LoL players from ET

Met randomly Sweden Wizzel today at my LoL game, previously have met players like rapt6rr and some others from ET, how many of u guys actually play LoL?

Whats ur nick / server, what league etc etc
There has been a topic already, made by Kenzi, but i guess since lack of motivation for maintaining it, it isn't sticky anymore. Just search at forums sections im sure u will find it , with all the names for LoL and rest of games.
Why would i when i can make a fresh journal instead, im pretty sure there is shitloads new players who've moved on after that forum sticky went gone
Well here's the topic, and i assume u wont get the same amount of replies as u would in that sticky topic anyway.
i know that post, thats not what im looking for.
playing with couple of random polaks on eune, all around platinum/low diamonds leagues :3
silver :<
<- me

Did first 10 ranked games last week and ended up @ Bronze I
I am still a extremely newb though
When have u started to play it? :p
I have a account since the Beta. Played few games in the beggining, after 1 year some more games... but always gave up because it wasn't funny at all and i had no time for another game.

Recently, at xmas break (and after listening to my real life friends playing it for 1.5years, everyday, at skype), i decided to give another chance. Started with arams till end of february, it was fun n shit but IP/XP won was way too low and took me ages to level up. Since March till now i leveled from 12 to 30 and started ranked games (only 10, haven't played ranked ever since)
Do u like the game in general ? If u need some tips i could help u out.
Yes, it's genius! The way they handle the players / the system (match making etc) is awesome....

Also the game is not that easy and requires some brain, but i find it funny. Used to play adc bot only, but since i play with 4 rl-friends most of the time, i started playing support and i kinda like it (support with some dmg, otherwise is kinda boring... )
Why would anyone play this 0skill cartoony nickelodeon game?
rychu peja SLU / euw
Go play Hon fuckers.
Why would someone do that.
dxtr euw
e: bronz I iguess

sure, whats ur nick
ektomorf17, euw, plat 5 atm :( cant win ranked fo shit last 2-3 weeks :(
went from promor for plat 3 to 60p plat 5 :/
i'm good as fuck, cas6k
pretty much our whole team moved to lol. We're all euwest and around silver(well since i suck I'm bronze but the rest are silver). Some of us even streams from time to time, getting ready for the pro scene.
North America - jattDaBoi
Currently clanless
pm saken
IDontRespectYou EUW
tomobro euw
Dota 2 is the only good game.
Dominick decocco euw
MocroManiac EUW

Silver V :ss
bsturz moved to LoL
myth6s, ercain, imgifty, enigma and slyzzzzzzz on eu west
I played it a little
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