LoL fun facts

image: lolinfo

lol LoL
I get a few penta kills every game :$
at co-op it might be easy lol :D at normal / rankeds, not so much...
agree, so far I did only 1 pentakill with elise in ranked :/ and i played like 150ranked games already but this was just epic though :D
^^ i don't remember doing a pentakill, or if i did it was just once.... and obviously, not at ranked since i play support most of the times :D
:D i play most of the time jungle but i played elise mid when i did the pentakill so full ap power! :P and i did 1 quadra kill with elise as supp in ranked ;P u jelly? xD
Not much ^^ recent to the game... played like 20 ranked games... and 170 normal (wins)...
I do it in challengers, u mirin m8?
Do not believe it. Proof!
Depends on which division, bronze/silver, hell even in gold, u can roll ppl easily, but u will mostly lose cus of dumb mates.
Story of my rankeds. I started with 5 wins / 5 looses (or 6/4 can't remember) -> Bronze I
Made some rankeds, got cool LP (like 30 or 25 / game), got like 70LP max, then troll players made me get to 0LP... now i am back to 26LP

Bronze I
26 League Points
10 Wins 14 Losses
Heh, the LP is kind of fucked up, if u are on streak with like 7-8 matches straight wins, u will get less and less LP per match, last 2-3 games i was getting only 3-5 LP, while first couple i was getting 20-25. As well then when u get ur first defeat after ur streak, u loose from 20-25 points per game..
I know. Friend had the same problem and sent them a email. They said it happens to make it fair. The more u win / the closer u get to 100 points, the less LP u receive... to make sure u really deserve to be there. Otherwise, with just 4 games u would get 100 LP :P

Sounds tricky...
Sounds as shit as their entire game tbh, reason i quitted it as well at first place, was tired of playing so many games without actual impact on LP or progressing into the other league, winning 8 games and then losing 2 games and nearly dropping down on 0 again.. Not to mention amount of dumb ppl regardless of which div u were.
Story of my friends (and now mine) life... :D yesterday got a jungler who decided to buy only wards and spam the map....
Another one decided to "brb dinner" :DDDDDDDDd insane!
Well for dinner i understand, did sometimes same when i was still living at PT, as i didn't really care bout the game tbh, but that was only normals. Yeh it happens that u sometimes get a completely utter shit jungler, or someone whom u ping 10 times to not gank early on, and yet he will do it, dive into turrent and die ofc, then blame u and flame u entire game that u didn't suicide as well, welcome to LoL :D
true, but other than that, the game / business is simply genius. The support, diversity, everything.. it's fantastic and alive....
LoL is probably the most successful business model for games ever. If only other companies did the same for their games, I really doubt LoL would be as big as it is now.
how so?
LoL has the most restrictive business modell out there afaik.
Im pretty certain its marketing what does the job together with the comparably low barrier of entry.
social media: france is germany and vice versa :D
LOL :D such fail!
the graphic mixed up germany and france. I feel highly insulted
dont know what this is all about but lol nerds xd
shit attracts flies
sugar also attracts flies image: Family-Guy-Stewie-Griffin-icon
this lacks age group graph

also, what slajdan said
60% enrolled ? RIGHT. i have never seen such a lack of english skills in any other community :D
since when does being at college mean you speak English?
You should be able to write at least ONE English sentence, without making mistakes in it. What I can see on the European server on a daily basis, is really awful. And as most of the players on there are from European countries, I assure you that ALL of them had English classes..

According to this graphic, we almost had 95%, who were taught English.. (in 2009!, amount in increasing).
image: Foreign_languages_learnt_per_pupil_in_secondary_education%2C_2005_and_2009_%281%29_%28%25%29-de
Just means you have studied the language perhaps, but I have done some German and unless you write or speak a language on the regular you will always become weak at it.

Also I find writing a language the hardest part, reading and speaking are not so bad - but that could be just my personal thing.
Can't think of anybody who wouldn't be able to at least know the basics of a language after years of learning it. As far as I know you have to learn English for several years in most European countries. Its a must and there is no way you can just drop the course...( in my case I had to learn it for 9 years, well and now its a part of my studies)
And the English grammar, concerning the basics, is really not the most complicated one.
But well ye, just my thoughts..

Oh and nowadays people even start to learn English in the kindergarden, so come on, one correct sentence shouldnt be a big deal. Im not talking about small mistakes, the sentences I have seen were far from making any sense at all.
Well I guess it is different in europe, languages are not that big in UK unless you want to persue it yourself, you are obliged to do 4-5 years of a language aged 11-15 I think though - and as I say, I did German for those years and didn't really take to it :D guess I am fortunate I was born in England because I would hate to have to learn a second language even if English is quite easy by comparison to majority of languages.
Thats true. English being the lingua franca and therefore the "world language", of course has to be taught in most countries, unless its the official language of the country ;D
done several penta kills in draft :D
inb4 hugthesub comment
Good, he's quite the entertaining kind
hi, only too happy to oblige.
relevant stats, correct spelling and flawless geography much?
I am IceQ and I am a siren !
another fun fact LoL = shit
doesnt beat ET
Should add amount of braindead ppl as well, prolly around 80% of entire community has the size of brains same as goldfish.

image: when-rage-comics-charact
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