fucking crossfire

what the fuck have you jews done to this site? every request takes good 5-15 seconds or throws 502.

how is this even possible when you get like 20 requests a day these days? what the fuck.

this really ruins my nostalgia moments every 3 weeks and frankly im not pleased with this shit.

Supreme Commander of Keskus Rikos Police
B-but we must update le site to newer version. O-old and w-working is b-b-bad.
Lets play some shit.
man wth u talking about crossfire has supreme coders who can code a website properly

I'd like so see some statistics about the activity on this site now and with the previous design.
id like to see so-called super coders team, coding a working website
image: 54a60_fuck-all-gif
hmm I just noticed you were probably sarcastic in your first post
as I have told several guys in the past, don't talk about stuff you do not know anything about.
i know everything what was going on, umad?
Be sure to NOT add your work on Crossfire in your portfolio.
Why not? I have made some great improvements to the handling of the database and removed a few bottlenecks, I haven't written the original codebase so I wouldn't put that part on my portfolio ;)

Btw, thanks for letting me know you are still butthurt coz I flamed you a while back.
I thought you were one of the main people who worked on the coding part? At least you are the only person who keeps defending negative opinions about how the website functions.

Btw, I don't keep a grunch at people.
Get better internet, lol.
wb kommander
It's been bullshit since 4.0 update
Don't blame it on us.
lol addict cant live without his drugs :d xd :D!
good old ensam8
bring back old cf
me blocking an upcoming chain
Why did you do that for?
You're barely here anyway
should i come more often?
completely agree!
i visit maybe once a week to get my dose of internet trash, but its just no fun like this.
most of the new updated stuff sux. Where is the last visited section in the profile? Why is it so slow now? Why does it look like facebook or someother social bullshit site? Where are the location flags in profile? replying fast is impossible etc etc
Currently both the code and the database are bottlenecking, the mere size of the db is a serious problem.

Tala made some serious mistakes when designing the database, I can't undo this overnight and I will need quite a bit of time to optimize the other parts of the code. This then raises the question if it is still all worth it.

Then to answer why the profile hits ( originally before I put them back ) and the last views were removed. This was a decision made either by Krosan or Tosspot to stop the profile link whoring and I do not currently see a reason why it is important to know who visited your profile. So I am not going to put those back at this point in time.
If it was so shit why did you launch it -.-
I didn't make that decision, I wasn't even online when they did.
stop talking shit. every webpage should be up to date according to new standards. However the page isnt the faster i haave seen but still i see here a really HUGE work as I am webdeveloper also. You have a lot of possibilities and different functions like albums, movies, you can contribute a lot etc. And most of you(bunch of idiots?) are only writing some shits journals and commets. If you are so smart then join the cf team and try to help cf coders with optimization.
finnaly some smart person here (:
cf is about writing stupid journals and comments, thats what keeps me comming back to this site!
There is no way crossfire's performance is acceptable. Loading a news item with ~300 comments takes more than 10 seconds.
everything needs effort. crossfire is HUGE webpage according to the state of et community. it is slow yeah, but i wouldnt blame admins and developers. they did a great job, however it is not profitable now to work on crossfire cause it represents dead community atm. and noone makes step backwards. new cf surely took a lot w of work so no developer will want to waste this time and launch a old cf.
it's understandable that no-one wants to touch it anymore, what I don't understand is that they forced the new version and left in this state when the old one was fine.
its normal that tthey launch a new version cause every site wants to develop, cf 4.0 was propably in development for quite a long time(work on it could start when et shape was still good) and they just launch new version of cf even if it was known that it is gonna die but they put a really lot of effort so they released it. however new versions have to be usually upgraded and improved. I had a access to cf bug list on cf google drive. None bugs were fixed during a 2month time ive been looking on it.
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