code name by the former Iraqi Ba'athist administration for a series of attacks against the peshmerga rebels and the mostly Kurdish civilian population of rural Northern Iraq, conducted between 1986 and 1989 culminating in 1988. This campaign also targeted Shabaks and Yazidis, Assyrians, Turkoman people and Mandeans and many villages belonging to these ethnic groups were also destroyed. Human Rights Watch estimates that between 50,000 and 100,000 people were killed. Some Kurdish sources put the number higher, estimating 182,000 Kurds were killed. Taken from wikipedia.
this journal full of moralfags
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