6 years since I haven't come here...

Wow I'm amazed the website and the game are still in place. I've just watched one news and the players dominating the game are still the same: sqzz, night etc...

So much nostalgia and memories!

What were you doing 6 years ago?
dude you missed ALOT man
6 years ago probably still playing with some of the older ALMIGHTY.ET players, cowmix etc
i was playin ET 2.55 on some gaymod servers
Those good old days. When you were able to roll 'everyone' fairly easy.
played the game for 1 year
Playing RTCW
rocking the comp ET scene hard :XD
6 years ago I had no clue what ET is.
6 years ago i had quit ET already for 1 year :)
probably rolling with #Vj
pubbing on *u|k.
Get it back pls.
Me and Panda did try I bought the server etc nobody ever joined would rather play supply for a week on NBS
Cant believe why people like to play only supply or delivery :) its just fun a nice campaign cycle maybe you have to write some journals :)
last time we tried was 2010 I think could be wrong but could be a possibility I suppose. English has appeared a few times recently too
Hmm.. :p just try it :) make a deal with nbs if nbs 1 is full they connect you with uk.
we will see
Yesterday i wanted to play some et again. As a reslut, faggots change supply for delivery fuckin boring and yes i did write reslut and not result because i like play on words. Et needs a server with nice campaign, im pretty sure im not the only one who wanna play REAL maps!i!i!i!i!
tried to connect to the *BiO* server
same, still am
no, now it's always empty, back then you couldn't connect, no matter what time it was.
playing fifa
5 years, 5 months and 23 days, how come you cheat on us this way ? : DDDDDDDDDDD
Pubbed hard
winning another EC final
finishing the twk movie and quitting et
Siddharta - Klinik was probably the first foreign (excluding English ones obv) song that I genuinely liked.
Was rolling everyone on sniper servers, good old timez
Playing at K9*ETPub and XPSave servers.. Had no clue about Crossfire and ETPro
6 years, 2 months and 24 days LIARRRRRR
Most have just switched to ETPro then :D since I also have logs from K9 pub dating 6 years ago :D
raping noobs, they are still just as bad as 6years ago.
Probably Gamesmajor Shurbbot server, or Gamesmajor Intermediate keeping a hold of Gamesmajors servers xp record >< Cant remember exactly
rolling on [FAG]CLANSERVER
playing et pub @ teammuppets

u were really missed. plz don't go again
Started to play for rating, rolling and raging on [FAG] and ETc| servers
Quote5 years and 6 months
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