goku best admin

Why is goku best odc admin?

-7 teams on sunday
-2h wait for final
-final cancelled because biased admin changed server under pressure by Belgiumchry

e:Belgium chry saved it a bit by finally agreeing on server when Poland people don't lag so much

well done goku, you are truly one amazing admin

poor Romania Ri Stary, his dreams of winning may have been ruined
GG RomaniaRi Stary ! :)))))))))))))))))
This is actually pretty sad.
cirurgy plssssssssssss

paypal donations: [email protected]
Is it really necessary to flame someone while he's only trying his best.
Except that he's not.
RomaniaRi Stary 2 stronk : (
image: twoj-stary-juz-czeka-pl-ae0808 gg Ri Stary
ODCW Stary 61 512 67 110 19 0 1 37 12245 15966 204 0/0 2/3 56/50 8/20 183 145 5 11
image: twoj-stary-lubi-gumowe-prosiaki_70890
gg Ri stary
pls, goku is the hope of the universe, the answer to all living things that cry out for peace, the protector of the innocent, the light in the darkness. He is the truth
No, he is darkness, not the light in the darkness. He's black, he cant be light.
goku best admin
by Robert

Honestly i don't get your point in flaming everyone who's trying to contribute something for the community, give him a break cmon, he's trying his best to bring some cups on table, instead of ordinary 6on6 IRC wars, least you could do is thank him instead of flaming...
Did I flame you yet?
I'm above everyone else!
You're not as good @ asslicking as goku is, got some skills there though
I don't need to asslick anyone :P i can do things on my own without anyone :)
Sure you can [CB]Aniky
Doesn't have anything to do with asslicking, like i said, what i want i get on my way without slurping :p

There was only one ass that felt my tongue, now go figure whos.

Gnite :)
I don't even wanna know.
Fuck you Aniky
Whats up man!
gtfo already faggot
Quote by Robertfinal cancelled because biased admin changed server under pressure by chry

What did you expect when one team comes with attitude "we will play only on DE server and nowhere else" without even willing to negotiate? I personally didn't care (although I personally hate NL servers lately), I wanted to get over with it asap but seeing them raging out like babies after chry refused their server, it was funny. And the cherry on top was that when we wanted team swap on a map we had a right to choose sides - felt like playing against 4 years olds who just either have to have their way or they will bang their head on a ground...
can't call it raging like babies, simple fact is that they play games on GTV servers far more often than you my friend and they know reality behind the servers, they know on which they lag and on which they don't
As I said, I didn't care that much for a server, it was chry who has problems with DE servers. I have troubles on NL servers, ping there is fine but hitboxes are fucked up (in past I had same on UK servers) but I would not bitch about that much. Principle is - they didnt propose anything, they just expected us to play on server forced by them.
They proposed .pl I think :D GTV has 3 kind of servers:1 UK, 3 NL and mucho DE. Technically they proposed more :D
All I had been said was that they refused to play on any other server than DE, for that I said I don't really care what server we will play on, I just noted that I kind of hate NL servers lately. I don't know which servers were exactly proposed by our representatives. Btw, proposing .pl server is bullshit, I could have proposed .cz server in same manner, knowing that forfeit would be more likely outcome than actually playing on it...
NL and UK was proposed. In both cases it meant huge lag for Elviss according to my info
i didn't even want to comment this cup because i don't even care about this, i just wanted to play some et with my buddies after a little period of inactivity. but since I see some interesting comments here and on gtv, i decided to waste another minutes from my precious time to write it

opponent didn't want to play on a normal .de server, which is used in most of ettv games by everyone
why they didn't want to? dunno probably they said it was shit. we didnt want to play on uk/nl server because we could prove that elviss got 150 ping there + few of us with jumping one from 70-90, whereas we normally got 48-50 everywhere.
so opponent proposing nl/uk server, i gave .de server. and they were saying I gave only 1 option and they gave 2.. xd even though there are only 3 types of servers on gtv (nl/uk/de) but yeah fuck logic and give same amount of options that we did.
finally nerds came to our server, a german one that they refused at the begining, and suddenly 5/6 of them got 50 ping there , so what the fuck. where the fuck was your problem at the begining that you didn't even want to come to this server.

without mentioning that we had to wait for them for like 1 hour beause they got some emo-rage-mad-kids in their roster that cant even finish a 2 map game in 45min-1hour, instead of it it took 1h30min for one 2-maps-game. and instead of connecting to the server asap and start immediately, they decided that it's better to delay the final for another 15minutes because the server is shit (5 of them 48 ping + statti 98 which is normal for finish player i guess) :DD

it's not clanbase so I guess you didn't have a choice to choose a side because I can't see anything like this in the cup rules, so it's ABBA.

but I guess you lost because we didn't swap on 2nd map, and the server was obviously shit and unplayable. now tell me some more about our so called bad behavior, while you got a whining brother duo of shitheads like cherry and player in your team.

gg enjoyed playing 7 teams cup that started at 8pm and after playing 2 games from our side with 4 maps we finally managed to finish it after 3 hours and 54 minutes.
TL:DR version plx
first of all - do you think server quality can be judged by ping only? When we joined your server for the first time, 5 of us had 50 ping (same as on 2nd server). That being said I had no problems with it, I was a bit surprised that chry did not want to play on it tho (50 ping does not guarantee good playing experience - I have 50 ping on NL servers but they are virtually unplayable for me). However, Elviss (or whoever it was) had 150 ping on it, eventhough it was DE server, so I was also surprised you wanted to play on that server. Later on, on second server it was ok for him I guess.

Quote by fanaticit's not clanbase so I guess you didn't have a choice to choose a side because I can't see anything like this in the cup rules, so it's ABBA.

There is absolutely no rule covering who chooses sides, why the hell would you assume it's ABBA by default? Since there is no rule for that whatsoever, it's safer to assume cup rules are extending some league rules (mostly because having like 8 points in rule book is simply insufficient) - and since CB is the only league around, it is safe to assume it's build on those rules. That being said, this issue is not on us, it's admins fault for not specifying basic things in rule-book (or explicitly stating which rules are cup rules based on). We could argue on that for days, but in reality neither of us is wrong/right on this (using lawyer logic), it should have been admins call at the end tbh...

Btw, I know why we lost and it wasn't the server (at least not for me), I don't need to make such excuses. Yes, you won, gratz to you, however I think that if people weren't acting like jerks and actually tried to get along with each other (it goes for both sides), we would have much more fun.
I am sorry, I will add a line in the rules, for the next cup. :)
No problem, at least you have something to learn from and gain experience in organizing cups (which is heroic task in community like this). It would not be a big deal if people weren't trying to argue just for the sake of arguing. GL in next cup, if there will be any :)
There will be, don't worry. ;)
I hope to see you participate again :)
the ping you see in etpro is 100% bullshit, a 50 ping can be 120 for all you know, etpro just likes to hide it for some reason. I think it was cl_shownet or something that you can use in order to figure out the _actual_ ping someone has.
Actually 98 ping is not normal for me and secondly it wouldnt matter if it was stable which it wasnt. Everytime I started shooting it jumped to 110+ which was kind of annoying
unbind Mouse1 lagscript then :S should be better next time!
I shall try :]
Somebody enlighten me with this Ri Stary thing, im confused
i only remember TLR.stary soz bruv
TLR was too weak now i'm playing for dignitas
where is the funny part? i missed smth or u think ur hitlarious
admin react!
Atleast someone tried to make an one day cup.
goku is the best because of his hair
Haha, how about you stop caring about such bullshit and pay more attention to yourself.
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