Stealing Focus

I'm having this annoying problem. Every minute or so, whatever program I have open gets unfocused for some reason, and I have to click inside its screen to reactivate it. For example when I was typing this, my browser window suddenly lost focus for some reason and I was typing in the void, and had to click on the browser window again.

The same thing happens during ET. I'm playing for a while and all a sudden I get the windows mouse pointer, and I'm no longer controlling ET (unfocus just happened again). I have to click to get back to ET and continue playing. Needless to say that this is frustrating.

I don't know what causes this, but I do know that it's frustrating the crap out of me. I think it may be Windows' automatic update feature. Last time after I updated Windows through the automatic update thingy the problem seemed to have gone, but today it's back.

I've never had this happen before, and I'm not running any program in the background that I hadn't running before when this problem didn't happen yet.

Any clues ?

Update: My windows clock in the bottom right corner just disappeared ...
Update: It's back ..
Maybe install the automatic updates again?
Most probably is a pop-up of some sort...
Update Windows with whatever might need updating and see if it still happens.
just shut down everything? I have every process killed when I play except for vent and ET.
explorer too?
not sure but I think hkrep has linux... so no explorer for him!
explorer too ofc, what do I need with that? I just restart it when im done
dont know i am addicted to minimize my et every 2 minutes...

do you get a lot of more fps with that?
no idea, since ive been doing it for ages, its another 22mb of ram free!
wow thats HUGE!!! =D
with 2gb of ram, who would notice the difference? :p
Your mouse might be getting broken. At least my mouse does that stuff before it's gonna break.
Can't be, had it for just a week ..
JE RAZER !! ik heb ook een razer copperhead, alleen speel ik nog niet mee :< want hij doet het niet goed om mijn icemat, hij gaat helemaal flippen als ik snelle bewegingen wil doen, dus ik denk eraan om een razer exactmat te kopen. Zal ik dat doen, TaLa ??
Ja doet dat insiepinsie ! Alhoewel, ik vind em wel wat klein, dus als je lowsens speelt zoek je best een groter model (Mantis bv)
ö? ie ie niet even groot als een icemat dan ?
Jawel, maar icemat vind ik ook te klein :o)
ooo, maar tala, dan is ie precies goed voor mij, alhoewel, op de icemat heb je waarschijnlijk meer "glide" dus hoef je minder te bewegen, aaaargh, WAT MOET IK DOEN ?!

BTW: hij moet niet te groot zijn, zoveel ruimte heb ik niet.
Mja maar het is natuurlijk ook een nieuwe muis waar je mee gaat spelen, dus dan maakt het niet uit of je icemat of exactmat gebruikt want wennen wordt het toch :o)
exactmat is gewoon goed,, leon heeft hem ook en het speelt pittig netjes
met zijn leuke bot die hij gekocht heeft ja :p
Blame fusen!
I called you names irl
Thanks, turns out that the 'Prevent windows from stealing focus' checkbox in Tweak UI was unchecked .. not sure how that happened, hopefully this will fix it :)
np :]

gl with it

loeki da spaybelaar
Maybe it's my clock automatically syncing with an internet clock?
don't think so...

must be some lame program running on the background causing the problem... maybe some kind of virus or spyware... try running a virus scan or spyware scan
yea I'll do that
U sure it isn't caused by spyware?

Run Ad-aware once in a while...
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