Life in London

Hello Crossfire,

recently I had it in my mind of moving to London. It is a long time dream to move away from Belgium and I have now decided that London will be my destination; even though I'm not quite sure yet.

How is everyday life there? Is it easy to hard a job for someone with no real qualification but who speaks three languages? How are the people? Are there much racists? How's the youth? Criminality? And is it usual to do co-living?
North, South, West, East London? What's the best choice and why?
I am going all by myself fyi
I am reading /r/London already but I want my favorite community's opinion after all :')

image: 457_3775995167532_1793780362_n
Torquay is the place to be
I don't get it; what's the joke?
u will never see the sun again
Not like there is much more in Belgium.
Getting a job in or around London is seeming impossible these days, I live 15 miles outside of London and here even regular generic jobs like in a shop or something easily gets 100 applications in a week just for 1 spot simply because of how easy it is to travel on public transport around here.

Saying how the people are would just be generalising, but the majority of British people are usually quite reserved and not so friendly compared to other countries.

Lots of crime in London, stabbings are pretty regular cause of all the gangs.

Honestly you're not going to be able to live comfortably in London unless you're earning a ridiculous amount of money a year, living 15 miles outside of London and a 1 bedroom apartment here costs £150,000+, pretty sure the same thing in the middle of London would be double that price.

I would advise you to stay away, I don't understand why people thinking England is so great, I'd prefer living anywhere else in Europe or North America than here.

Edit: If tl;dr I'll just make pros and cons:


Free healthcare (although pretty damn bad for general healthcare at a doctors clinic, emergency healthcare in hospitals is exceptional)
Public transport - no need to own a car here, you can get everywhere via train/bus
Things to do - lots of shit to do in London and other areas of the UK, good nightlife in some cities


Job market
Cost of living
90% of girls will give you eye cancer
Quote90% of girls will give you eye cancer

+1 for the cons
Quote 90% of girls will give you eye cancer

and ruin your pillow cases
QuoteLondon was lauded today as “one of the safest cities on the planet” after the murder rate fell to a 42-year low.

Crime in London isn't as bad as most people think.
Just depends on the parts, obviously if you're in some ghetto council estate after dark then theres significantly more chance of crime than in the middle of some high class place :D
Actually London is probably one of the safest capitals around. People, for some reason, think its the fucking bronx or something.

I would say I am happy to walk any part of London at any time of the day. I cannot say the same for other big cities like manchester (full of scum bags)
Allright, thanks for the heads up.
Even though people told me it's really easy to get a job there, I planned to fix something for sure before leaving :)
easy and job does not compute anymore nowadays
go to university first
I've lived there for a while during an internship 'twas a great place to be for a white guy like me
live with me bbz
ok bbz cu ther :) xoxoox; )))
goku u black u should move africa xdd
dat comment

how's u anyway dinevvv :D
fuck london it's a shit hole
It's really not, if you go to the right places it's one of the nicest places in the world.
+ Transport
+ Stuff to do
+ Opportunities
+ Boris
+ spot the white man no thanks
It's funny that what some people think are cons others see as pros.
Knightsbridge good and cheap place to live :XD
London is awesome, if you're coming over to have a look around in advance of moving or anything like that then let me know and I'm sure I could show you around a bit.

People in London are generally nice, although just like any city there are areas you probably wouldn't want to spend too much time, for example parts of north east and east London (not so much of an issue in central London).

If you have the money, I'd recommend south-west London as the place to live. It borders on Surrey, one of the nicest counties in the UK, and is generally nicer than other parts of London.

Haven't really ever seen much racism as London is a very multicultural place, although I guess that's also because I tend not to associate with idiots.

Youth won't be that much different in general apart from the fact drinking over here is more of a problem than elsewhere in Europe.

Living with other people is normal as it's too expensive otherwise. I myself will be moving further towards central London soon and will be living with a couple of friends I went to school with.

Can't say too much about jobs as have always applied for stuff in my own field, depends on what you want to do I guess!
Allright, thanks for the heads-up pal, I'll make sure to hit you up if I come over ;)
Was there twice in the last 3 months, going back over again next month. Its great for nightlife. That is about it. The money is shite, the people on the tubes are like robots. In saying that everyone seems friendly outside work mode, but if you are looking for somewhere to live comfortability and save money, I don't think London is the place. The girl I'm seeing earns £300 p/w and that's around average. Rent alone is £100 a week and that's usually minimum.
you'll find tempa T in London :sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

so, the answer is no
moving so you can suck Kamz's cock every single day?
= ?????????????????????????????? = ???????????? = ??????????
go away you drunk person
Exactly! :DD
Wish I could move anywhere in eroupe and like live there :( ,yet I know some Israeli mates of mine that moved to london(they have an european citizenship ) ,they love it so bad,what's wrong with Belgium anyways?
offi tonight 20;30 cet
Pour quelqu'un sans qualification supérieure comme toi, tu ne trouveras pas meilleur endroit que la Belgique pour vivre, en partant du principe que tu veuilles rester dans une nation similaire à notre plat pays.
L'herbe n'est pas plus verte ailleurs, loin de là. Les gens ont tendance à vite oublier le confort de vie de la Belgique.
Prends en compte ne fut-ce que la sécurité sociale. Pas besoin d'aller loin pour un petit exemple: nos amis et voisins Français sont bien moins lotis que nous à ce niveau là (sans parler de leur gouvernement corrompu et ayant à sa tête un rigolo de kermesse, mais c'est un autre débat. Coucou les rageux.).

Après c'est à toi de voir, mais prépare toi à te serrer la ceinture si t'expatries.
Quoterigolo de kermesse

inb4 rashomon la raclette
Why not USA instead?
That's too far away
What a retarded journal
I found it rather entertaining to read "decided that London will be my destination" and "How is everyday life there? Is it easy to hard a job for someone with no real qualification but who speaks three languages? How are the people?" in a single journal. It kind of reminds me of the "Tomorrow I'm going on holiday somewhere, but I have no idea what to do when I'm actually there" type of journals.
they just go with the flow

u can frop this u know
pesonal suggestion/question list

QuoteCrossfire will on occasion bust players off our evidence and accord

like personnal reasons ???
QuoteAn example of what senseless spam includes, but is not limited to:

- Off-topic pictures
- Reply-chains
- Thread-hijacking
- Smiley replies

the few things that make 90% of cf population point the browser to cf, cmon

QuoteQuote "Journal title: Bratwurst (GER)
Journal content: Ich liebe bratwurst."

easyness says it should be language first:
Quote "Journal title: (GER) Bratwurst
Journal content: Ich liebe bratwurst."
QuoteOther things which are not allowed on Crossfire include:

- Flaming of games which we support, if you do not want to read the news of a certain game, then filter it out
- Unjustified flaming of other users, which includes pictures and personal insults, will be punished severly

if i say i dont like 1 game, im not flaming, its just expressing MY opinion
second one its sad, it says we cant make jokes on eachother as part of e-social confraternization
What the hell are you talking about.
cf posting guidelines
I've been there on holidays, can't really tell how life is in a city or a country if you go there on vacation.
??? y lefin?
dont worry u fit in there well
dont go

london is full of gipsies that steal london natives jobs and erase their own culture bit by bit

stay in your own "country" (belgium shouldnt be considered one but ok)
hmm? that's not quite true. :D gipsies don't get jobs at all
ye they steal everything except jobs :P
I just came back from London :P
i moved to london when i was 3, it was a bad decision.

you are a wizard.
QuoteHow are the people? Are there much racists?

What a weird question!

/me acts surprised.
idd a simple basic tourist :)
I don't get it.
It was just a stupid joke about a nigger worried about racism. Or is it a white guy? i dunno anymore
If People sayin London is nice for nightlife yu know wat that meas, MALE PROSTITUTION IT IS BRAH
if its your dream rlly go ahead and do it no matter what , but u need to be 100% sure and i see you say you arent rlly that not good nigguh
the exchange rate for pounds its a bitch and they say it is also rlly expensive to live in london. I am not sure what you studied but it is rlly competitive up there so you should perhaps try and apply for jobs using the inet first before you actually move there , if you get a decent offer then you can make a budget and see if you would rlly be able to live well there. gl with it !
When I say I'm not sure it's because I don't know whether or not I will find a job, or even like it living there. And if I go there, I'll have to leave my girlfriend behind and that's the hardest thing, actually.
Don't even know why are u rushing things like that, Belgium as far as i know, economic side is quite stable and the payments re decent, as well as if u have a girl whom u love, dobut it would be worth breaking all that just for u to "test" new fields for living without even being sure u will like it or not.

Why not go together in future somewhere, as i assume she's still in college?
We talked this through and we're both kind of okay with this. And we do plan to stay together even if I happen to move to London; AND we plan to move together, someday, later :)
Why not just delay it for that amount of time, or is there an actual good reason behind all of this for u to move into complete new country without any connections there or any guarantee that u can actually keep it up thro months financial vise?
There's no real reason; I just want to do something different with my life. And money shouldn't be a problem.
Then i don't see a reason to rush it like that, rather go together with your loved one, get a secure job, find some decent apartment and figure out the costs of living, as big cities like London are completely different than some low populated city price-wise.
I want to live while I'm young, not when I'm in the thirties, but I do get your point :)
Live it with the one closest to your side, just cause you would settle down at your own country doesn't mean that you aren't living your life to the fullest, making things to rush like this for me at least isn't good idea, take your time to decide about future, you have whole life in front of you.
You are planning on moving to one of the largest cities in the world with no jobs lined up and zero qualifications and you think money wont be a problem?
Think this through
Was that meant to be a reply to yourself?
listen to torM. he knows his shit and he can type like really fast and stuff.
lol wtf , get over ur madness alrdy!
Life or Live hahaahha
ge kunt da nooit betalen.
't kost wat heb ik gehoord maar 'k heb wat geld opzij als het zou moeten
beter u geld nuttig gebruiken dan dit :D!
YES!!!!!!!!!!!! g5 BOOM!
Will never understand why ppl like London. Absolutely unsympathetic city. Cannot imagine living there.
I can understand some people not wanting to live in London, especially those who grew up in a small town or obscure village. Talked to some of these people and London itself is quite intimidating - even some Europeans Ive spoken to say the same sort of thing as it's the largest city in the EU, more then twice the populace of second spot, Berlin.

Don't get the unsympathetic bit though, I mean it is quite a generalisation - are you using the correct word?
I lived almost whole my life in Budapest (2 million ppl) now I live in a small town in south england (20k ppl) and I prefer bigger city. So this is not the reason, I just simply dont feel London attractive to me. I went there few times already and always felt Its not for me. Only reason to go there is Ministry of Sound :D
London sucks lol and u are such a noob!!!BE is a good country to live man :)
I lived in Bow for a month in east London. Was kewl. Liked central London and the people as well.

The typical Londoner for me was like the guy who approached me in South Kensington, I wasn't sure where to go so I picked up my map. Second later that guy was standing next to me saying; "Trouble finding your way mate?" Then he showed me directions to all museums I were heading to and gave me some tips on some good pubs and stuff. Twas nice.

Then again I might have been lucky.

Then again I think it's hard to make your opinion based on other biased opinions. Go there and see what you think for yourself. You'll end up hating, loving or not giving a shit about London.
Lived in london my entire life, best city in the world. So much to do its rediculous. However london is so much bigger thrn people think and the huge historical buildings and touristy feel soon dissapears as u move away from central london. Very expensive place to live and go out if u dont have a job. As for criminality, you are always at risk when you are out at night, english people enjoy drinking and fighting.
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