Real - Dortmund

cya madrid.

ronaldo best player in the world, oh wait nvm.

obviously pepe teached ramos how to be a faggot.

Dortmund too good. Amazing team.

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Ramos is playing like this for the last two years, just utter dickhead...
only when Real looses :P
France Benzema would have scored like 4 goals if he was there in the beginning... Higuain is shit.
:DD, les 2 sont a chier
il commence a etre bien bon le benzema

il me rappel trezeguet a la juventus
He played a beast of a game
omg you dare to post stuff from 9gag?

sorry man it's my first time honest!
lelelele 9 gag le army
real lacks of someone like raul, he always scored when needed, not like higuain/benzema
anyway was quite good game from real, to bad those first 4 changes they had at the start were given to the wrong guys, also bvd goalkeeper probably made one of his best games ever ^^
goalkeeper was utter dick, delaying and holding the ball since first minute.
true, but he also made some really good saves there. w/o him the score probably would have been more than just 2:0
It's not about goalkeeper, it's about Mourinho being dumb and letting Higuaín start the game instead of Benzema, who would probably score that chance Higuaín had.
And that's a problem how? Real always delays the game and now someone does it to them, and they all complained to the ref. They need to learn how to lose with dignity.
you cannot possibly say that Real never do that to other teams
Sorry pal, rAUL plays for plixplax / now. Better teams.
lol, Lewy is invisible in away matches...
vs. City fail in last minute when had great occasion
vs. Real invisible
vs. Ajax 2 goals but they r lows :D
vs. Shakhtar lucky gol after fail
vs. Malaga invisible
vs. Real failed great occasions and became invisible after 65 mins
he is king of Dortmund but have some problems in away matches. Or maybe Mou saw Poland vs. San Marino or Poland vs. Estonia or Moldova or Ireland and discovered how defense should play to stop Lewandowski :)
pepe were just shit in the away game + there were 0 fouls made against lewa in that game XD
today ramos showed how it should be played against him, to bad he wasnt in the mid at dortmund, real might have been in the final then instead...
I must agree, Lewy has serious problems when he got someone ~30 cm behind him during whole match... He cannot dribble defender and score when he is aggressively attacked.
Ramos just showed how Pepe should have played at first game and obviously this Lewy guy couldn't do nothing today.
well he could... got 1 awesome occasion and 3 other good so he should score at least one goal. But yes, Ramos played 10 times better than Pepe against Lewy.
ramos should've been sent off multiple times
he attecked with elbow a few times what wasnt necessary but I was talking not about it :P. I was talking about situations when he didnt allow to move with ball or shoot.
in the end he got away with it plus lewy didn't score. obviously, he did a good job. doesn't matter, borussia is in the final so it's ok for is unbelievable, really.... :)
i remember, before the group stage mathces lewy said something like 'i hope pepe wont be unfair'. seems like pepe heard him.. he didn't touch lewy at all ^^
he wasn't invisible. He just missed a lot of chances. He should have scored atleast one goal. I think he still played a pretty decent match, nothing like the match in dortmund but not that bad. Besides ramos was a total jerk and hit him like 3-4 times. Should have been a red card.

But I'm impressed by dortmund's defence. The defenders did really well keeping the real players away till the last minutes.
Dude, this is football not some pussy faggot game, get real, every defender, including Pepe should've played the same way that Ramos played today.
Yeah you need to play aggressive, I agree, but you shouldn't be a total jerk.
Again, he wasn't a jerk, that's how proper defender should play, maybe if u would play football on proper level u would feel it urself as well.
Oh you surely know how it feels to play football on a proper level.
Ignore my comment I made to you above, Im so sorry. I had no idea you were braindamaged.
he is using facts and the only fact he knows is that Real is the best!!!!11!!1!!!!!!1!!!
oh mate, how can u be against thsi guys favorite player of all time, hes gonna flame anything u say aginst lewa anyway
Cus he's butthurt when Ramos showed how to play properly in defense.
yep, he was butthurt last week, when i told him lewa isnt anywhere close to "the best" forwards in the world
We just got different opinions, that's it. I can't believe that you actually agree with a retard like this aniky guy.
the thing is, u say aniky is a retard, thats an opinion, lewa being one the best 5 strikers in the world, is just wrong, and thats a fact

but what do i expect from a polish guy, saying something about a polish player, every 30 years they got some decent players, and suddenly they are the best in their positions
As far as I remember you said that he wasn't in top 10 best striker while I think he is. He isn't far from top 5.

I'm actually danish for your information, try again.
ok wrong on the nationality, btu my points is still true, lewa as a matter of fact isnt top 5, neither top ten
"retard" still being butthurt or what dumb idiot cus someone showed u how football should be played properly?
and first 15 mins :)

yep, Ramos is fuckin retard but in EPL or La Liga there are a lot of such assholes so he should learn how to deal with them(i know he got yellow card so he couldnt fight with him) ;D. As I said he failed great occasions and became invisible/useless around 65 min.
But he still has much to improve to become top player for years
yep the defence was pretty unstable the first 15 minutes, I was really nervous that they would fail. Luckily they stepped up and played well.

And yes hopefully lewandowski will improve a bit, he's still young but he's a great striker already.
Dude learn what football is, maybe try to play it once or twice, then talk about it, mkay?
what are you talkin about? I said that Lewy has a lot of strength so he should be able to deal with Ramos(or should learn how to deal if he want to play in better league) who played on the border(and passed it a few times) of faul.
Fact is, u have no right to call him retard, when he only showed how every single defender should play on top level.
yyou should learn football, u make noe sense
Then try to learn english, maybe it will make difference afterwards.
Ironic u calling someone faggot, when that player shows how to actually play properly in defense, this isn't some ballet or i don't know what kind of pussy game, he showed him how Pepe should have handled him in the first game and he wouldn't get near those 4 goals.

Sadly and lucky for Dortmund, Real had 3 amazing chances which none of the players managed to score, probably the best one was from Özil who had clear way of scoring but he was just utter shit.
Yeah hitting lewandowski in the head 3-4 times surely make him a good defender. He was a total jerk tonight, nothing more. I used to respect him but he obviously spent way to much time with pepe.
The only way to play games like that, as i said, this isn't some pussy game, play as a man or be as one of those Barca faggots.
It doesn't change the fact that if Pepe would've played the same on first game, Dortmund wouldn't get nowhere near those 4 goals.
? I was referring to "play as a man or be as one of those barca faggots or Ronaldo

if Ronaldo would have been elbowed like Lewandowski did, he would probably still be on the ground at this very moment
Like that Dortmund guy, who was barely touched and caused all drama just to waste time, lets not go into there.
"barely touched" + "caused drama" oh please, you are so biased its not funny
Go check replay from around 86th minute, check the exact touch defender did on him, then reply to me, otherwise don't waste posting here.
so you're telling me 1 action in 86 minutes, that definitely proves your point, NOT, Ramos gave at least 3 elbows in Lewandowski's face, but thats OK because he was simply doing his job (lol) your love for real is blinding you

and let's be real here, (no pun intended) every team takes 3x the time that they are allowed when they are winning and just want to waste time. if you never realised that then you never watched football
You can give up, this guy is either trolling or, as you said, completely biased and doesnt even know what it means.
Well this isn't rugby, this is football. Ironically you mention barca players but not players like di maria, ronaldo or even pepe when it comes to diving. You should play the game as a man but you still need to have respect for the opponent and play fair.
There's ref to make it fair play, Ramos was just doing his job, sadly cant say same about Pepe on first game, if he would play his usual style as he does normally, Lewy wouldn't get near Real's goal. And i mentioned Barca because they are far most diving team when it comes to faking it.
And obviously Webb didn't do his job properly. Ramos should have had a red card.
For what exactly? There was a hand by one of the defenders of Dortmund and ref didn't show anything at all..
webb never do his job properly...
yep playing as a man w/o ball and crying like little girl after every faul its a Real style!
U're confusing Real with Barca.
he just played all the time at the last line of geting card, which he eventually got, but it was worth it becouse he neutralized lewa totally
with that game he showed how good he really is and he should get more respect for that, not lose it...
also he scored a goal aswell ^^
He didn't get the red card afaik. I always liked him and thought he was a great defender but today he was just being a jerk. He might have played well but you still need to respect the opponent. He clearly tried to hurt lewandowski a few times and that's not acceptable in a game like football.
or type "Ramos fauls" on youtube :D only Pepe and Gary Mendel got more brutal "faul movies" than him ^^
Then u obviously never seen Gattuso and Materazzi play.
I was talking about active players(ye I know that Gattuso still having fun in Switzerland)
i tell you who defends proberly, Dante and Hummels! Ramos should go to play Rugby.

and if every team would have scored every chance they had in summary of these two matches, it would have been: 8:4 for dortmund. so stop whining, the better team advanced to the final, let's be objective!
"Better team"

ahahah :D

Being lucky once doesn't make u better team, lets be realistic.
"lucky": that´s why dortmund created 8 100% chances.

"lets be realistic": i assume you are mad and lost the view for being realistic.

still, i am going to support madrid next season again. calm down now =)
well Borussia was a better team in all matches against Real and had a little bit better season than Real. Real got only good time between January and April in this season.
are you some kind of giantic real fan or something? seems like you can't accept that dortmund just owned real and deserved to be in the final.
lol, after reading all his posts, I wanted to write the same thing :D He said "There's ref to make it fair play" but I'm sure that he was crying and flaming ref after every Gran Derbi when Real get red cards for brutal fauls :D
Have nothing to do with me being Real fan, just stating facts.
You seriously are retarded. Dortmund also beat Madrid in the group stages in their home game and tied their game in Madrid, overall they simply performed more stable and better in 4 games.

holy fuck... dude did you even watch the game lel

Dortmund had some proper chances and Ramos should have seen a Yellow/Red for doing that shit from the first minute on. Aggressive defending is fine, but getting away with that shit over 90 minutes c'mon.
Ofc i watched the game rofl, otherwise i wouldn't be commenting here, and yes, they were lucky, if one of those 3 chances would been goal, the game would go completely other way.
benzema joined too late
ramos play well
ronaldo lagging

too bad
one of the worst Ronaldo matches Ive ever seen. But its not the first important match he failed... Scoring a goal and playing in final would give him Real chance for Balon d'Or(or beeing higher than Messi in this classification) but he failed.
He is still better than the small barca guy
yep, Alexis Sanchez is shitty ;)
Özil was horrible
Finnish ice hockey team sucks ass this year!
Yup... but football sucks year after year go on ice there u see how real men play! :)
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