Bayern vs Barca

Anyone knows a live stream of the game? Can I get a good link plz

i know only finnish stream:/
or download hdplayer. --> click the little dot in the middle of screen --> install program -->uk --> itv1 (better quali)
EDiT: soz works only in finland :D
ye wont work in .de :D
US cant into football
I'm Hispanic lol
dont you have sportsnet channel on tv? if you do then its there
Roommate watchin teen mom lol
Need HQ WORKING link... site is dead for me
need link that works in germany pls...!<<
get money and buy a fuckin tv jeez these muricanz...
HD stream only for my country trololololo
nah u lazy bastard
ha gayyyy. the match comes from tv with hd quality
2-0 bayern, pwnd
I bet bayern wins 3-0
e:3-0 atm
e2: 4-0 :(
e: u were wrong
3:0 :-)))))))))))))))))))) Bayern <3 !!!!!!!!!!! , best TEAM ever :)
it's like when CHRY plays nowadays...
4-0 rapee
4:0 kkthxbb
hahahaha B4rcel0na

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Even Scotland Celtic knew that refs help isnt necessary if you play against Bartra
Mr. Flying Kebab must be very happy now
image: gw-1366747521394

Bayern deserved to win with 2-0 atleast. But the ref ruined the game for me (as an impartial spectator). One goal by Bayern was such a nasty foul by Müler and even the other one was debatable.

No reason to watch the second match I guess. They should really rethink using digital footage for referees.
as a Barca fan I must say that there should be also penalty for Bayern for Piques hand block, imho... But it was 3rd and 4th goal scored by ref against Barcelona(Nocerinos hand and Ibra offside).

But Bayern deserved win. Barcelona is shit this season playing w/o coach(Villanova is such a bad coach who thinks Alexis is better than D.Villa), w/o def(wtf I know better defenders in Poland league than Bartra). Messi plays bad after injury. 6th CL half final in a row and 13 pts more than Real in La Liga blurred all Barcas troubles :/(they won 2 of last 7 CL matches).
Yeah strictly speaking that was a penalty, but I find the hands ruling just retarded in general. In theory you should be running and jumping with your arms by your side and not flinch when a ball is going straight at your crotch. Doesn't make a lot of sense.

Barcelona had bad defense indeed, those 2 goals could have been prevented. But I still think that 2 out of the 4 goals wouldn't have been goals with a half decent referee. I mean, Bayern is physically stronger than Barcelona, but that doesn't mean Müller can just bodycheck the defenders into the audience.

Like every other international game I watch, the referees are horrible.
they should have got 2 penalties for barca's handplays. the fucktard alba should have been sent off with a red card for throwing the ball at robben's face. he should've been awarded the red card in the match vs psg for his retarded behaviour. so even in this match they were aided by ref'sbad decisions and still lost, the score should be at least 7:0 if penalties and cards were given as they should have :p not that i like bayern, it's actually just the opposite but barcelona is killing the joy of watching football
It's pretty obvious that you are somewhat biased. I don't know what people expect from defenders, they should either have godlike reflexes and eat their arm before the ball hits it or play sport professionally with their arms close to their body?

If you award a penalty to the first handplay, you are retarded. The second one was debatable, but only when judged from the slowmotion replay. Alba should have gotten yellow or red, true. But I also think that Müller deserved a dark red for that foul during the third goal. Bayern was the better team and was very hungry for victory, but they made so many fouls that went by unpunished. Like Schweinsteiger his tackle straight onto the guy his foot at full speed. That shit can end careers.

They should have won with 2 or 3 goals anyway, Ribbèry was just godlike.
You're talking about bias, yet you claim Müller should've received a deep red for that foul? They should've awarded a free kick and the goal should've been disallowed, but not much more.
Yeah, perhaps "deep red" is a bit drastic, but yellow would have been a minimum. It was on purpose and on a defender at full speed. He had no bussiness there and a foul like that can be pretty painful when the defender is at full speed and doesn't know someone is going to push him in the back like that.

If I'm biased then I'm biased against stuff like this. I do admit that I hate it when footballers try and take an advantage through "sneaky" or "smart" physical contact. It doesn't belong in the game and especially not when it's this obvious and harsh.

This foul was an exponential of those "sneaky" pushes you see all the time lately, forcing the opponent to either fall down or lose the ball. In the same ballpark as hitting the opponents foot so he can't control the ball anymore. Ruling should be stricter on these and defo when its this blatent and rough and even led to a goal.

I guess some people don't mind it, but I think it waters down the skill aspect of the game and is very disrespectful play. You are welcome to disagree.
You're talking about bias, yet you claim Müller should've received a deep red for that foul? They should've awarded a free kick and the goal should've been disallowed, but not much more.
except for the gk, using one's hand in the penalty area is foulplay and that means a penalty. if someone's retarded, it's you for not acknowledging it. finding excuses for defenders for using their hands- i mean what? it's not like their hands were sticking to their bodies yesterday, the defenders shouldn't make a move towards the ball with their hands flying around the area. if they do, no problem, but if they touch it, it's a penalty
"using one's hand", ok....

I'm not going to argue, I agree that technically and if rules were enforced strictly, one of those was a penalty because his arms werent near his body. But I still think that, when played at full speed, he had no chance to draw his arm away when Dante (I think it was?) headbutts the ball at full speed at his arm while he isn't looking.

So yes strictly speaking the second one was a penalty, but I still think it's silly to actually call something like that.
i had to work and my dad was live watching in munich ;(((

but i got work off i can watch dortmund real ;) hopefully it will be as good as this semi!
first team going to defend the title next year 8 : ]
i will leave this here:

image: 2
FranceRibery beast carried
i bet bayern will win with 3+ and real madrid - dortmund goal goal 3+ :p what do you think?D maybe i will win 900 euros:D
Comeback at noucamp???
Dobut it, Messi was completely useless, most of ppl will say that it was due to his injury but the fact is, Bayern prepared themselfs really perfectly and shut him down completely, also on other side, they aint AC Milan.
4:0 more than deserved. Could have been even higher!!!

2 penalties not given and a red card. robben could have scored in the 2nd minute. müller was also alone in front of valdez in the second half. Not to forget the other 1-2 bigger chances, where ribery just missed the goal with a few centimeteres etc. But whatever....

Barca without 1 good chance

3rd goal wasnt right. foul by müller. i agree. 2nd goal was close. no idea if it was offside...

16-4 shoots on target np

BB barca. bayern for CL-winner !!! :)
Bartra got awesome chance and Alexis 5 minutes before. Only one penalty for Bayern for Piques hand, second was too lotto and probably after faul by Dante...
what red card? for those ragequit by Alba?
Let me correct that for u:

Quoterobben could have scored in the 2nd minute

Robben could have passed the ball if his ego wasn't over 9000 and they would score easy goal.
this barca:(
barça did a terrible match, I think bayern deserves the win
Wow, that was brilliant and subtle...
6-0 on the second leg NP
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