Muslims in the UK??

I am not sure if you can view the video tell me if you can or cant.

Obviously its a minority but makes me sick to my stomach that people like this can preach this sort of shit and then still claim benefits. hang them
The way a lot of people (mainly men) interpret the qu'ran is devastating and sad, if you look into countrys within the arabian world, familys believe, whatever the head of the family tells them to believe, but the farer people live away from big modern citys within islamic states the more extreme they become. If you walk in Kairo you will hardly find any Women in bourkhas at all while you see smth like this within the UK. But it's not only this religion which is misinterpret many many times, there are others, for example one religion which takes place right in the middle of the Arabian world, the Judaism, which splits Israel into 2 different kinds of believing jews: the ones who think it's their mission to settle down everywhere without really taking notice of all of the other things Abraham, Isaak and Jakob are told to have said and the rest who do take notice and care about them, who usually respect the Arabs and live in peace with them. But the government is full of people from the first kind I mentioned. And then there is the Catholicism which was especially fucked up during the middle age, no matter what kind of interpretation of it and some weird ones still remain. Basically the whole church is a nostalgic and pope/cardinal-said bullshit, for example: It originally was not forbidden for priests to marry. And all of these sects...
I agree.
One thing, please when using the plural form of a word ending with an "y", use "ie" instead of "y". For example "Cities" not "Citys". Not trying to burn you or troll you or whatever, just annoying as fuck to read :)
Quotehang them

and now you're falling into the same category as them. :)

What they're doing is pretty stupid, doing shit like that doesn't really resolve stuff rather than make things worse.
But everyone does the same shit, its a circle and nothing gets resolved.
Like today the guy that got 'beheaded' in Woolwich London, people, even the Prime Minister? Has called them terrorists, just because they were chanting some random Islamic words. While a white Christian kills 70 people, and they label him as 'mentally ill'.

So a mass eruption of racism has come upon Islam and Muslims in the UK from today, but is that going to solve anything? Nope, It's going to make some random Muslim who takes things a bit seriously to go kill someone else, and behold the cycle continues

Captain Koop signing out
Deuces \/
So the British police arrested the guys wife because she hold info on things, and the whole community is protesting telling them to burn in hell and all this bullshit.

i would flip and end the protest if that happened in my city... call me racist of what have you, but thats a load of shit.
I'm not disagreeing with you, I know the protest is stupid
oh I gotta agree with you about "Has called them terrorists, just because they were chanting some random Islamic words. While a white Christian kills 70 people, and they label him as 'mentally ill'."

earlier months a go, one of the neo nazis men started firing un-blindly at a sikh temple and killed many innocent people, and he was later considered to be mentally ill.. also the dark knight rises movie shooting, the person was also considered to be mentally ill.. i gotta damn agree with you koop
so let them convert the world to an absolete religion spreading hate for everyone whos different from them

with that disrespectfull attitude, to say the least, i say
kill them, with fire, without mercy

otherwise they will marry our women and have our children, conquering the world not by force but by expansion
lol, that's awesome :D
if you consider that awesome then you must be living in a world different from the one in the video and reality
This reply is just as idiotic as everyone saying "send them back to their country". It makes no sense. You're acting like every single Muslim in the world is the same.
If they want to chant and rant about shit, let them. Telling them you're going to kill them with fire etc isn't going to solve shit, its only going to make things worse.

I can assure you whatever your race/colour/religion/beliefs there will be the same people who are equally as fucked up.
QuoteI can assure you whatever your race/colour/religion/beliefs there will be the same people who are equally as fucked up.

That is unless your religion and beliefs are completely non-violent. In that case it's by definition impossible to be "equally fucked up" compared to a meat cleaver murderer.
Islam beliefs are non-violent.
I'm saying regardless of belief you will get people who interpret it the wrong way and oppose it by 'accident'
By completely non-violent I mean what I said, absolutely prohibiting all violence in every fucking single situation - someone who follows such a belief can not murder without dropping the belief first. Right?
I'm almost certain that Islam is not completely non-violent.
Islam is non-violent. Just because these retards end up on the news for killings etc people think its the religion itself, It's actually the person being fucked up in the head and carrying out the act of whatever he did.

If Islam is not completely non-violent, then its the same for every other religion

And yes they kind of drop the belief infront of them before carrying out the act, but alot of the time their view on this belief is wrong and they are in the wrong, yet no body sees that and blames the religion.
lol, i cba to debate this
Since my side of the debate was nothing but logically valid tautologies (someone who is not violent is necessarily not violent - duhh) and a careful observation that a religion founded by a military leader is probably not non-violent, I think that's a wise choise.
that would be pretty much nobody then, 1% of the populace at best would be non violent in every situation.

Pretty much all religions are non violent yet there are plenty of violent people who are religious - anyone who casts all people into the same group based on that are stupid and at the same time cast into a similar group themselves.
Quoteas idiotic as everyone saying "send them back to their country"

not idiotic at all

if they can chant and rant, then i also can shant and rant YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE because of what you want to impose on my homeplace and your distorted views of differences among peopleGO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY

sidenote: for future reference, if you want to debate things at an intelectual level you have to remember 2 things
1-this is the internet
2-this is the internet
I don't know why, but I seem to like this Koop guy...
fucking disgusting if you ask me, shipped off back 2 they're own country.. how very dare they do that 2 someone who fights for our country! sickoooos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
religion. simple as that
sory fro me engrilsh i no speak im play to ET i drank vodka eryday me name are robaciek )))))
me religion is be dumb
"fighting for our country" and "hero" are the 2 most overused words you see. Stupid.

Explain this one then

And I'm sure there are hundreds of cases like that, a lot of racist British soldiers, stealing and murdering innocent people (lol war) but what are you gonna do... 2 Londoners get a screw or two loose in the head, convert to a new religion and murder someone.

"shipped off back 2 they're own country" - :DDDdd, and where would they get shipped to? Down the road? Britain has been a multicultural and multireligious place for way longer than the 50's when a lot of Asian etc came here.
:D well said
You can't argue on here :(
People are too uneducated to understand whats happened, yet all they're doing is jumping on the bandwagon making claims and shit like they know everything.
koop representing !!
they want to be accepted but they wont accept anything. Muslims are pretty extreme and stupid on what they preech, no wonder people automatically relate them to terrorists.
QuoteMuslims are pretty extreme and stupid on what they preech

Stereotyping at its finest.

'Extremist Muslims' are pretty stupid. Not 'Muslims' :). In Islam it doesn't tell you to go out and hack people to death, that shit is retarded.
but raping or killing women if they leave house without mask is ok...
Did I say that? Or does Islam say that?
A catholic monk and priest who lives in bosnia (where the majority are muslims) who I know from animal protection and who is very interested in all religions told me that from what he knows "Ijma", "Ijtihad" and the "hadith" collecting ones influenced the Islam a lot more than Mohammed himself did including the Sharia. Do you know anything about that?
Sharia says.

and I forgot this one:

That pretty much sums up what I meant by my comment and if you need I can also take some time and quote you how "In Islam" it does tell you to do violent acts, be offensive to women and other stupid stuff, so as I said they are pretty stupid in what they preech.. I think you are either misinformed about Islam or just don´t wanna open your eyes.
Islam is not idiotic. Sharia law is idiotic. But Islam without Sharia law doesn't exist. So let's do still nothing and wait until European Imposing-Most-Rules-of-Minority Union will become yet another tolerant Arabic country. It's gay.
The sharia isn't idiotic.. It's certain people who misinterpret it.
The sharia doesn't say fly with airplaines in a tower or hack a random person dead on the street
No, but it supports slavery(yes, Muhammad encouraged the abolition of slavery but it's still there), punishment and so called 'honour killings', women aren't equal, the punishment is fucking ridiculous even for low level 'crimes' regardless of age, homosexuality is a sin, rape isn't frowned upon or more say it is is much more harder to be convicted (having 4 male witnesses) and the man only needs to pay her off later. If she says she is raped and doesn't have enough witness then it is adultery for her

Idiotic? Did I misinterpret any of that? I doubt it.
- but it supports slavery -> Most of the western stuff saying "made in thailand" or w/e is made by workers working 16h/day at a wage you can't even buy a glass of water here... Modern slavery

- punishment and so called 'honour killings' -> true dat

- women aren't equal -> Women still earn less money for the same job here.. And 100 years ago women weren't allowed to vote either.. Give it time. In afghanistan there are women now as politician, wouldn't have seen that coming 10years ago

- the punishment is fucking ridiculous even for low level 'crimes' regardless of age -> Ye true.. What punishment would you apply to a 16y old kid who stole some money from a shop?

- homosexuality is a sin -> Like there isn't any gaybashing in the western world

- rape isn't frowned upon or more say it is is much more harder to be convicted (having 4 male witnesses) -> same in India, but India ain't a sharia country is it?

- and the man only needs to pay her off later. -> You can pay your crimes of here too..

- If she says she is raped and doesn't have enough witness then it is adultery for her -> Ye and she probebly will be killed...
Most of the western stuff saying "made in thailand" or w/e is made by workers working 16h/day at a wage you can't even buy a glass of water here... Modern slavery
True, it's all over the place The Qur'an somewhat promotes slavery (be it sex slaves or othewise) following in the footsteps of Mohammed. Maybe one day they'll get out of the dark ages and progress.

Women still earn less money for the same job here.. And 100 years ago women weren't allowed to vote either.. Give it time. In afghanistan there are women now as politician, wouldn't have seen that coming 10years ago
Wages are equal here, sometimes get even more benefits in other areas (female car insurance much l0L) but women are looked down upon a lot more and aren't treated as equal, though the Qur'an does state so it also mentions that men are the protectors and maintainers of women. I think by now they're doing better than before with regards to divorce and so on but still shit x)

Ye true.. What punishment would you apply to a 16y old kid who stole some money from a shop?
Well it would depend on the crimes, but I'd much rather give a child/under 18 community service, detention centre etc and not run them over with a car, whip or stone them...
Oooh that non-idiotic Sharia Law where rape doesn't exist and women can be stoned for leaving the house without a ski mask.
ski mask :D
Stupid fucking kids just filming with their phones.

Some right cunts hanging around the supermarkets looking for trouble here, mostly Germanyturks and ruskies
Both parties need to get laid. World peace.
Such videos are made to raise stupidy and hatred. It certainly exists as the video shows it and it's a shame but all muslims aren't like that only a fool would believe this.
ww3 starts in uk
lol muslims taking over :D
One of them call himself a master of trollart @ CF
oh u mean muhammed kamz :D
thats right :D
We are in the year 2013... Isn't it abotu time ALL religions opened their eyes?
This has nothing to do with religion. A bunch of lunatics and psychopaths looking to shock and cause hysteria using extreme violence, the religion part is extra.
What I meant was, stop living by rules dreamt up by crazy people hundreds or years ago. It would be like me and you thinking star wars was true and trying to become a jedi.... oh wait, I do that now!
respect my religion pls.. and leku thats not funny.
Damn, one of my most beloved topics!

To start:
Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims.
A quote which is true and false in so many ways as f.e. 99% of all "terrorist-attacks" are done by muslims while, on the other hand, comparable crimes done without a muslimic background are simply labled as crimes or, as said above, the people who commited them are labled "mentally ill".

Still, Islam has to step out of the dark ages, Sharia doesn't work anymore, not in a modern world.
Not all of the Muslims are bad,and violence but there is enough of those kind around,especially the Islam fanatics ones Europe is done,sad as it sounds.
Soon they will realize it's a bit too late,and they missed it,for me I will be sitting laughing my ass off,word.
image: 48059741359947204373479
Haha the only thing the picture you posted shows is your blatant lack of cultural and historic knowledge xD
funny how the first moon-landing was in 1969, have a great day now
Damn,how smart of you,anyways,I didnt make this picture :)
Have a nice too.
The first car wasn't build/running in 1896 either, could say the Wright brothers were also flying (to some degree :D) before 1903 too before the Wright flyers success x)
just pointed out something i was 100 percent sure of ;)
religion is dumb.
Its crazy some people have so much faith in books, that was written thousands of years ago.
Religion isn't dumb. People are dumb...
Religion make people even dumber.
Discussable, I think Religion is a great thing(I'm atheïst) if you can use it to enhance/improve your way of life. However Religion indeed also has a 'numbing' side where people just blindly read and don't think or even read/use it to fit their own needs/fitting. So yea Religion has way of making dumb people even more dumb, but most of the time those people already don't think enough about what they believe in.
Believing in things that cannot be proven is pretty stupid. No one became a christian simply by looking at the theistic evidence for the existence of a god, and decided it was sufficient.

Why do religious parents raise children who believe in the same religion as they do? Its called religious indoctrination.
Why are you replying to me with this and what is your point?
"Religion isn't dumb."
"Believing in things that cannot be proven is pretty stupid."

Read the reply next time.
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