
Yo cf,

So today is Queensday in Holland! Most of the dutchies got a day off and are gonna party hard of course.
What are you up to today? and what are the other dutchies doing?

I'm going to Queensday - Hardfest on the campus of the University of Twente!
image: 72536_418126438264302_1003165841_n

Enjoy your day!
Wow nice great you're going out :D thanks for telling us :DD enjoy your party maan :DDD
Your welcome to join us <3
Queen steppin' down?!
Yes finally! :)
7,5 euro for those names :o
have fun ;)
*kingsday :)
United Kingdom Queens' day!
Testi and hybrAtek gonna nerd tonight I think
so willem-alexander got crowned on queen´s day?
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