weird request

I´m looking for images of a small old bridge crossing an old street. I have found tons of images of bridges crossing streets, but none of them in the vintage style (think of old french / italian villages) I'm looking for. Halp!

Thanks in advance!
Wow :O These are absolutely great, EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thank you very much.
np mate. It is called "Podul Minciuniilor" - The Bridge of Lies . And its located in Sibiu - Romania
"ponte venezia" or "ponticello venezia"
nice one :) but i think he was searching a bridge over some street
You have this thing in Paris, near the 36 Vaugirard street. You can look at it on Street View, you need to go on the left and then there is a street going to down on the left. Place the view here and you should find what you are looking for.
Thanks a ton!
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