Please sign this petition

Hey guys,

I know this ain't really the place to find people with heart for dogs and shit but well, better than nothing.

There is a monk called "Father Anthony" who lives in an abbey in Konjiec, Bosnia. He is part of the Franciscan order and one of their main ideologys is to protect animals. So what Father Anthony does is he picks up homeless dogs into the abbey, takes them to the vet and makes sure they become healthy, socialises them, gets them castrated and then tries to find a place for them by the help of an Austrian animal protection organisation called "ACI".

Togheter they have managed to grant hundrets of dogs and cats a life in digity. But as you might know Bosnia is a country which has suffered from many years of war not too long ago and the last thing some people there care about is animal protection. Many people who live their buy dogs and keep them on the chain inside their garden the whole time without taking a walk with them and without taking care of their health. Often they manage to escape, or they get pregnant by homeless dogs or become sick and what the owners usually do is they just simply kick them out.

So what Father Anthony and another monk do as well is they try to convince the people who live there that dogs are not just things you can get and throw away when you do not want them anymore and that with at least a little success. Some Bosnian newspapers even started to write about him and how he and his helpers manage to keep the streets clear of dogs and cats.

There are a lot of young Bosnians without work who support the project and get a small sallery so they can pull through.

But, he also has mighty enemys especially within the Church. Some start to spread rumours about him breeding dogs and throwing them out on the street, others keep on complaing about how dirty dogs and cats are and that Father Anthony keeps on taking care of worthless lives.

The bishop who is in charge in this area is planning to place him and another monk at another abbey so they won't be able to continue their project.

Right now there are still many, many socialised, castrated and healthy dogs and cats in the abbey waiting for a new home. They will all be kicked outside and will most likely die during the harsh winters or already before that.

And the helping people who are depentend on the small sallery won't have enough to make a living anymore. This is especially absurd as the Franciscian order is known for standing for animal protection and no church money was ever used in this project.

The petition has been opened in the hope to get the bishop to give in so Father Anthony and his helpers will be able to continue the project.

I, myself, have got a dog named Mandy from Father Anthony and met him multiple times. My family and I keep supporting him and the organisation ACI by money and food. So this is very personal for me and I really hope he gets through this misery and will be able to continue.

It would be so kind and awesome if you could sign it and spread this story and the petition around and get people to sign it although it is written in German so the bishop will see what men like Father Anthony mean to the people and how strong their will is to support him.

tl;dr version: monk -> takes care of dogs/cats -> bishop wants to move him to another abbey -> he won't be able to do that anymore

So I and many other would be grateful if you could spend 30 seconds and sign this:

Thanks in advance!
That petition looks like it was written by a PETA-extremist on crack. I'm hesitant to take these things at face value.
Seriously? ...

However, I know Father Anthony and the people from the animal welfare organisation personally
Nearly every sentence ends in an exclamation mark and they spray capital letters everywhere. Furthermore, left wing media are generally just as unreliable as their counterparts.
The woman who wrote this ain't the youngest anymore and lacks of time, of course it could be done much better
I'll sign it if I get a picture with you, the monk and a really cute puppy dog with floppy ears.
i will be pleased with the last one only :D
image: 462-651 my dog mandy, which I got from Father Anthony, taking a big shit

image: 463-237 mandy and one of my other dogs, jimmy, the dog some people hear me telling to fuck off on ts who was rescued from an hungarian animal laboratory
animal labs in .HU? Wtf
I don't have dog for about 5 years now : /
yup, could you sign the petition m8? (:
monks wannabe me LoL
bosanac hahhah
please sign it m8
cant support castrating in any way, sorry.
There are way too many homeless dogs and the only way to make sure they can't breed up their amount higher and higher without killing them is castrating. Not worth mentioning that dogs which can't fullfil their sexual drives are poor and uncontrolable dogs. By castrating the sexual hormone levels decrease and a lot of diseases in these areas (such as cysts, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, pseudopregnancy, etc etc etc) are prevented
yeah, still the idea of this horrifies me, as a man.
nonetheless, I will not really sign, as its in foreign language I dont really understand :( sorry mate
I tried to state as exact information as possible in English above, I'll try to make the woman who opened the petition to create an English version as well, but I know she has so many things to do already for her animal welfare organisation and her job that she wakes up at 5 in the morning and goes often to bed after midnight and still struggles getting everything done
done :D
Monsanto > your dogs
Why doesn't this father take care of homeless people instead of animals? Will never sign this.
"Socialized animals"? xD how hilarious!
Homeless people aren't the problem there, there are enough houses and flats so there are no homeless people there. But the main issue is that they don't have work. But what Father Anthony does is he gets young and poor people without a job to help him and gives them a small sallery so they can make a living. Animals who are not socialised tend to act untypical, for example they are untypically aggressive, frightened, and have no idea of how to associate with other animals of their kind in a normal way.

You act like an animal hating cunt and obviously haven't read what he does
I don't hate animals, I simply consider they should not be treated as if they were human beings. They are not and will never be. There are many dangerous people who tend to consider that an animal life is worth more than a human life and act in consequence. Such a fascist drifting should be fought accordingly.
But what I mean is to be taken as a global scale, as an ideology and does not apply on specific cases such as this Father's. However, I will not commit myself into this petition and thus betray my values even when it concerns a particular story like this one - supposing that you care about my last sentence. Good luck to the guy nonetheless.

e: but I guess you are biased on this matter since you personally know the guy that is concerned by the petition - not blaming you for being so!
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