Help plz

Hey there. I just bought a new laptop -> hp dv6-3054ez. today i was installing RtCW and i when i runned my binds i realized this fucking keyboard is terrible cause its the opposite of every other keyboards. if u want to have f5 for example u have to press shit f5 otherwise it will be just the "play button". any one knows how to fix this? thks

image: pl154130-laptop_keyboard_replacement_for_hp_pavilion_dv6_3000_black_frame_black_fr_lx6_nsk_hr0uq_0f_9z_n4cuq_00f_notebook_keyboard
press the FN button somewhere. Or Fmode. Probably rightuppercorner
hey osiris!
image: whatever
sure follow me
image: f36f1c0181939ab1c744b2c
CTRL button ain't at the completely left too

CTRL button ain't at the completely left too

y u no qwerty
i am qwerty... the keyboard above was the first one showed on google maps and it was to explain what i meant with the f*... ffs
aconteceu com o hp do meu irmao
vai à BIOS e altera a opçao da tecla FN

what the fuck is that
French Keyboard. Didn't know Portuguese used this one as well.
It is possible : You need to check in the bios menu when you start your pc, check if the keyboard is listed and in some cases there is the option to swap the functions (example from fnf5 to just f5 directly) , I think most laptops have this option as mine (HP aswell) , if you don´t have the option in the bios menu you will need to go to hp website and find a driver that has this, is somewhere in the forums that same question you did, 3rd option in case none of that works is to download software that re-programs your keyboard keys, but I havent tested this since winxp..
thanks a lot!
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