m1tja (00010564), LORDI (00029108) & Kwiz (00013680) rolled hardcore. DDOS involved (Stary (00004786) & Kwiz).


Hi everyone,

I hope you are all having a nice weekend and I hope you will do some great things during this summer. Don't be afraid to go outside in order to be exposed to the sun. May the good mood be with you all. Try to be smiling and positive. It will be good for your health. I hope you are also succeeding in your lives. May you be full of goodness and may you be wise for the rest of your lives. I would like to give some hope to the most hopeless ones.

I come here with some good news and with some worrying ones ...

Alright, let's move on to the facts ...

Damon & SupNa were searching a 3rd to play some OFFI with the 30 seconds to MARS team. I was available so I went to play with them as they are very nice and really down to earth ... and they are also Non-Nerds Certified.

Then we got an OFFI against m1tja from team eXecutors.

Quote[13:30] <m1tja> 3o3 offi

LORDI who is - Nerd-Certified - was already mad & anxious before we play. He was seemingly reluctant to play against us because he was extremely scared. Concerning m1tja, he was rather in a trolling mood, nothing new there.

And Kwiz had for sure prepared his tools ... ready for the DDOS ...


And this is the point of my journal. So today ... I come here to tell you all guys ... to make it official ... I denounce and I condemn the use of such tools which are meant to DDOS other players in-game with a view to having a significant advantage in winning the game.

A Denial-of-Service Attack is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. It is by the way opposed to the Clanbase rules and therefore, its users should be strongly punished. It's not pleasant at all to be on the receiving end of a distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attack.

According to International Law, it is strictly forbidden and you can be prosecuted because of it.
Thus, you shall all be aware that DDOSing can be a reason to have some police officers knocking at your door.


You can clearly see in the replay that we went 999 violently. My ping was roughly like 6500 according to TS3 when I was being DDOSed. Even if you'd launch 30 downloads & uploads at the same time, you wouldn't lag that way.

Firstly ... we played Adlernest which was their map. It was very easy to roll all of them in the very first minute and we would have won it under 2 minutes with ease if Kwiz & Stary hadn't DDOSed Damon who was on his way rushing through their spawn to get the objective, it was going to be a very fast victory. He got DDOSed hardcore and had to reconnect and was on full when he came back. We used all our pauses. Each time that we were close to make it, they were DDOSing us. It was very hard for us to win this. We finally lost it only because our opponents were totally unfair and were breaking the Clanbase rules with their DDOS.

Then came our map - Delivery - which was hard to win against those sad nerds certified. It was pretty hard for us to set a time ... and when we were defending ... they had a tactic : Their guy carrying the objective (the DDOSer) Kwiz was seemingly down waiting at the trucks with the objective and LORDI & m1tja were rushing near the elevator ... but that's not all ... Kwiz was surely DDOSing me at this exact moment to make it easier ... but SupNa's aim is really good and he registered something like 8 headies on them. Damon was also there to block them hardcore and to make us earn time. We managed to win it hard although they were breaking the rules ... Shame on them.

Those Nerds-Certified won the cointoss and eventually went for ET_Ice. They thought they had a chance with their DDOS tactics which are totally lame and pitiful.

Here again, it's really hard to set a nice time when you get DDOSed constantly. But SupNa's aim helped us greatly and we could set a time. We managed to roll them the hardcore way on the defense. They were starting to cry ... especially LORDI - a total nerd - who was at this point of the game, extremely mad and clueless. We all felt like he was close from committing suicide. We finally won that one and thus ... won the war 4-2.

It would have been a very easy & extremely fast 4-0 win for us if they hadn't DDOSed.
Stary is a total shit nerd and he was spectating this war on GTV ready for the DDOS. I would like to have him banned permanently from this game. That guy has already made lost this - awesome - Supski team some time ago.

Here you have the details. http://clanbase.ggl.com/forum.php?fid=3524160&lid=13123&zid=00FFFFAA

I am not the first one who complains about that Stary (00004786) nerd DDOSing. You must not forget that that guy is a CERTIFIED-NERD who holds a certificate of nerdism and that he will do everything to harm this community. He is also a low-skilled player who only plays with better players than him so as to have a chance to win. He has never won a single time against me. He has always lost.

Kwiz is being a faggot too and has provided Stary the nerd face with tools which are meant to DDOS.

Quoteprivate logs removed by admin

m1tja claimed to be innocent, which I believe he is for this moment. But we cannot be sure about it.
What we can be sure about is that Kwiz & Stary are actively DDOSing people. This is totally opposed to the Clanbase rules.

I have some quotes.

Quoteprivate logs removed by admin

Quoteprivate logs removed by admin

Quoteprivate logs removed by admin

I think that Kwiz & Stary should be strongly punished for DDOSing people during officials games. Don't forget that a DDOS attack fucks up your internet connection, it is legally forbidden.

See you in jail.

Here you have the extra demos from my point of view where you can clearly see that I lag out at the most important moments.


It was a long time since I had not written any journal, some people were eager to have one to read .. so here you have it with some serious business involved. But, remember, everyone, keep up the good mood. ;D!

I wish you all a nice weekend. Smile big. :D!
too boring and long to read
Well, those nerds are DDOSing people in order to have a chance to win ... I just find it really lame, that's the point of my journal bro. ;D!
I'll email this to my lawyer
Ok my lawyer can take this one cu court

I heard fake logs are punished by hanging
Those logs are not fakes ... you are lying once again, they are totally authentic.

Your avowal, your testimony ... are undoubtedly the best evidences.
ddos him again for good luck thats all hes asking for and diserve
You are utterly retarded to support DDOSers. You are a Nerd-Certified.
stary kurwa
didnt care, didnt keep up the good mood. bb gg
Well Testi, if you don't want to be tagged as a nerd certified ... you should defend the Non-Nerds especially when the cause is good.
You try way too hard to call urself a non nerd, retard
that guy is a CERTIFIED-NERD who holds a certificate of nerdism

was about to paste the same XDDD
Well, at least we are in a good mood ! ;D!
omfg man i have died laughing on all those evidences and ur words xD There were rummors that Stary ddosed and now there are rummors that I am, still there were no evidences providing this acusations against both of us.

Man again laughing hard checking ur lagometer, i dont see stary name there or mine omfg you have to troll about this xD

So fuck off and good mood
Don't act like if you were innocent please. We all know that you are the one who gave tools to Stary in order to DDOS people ... You are a liar.

You cannot hide yourself anymore behind that " PROVE IT " crap. Everyone is complaining about your shit DDOS actions.
You, as well as Stary the nerd faced cunt.

You'd better admit it right away.
first of all part of that comment was troll, yes i did set some script for stary (on shared webhosting) that was like 6 months ago, shells were not working so it was not effective. You cannot just acuse something from comments, if m1tja would write that he ddos would you go for ban him? Cmon that guy doesnt even have a clue how to erase viruses on pc. That was just for testing purposes, and however it didnt work and I Dont fucking care if it did.

1. you cannot proove he is ddosing you by fuckin screenshots and demos retard
2. learn difference between ddos and dos and how to get logs and proofs with maybe using netstat atleast
3. use common sense and good mood

Funny how retarded you are and saying and posting here stuff which are not even backuped with evidences like attacker ip, or atleast some proxy... And you think you will achieve something.
Well, I can clearly say that you are a Nerd-Certified. I don't know very well how it all works ...
I don't spend my life setting up fucking crappy tools in order to harm people. But, I fight the nerds like you in order to protect the most vulnerable ones.

- Avowal - is the best evidence. Deal with it. And I didn't say that m1tja was DDOSing. But he told me you and Stary were at least. He said the truth. You'd better get balls.
So someone knowing more about something than yourself is a nerd, just because he just made you look like a retard, which aint hard.
You will accomplish a lot in life, I'm sure. Abandon it while you can.
I think you faked lag with netlimiter to 5 kb and et requires like 12kb as i remember. Have checked demos, damon was able to move mouse easily, you had indicator (cable unpluged) and could not move mouse. Now Tell me from this 2 different cases who got DOS or DDOS (in your opinion, since you are so valuable target). You said yourself you know how ddos looks like, now tell me how it does. You could lag hard and blame you got ddosed or damon, but not both since there are 2 diferent cases in my opinion. Ur point is invalid

My point about m1tja was: if he would say he ddos in some troll comment, you would acuse him. Why is not jeewee mentioned here if he admitted? Thats my whole point that you are trolling hard worldwideweb and you are still believe to much on just a simple comments.

About that script, I was asked to install it coz stary didnt have clue about it, so I did, but clearly on shared webhosting sources are limited, so ofcourse as expected it cannot run great without limited cores and ram on shared machine. So it didnt and if it would, i'm sure that hosting provider would remove that account.

Dont wanna come here 200 times and re-comment you. If someone has some evidences, i'm expecting pm on CB or query on IRC from some admin and not from you or your pro evidences, this is totaly for going on court bro. Will have to contact my lawyer coz i'm scared on this evidences.
You are a liar. We all know that you are a DDOSer. You are utterly shit. Quit lying, quit DDOSing.
Sad nerd. Start to play fair ...

You perfectly know that you are a DDOSer. And Stary is also one. You did DDOS us because you are a bad player.
I have just found hot evidence

image: 2013-05-26-201525-adlernest-_forfeit_win_for_sstat_deserved
You are ugly and sad. Why the hell would you take such a screenshot which has nothing to do with our war and the fact that you DDOS people. Stop hiding yourself behind bullshits.
We all know that you are a DDOSing nerd.
So do you think that I can ddos you throught ET only? How can you be so sure it was Stary and not me in that war? Lagometer is displaying my name there, wtf man?

image: a8bbc1f2c5e5ca531f9bb6ba56ab8663
All I know is that you are able to DDOS people in-game, and Stary can do it too. You are bad enough and lame enough to do it.

You perfectly know that you did something bad. But you are being a stubborn person.
Nobody believes in your bullshits. Everyone knows that you & Stary are DDOSers.

I have no respect for you.
noone knows something that is not prooved, I dont believe the word you said
You perfectly know the truth, so do I and everyone does now. This is beautiful.

You are an unfair player who is that bad that the only way he wins something is by DDOSing people, but oh wait ... you still lost. Stary is a shit nerd. He should be banned from there, he is a shame for his country.

You'd better go hide yourself. You are ridiculous. I will fuck you up.
i dont really care about you and your 3o3 matches to be honest, but i must agree at the point that this shit is sad if they really ddos to win or to have fun than they really have a big problem with themselve afterall.. psychological damaged on some way.. just imagine they spend their time playing 3o3 wars and to ddos ppl to get some advantage :D te fuck!

*miss the old et times*

I mention our 3on3 war as an example of where they used their DDOS actions. I agree with you. It's kind of random ... but it is here to back up the fact that they are lame as hell because they lost although they DDOSed us hardcore.

+1 kReSti
we didn't ddos, never did. i don't know what is this guy's problem
Personally, I don't believe that you, LORDI did DDOS anyone as you are not that kind of player. Still, I am well happy that I rolled you once again as you were boasting your skills and taunting me so hard on Adlernest.
You did take advantage of those precious 999 but you still got rolled hard.

And Kwiz did DDOS. This is for sure. So, stop lying.
+1 Posting
I know you miss me
voi vitun loordi :D:D:DDD
damn looks like you really like bbcodes
I thought it was pretty obvious that when It was pause my ping was 48 and when I was playing It was 999. But there's no problem because I found on the internet a program that gives me the ip of who is giving DDoS.
K bro, send me logfiles and name of program, it has to have logs
i will give you the ip when i will get it
K i guess its decrypting sha256 crypted IP, wanna know name of prog so I can try if it is decrypting sha256 but it might take 40 years with super computer. Hope et will be still alive.

image: 3uy63c
lordi ddos me few times in public server .lol
you are confusing me with someone else. i don't play on publics
defently you..but who cares.
not even slightest chance. i haven't touched etpro publics for a very long time. also most importantly, i have never ddos'd anyone. your accusation is just as ridiculous as apricot's.
You are a liar. You played with Kwiz who is a DDOSer and you still lost. You should take a look at yourself and consider changing.
i have to apologize for believing you were a cunt nerd. so, sorry !
We are all together in the fight against those sad nerds who DDOS people ! ;D!
You want me to beat you down :D?
tl;dr retard-certified
Well, the retarded ones are the ones who DDOS people because they are low ...
I think, just like LORDI, that you have earned your personal nerd certificate after this elaborate journal
Well, keep in mind that I do it for the sake of this community. I am trying to make those DDOSing nerds prosecuted.

Therefore, an elaborated journal is kind of worth it bro.
There are still people who play this game? :O
Yeah, but as you can see, those nerds may make leave plenty of persons because of their nerd shit.
I'm looking forward to fucking them up.
thx for the laugh

I love how you spent 2 hours of yours sad meaningless life to write such a long journal and didn't even get 23% of the story right.

First of all, we did'nt DDOSS you or anyone from your team. It isn't ours fault if you can't afford a proper internet connection in your shitty 3rd world countries or someone else decides to DDOSS you because, well let's face it, you are the biggest mentally handicapped cock-sucking piece of shit in the whole ET community right now, or what's left of it. Second of all, you're saying I was mad? I'm nerd certified? That's just some sweet ass irony. You forgot to mention the part where you said you will beat us down with your 8.33 inch biceps and raged constantly on the main chat during the official war.

Would you like me to paste our chat on IRC after the game? I think you said the words "fuck off" & kill yourself" more times than the fucking law allows and just wouldn't almost leave me alone to enjoy my nice meal. It's always a delightful sight to see an angry raging nerd. Oh, and could you please finally tell me about your social life? Please man, I'm very interested. Have you even once ordered a cheese burger from McDonals without pissing your pants and getting anxious as fuck because you are the real socially awkward virgin cunt with tennis ball sized tumor located in the center of your small brains? Probably undiagnosed though.

You keep calling other players "nerds" & "nerd certified". Why is that? You're the one who cares about winning in a video game. Last of all, get your facts right next time before dedicating 2 hours of your life into writing a shit quality journal. I can't be bothered to write anything but this quick reply since you aren't worth it. Take care.

Well, once again you are lying hardcore. You can talk all the shit you want mister LORDI. You lost all the wars that you have played against me and I made your head boil as you had told me ... And yes, I call people like you nerds because they act like idiots in-game.

And to make it clear, I am not accusing you LORDI of DDOSing anyone. I am pretty sure you didn't do it. But, you did play with DDOSers and you have clearly took advantage of the situation to flame us hard. But, pathetic & pitiful thing for you ... you lost hard that war. So, you'd better go hide yourself.

And I perfectly know that it wasn't my internet which was going bad ... it was clearly an attack, a DDOS from the nerds.

And you are trying to look tough but you are ridiculous. Go post pics if you are that awesome because I truly believe that you are a Nerd-Certified. ;D!
Everyone knows that Stary & Kwiz are the DDOSers and this is meaningful, this is what matters.
I have almost ddosed my pants when i saw all those bolded text

It seems you are clearly trying to manipulate with people like journalist are nowadays.
I am telling the truth to the people, unlike you who is a bad person who can only lie. You are bad.
how the fuck are you telling the truth if even journalist are giving some evidences, you gave us demo, screens and piece of shit?

image: c01393e644b55a5ca303297
You guys must all take into consideration that DDOSing people is cheating and should therefore be punished the same way. It means that people like Stary & Kwiz who are utterly low & bad should be punished.

We all know that they are DDOSers. They made avowals of it.
2 long..im 2 lazy to read it
Well, mate, as I said above ... I'm fighting for the sake of this community against DDOSers that time.

I have had plenty of people around me complaining about them for DDOSing while in-game. I find it really pitiful and I want to have them prosecuted.

I want to let you know that Kwiz & Stary are DDOSers who are killing this game.
I hereby proclaim that ddosing is indeed bad and should be punishable by something really bad.

The rules which are applicable to punish cheaters should be the same for the ones who DDOS people.
DDOS is not legal, cheating is not matter with law, DDOS should be punished more
make journal that i rolled m1tja in cup ok?
Bro, it's about fighting DDOSers here. But well done mate.

I heard that Stary DDOSed my mate during the cup held by #mAlibu.et.
That guy is a shame for his country. And to think that this guy is the Romanian Captain just makes me puke ...
I'm against DDosing
I'm against cheating
point is no one else but you and the people who are retarded enough to play with you who get ddosed its not a threat to the "community" but rather the fucking stupid scrubs like you i myself nerd-certified aprove what stary is doing for a better community we must eradicate parasites like you
You are such an idiot. You are that mad ? How can you even think to protect those ugly low skilled nerds who DDOS people ... I have plenty of players who came to me saying that they got DDOSed by that Stary nerd.

You are utterly retarded to say something like that. The real parasites are guys like Kwiz & Stary who do DDOS people in-game to get a huge advantage on them.

This is totally disrespectful. You are trying to defend something which is indefensible. It is therefore worthless.
DDOS rofl thats so sad...... srsly
This is really pitiful & lame ...
Nice read, I "smiled big". Tell your faggot friends to let my bouncer alone though, they still believe we're the same person...
Join us in the fight against those wretched DDOSing nerds. They should be punished.
kill yourself
3 weeks later, you seem to be still upset about the fact that you lost a random war against me ...

Don't be mad, use your energy to fight the DDOSers also known as Kwiz & Stary ...
3 weeks later, you still think you won against me
Well I think he can be right...has happened to me ages ago playing vs some dudes, cant rlly remember if are the same ones mentioned here---(I dont think so/cant remember*) would have to check all the officials of all those random clans i have got in clanbase to see if it it was vs em, maybe will do l0l. I posted it on the match report so I will perhaps give it a check.
Is not rlly like it cannot be done, right? I remember everytime you played those guys (not the guys mentioned here*) and you had the obj you randomly started lagging or lagged in precise moments that were important to win the map.
Also well in your case apricot I think one of the players you accuse here seems to know a lot about ddosing and brags about it so that kinda proves you right...
Firstly, I totally agree with you mate. People like you have the courage to say the truth and I find it really encouraging.

Secondly, it is extremely obvious that it's them - Stary & Kwiz - who DDOS people around the ET scene at this moment. They did give evidence of it with their avowals and they are now awkwardly trying to confuse the issue with pretexts. They are hiding themselves behind the "material evidence" system because they perfectly know that we are Non-Nerds and that we don't know very well how all of this works.

But what matters is that we do all know that it's them, Stary & Kwiz who DDOS people.

DDOSing equals CHEATING !
sadly I went thru all the clanbase games I have in my account (which arent that many) but cant find the report I did. Not sure if an admin tells me if there is a way to just see all reports made by me I can do it....so can´t help more than that :/
but I mean below in the comments I see one of the players you accused keeps "self-incriminating" by all the things he says about getting your ip in irc and then sending a -pack or smth and boom ddosed... some1 should just collect all those self incriminating comments and send to admin in case more ppl complaint about same ppl in future.
show some kind of proof (net logs etc.) because this is just blah blah blah.
Well, I don't know how I could prove that I got DDOSed otherwise than with mIRC logs and my +6500 ping that shows TS3.

You know man, we ain't the CIA or something like that. We are not able to go to Romania land to break into that nerd's house to get to his PC and to take pics.

As I said before, those guys are hiding behind that " material evidence " system in order to cloud the issue. They know very well that it's hardcore to prove with "net logs etc" ...

But the fact remains that we know that it's them who do that ... so ... they should be banned bro ...
did anyone count Stary, Kwiz, DDOS words from apricot and bolds he used?
we are getting popular by lier, what you think bro do we got this?
No, you are the liar in this story.

As I said already ... everyone knows now that you guys are focking DDOSers.

You have what you deserve. May you get banned dirty nerd.
58, what you think Stary?
that pic made me giggle :DD
this text makes u bigger nerd than all of them together.
certified nerds playing certified nerds in a certified dead game

certified ex cheater nerds and certified ex shitSL admin nerds writing certified nerd journals about certified nerds.

Sincerely, certified non-nerd.
I agree with Fruits-Apricot, Dosing someone to win in a computergame is pretty lame. But obviously it is very hard to get proofs that they dosed you, but from what i was watching i find it very weird that you lag out at the perfect time.
Sure looks like this kwizguy knows his thing looking at the comments he made, talking about sha256, decryption, hightech shit.
Probs stary who did it, nerd.
Thank you mate. You summed it quite well. But we perfectly know mate that it's them. I have no doubts at all.
sha256 hash is used for secure saving passwords, so its more used for password encryption (websites)
That about sha256 was again just nonsense saying coz I still didnt get ip From Damon.
Besides some pros are saying that it takes 40 years with super pc to brake that encryption. So the whole stuff was about to laugh at his proofs which he is saying that he has.

Well ofcourse I know about that stuff, since i'm certified web nerd and also developing some sites duh. That still does not make me DOS or DDOSer just coz I know that kind of stuff, which I anyway need to protect server or fix problem like some DOSes to server does not make me bad person or even to call me DOSer without any valid evidence.

For all wnbe detectives there is simple msdos tool called netstat
nestat -p <ip>
Won't teach anyone what to do, but if you will read you will get the picture. When you think you are part of DDOS/DOS (zombie) or are under DOS/DDOS attack this is right tool to be used. Check packets recieved etc. get ipv6 or ipv4 and do some research or give it to some ET admin who will check that IP in their database. I can't say that you will get attackers 100% since there are lots of free proxyes which even noob hackers uses it to hide themselves. But atleast you can try.
Also as said already on GTV there is no way you will block DOS/DDOS by yourself since this cant be stopped, but however you can ignore or deny packets (still DDOS will take effect).
But atleast to prevent this happening on ET why you just dont get bnc and hide your ip from that or quakenet.org auth and mode +x to hide your ipv6 or ipv4 with hostmask which can be revealed with simple cmds.

However you are never safe, but atleast you will be safe from newbies which just comes to irc, gets ur hostmask or ip and type simple packet send cmd and ur ip and gg.

Now stop bulshiting Apricot or I will report you to admins, since you have no evidence and you are still acusing me and stary and same goes for damon. If you have right to do this I think this right should be taken from you from now on or even you should be banned for making this big drama for nothing. If some people were banned from CB for stupid reasons why you shouldn't be? Besides I'm getting eyeball cancer coz of all bolded text in here.

Oh and if dont know how to get bnc or anything, you can stil join on irc, get offi, reconnect internet (if dynamic ip is assigned) and go play that offi with IRC client turned off ofcourse.

Hope there are now enough tips for this kind of case.
If you wanna get protected from DDOS and you are rich then right address is:

Now bye and good mood
But please, are you kidding me ? We all know you do DDOS people, you admitted it on mIRC. Stop lying.

And your Stary shit nerd teammate DDOSes people too. I am just telling the truth to the people. Deal with it.
See, you know all that shit about DDOS because you are obviously a DDOSer.

You told me that you had made a script for Stary in the past so that he could DDOS people.
This is totally lame. Don't try to act like if you were the victim. You DDOSed us all and you lost.

So, you should stop it all, admit it and apologize.
QuoteSession Time: Wednesday June 12, 2013
[18:53] <Kwiz> btw i have set up that script for him hehe :P
[18:53] <Kwiz> seems its working what you think bra

am I missing something here or are you just retarded? I have never said that I have made script for stary, since script was (paid) and nulled by some pros and I have just Install it since he didn't know how to. I have also said that this was some time ago and it was not affective since of shared webhosting and also webhosting provider would block accounts if that would be used on his hosting, besides resources are limited per client. I have said all that in comments above and you are still playing smart ass that I or Stary have ddosed, since obviously i have just mentioned that script which was installed like 6 months ago and I was testing it on my own server (as target) which gave us a clue its not working well with free shells. That test took like 30 mins and whateve stary did after I dunno and as I fuckin said I don't care.
He said he did not dos, dunno how that rummors even came out, maybe with troll or whatever and today my name was mentioned. Bitch pls stfu if you dont have clue as you even answered to devito that you cannot provide more evidences since you don't have clue about it. I have gave you fuckin idea on comment above how to now stfu and go play non-certified games.
I will not admitt anything or apologise to anyone for things that I have not done and were not even prooved that I did.
Stop eyebulling me now coz your fuckin annoying on begining it was funny to read but now you are overreacting.
:D :D :D
Y so srs?
99 % of people don't believe a single focking word of what you said.

You are a liar. You do DDOS people along with Stary because you are utterly shit.

Deal with it. You have to admit it. People tell me it's you & Stary and they are right.

Everyone knows the truth.

You are totally lame & unfair to do that. Take a look at yourself ... think about what you have done and go apologize and don't ever restart this shit again.
Is there some public vote going on?

image: 0d0fc932311bbc5857f326008ba86ef6
I say again ... those guys are liars ... they are DDOSers. Stary & Kwiz are DDOSing people in-game and are harming this community.
He definitely gives this COMMUNITY a good mood! :D!
Hi mate,

What is your opinion about DDOSing people during Official Clanbase games which are broadcasted on GTV ?
if you can show me valid proof that player 1 of team A is ddosing player 2 of team B in an offi, then I will ban him
Dude, oh my god, I did everything already, we are plenty of players complaining about these DDOSers and we all know it's them ... What you want me to do ? ... I ain't a computer expert but I perfectly know when I'm getting DDOSed and when I am not ...

Just look at the demos, me & Damon go 999 at the right moments all the time ... Each time that that Stary nerd is around he DDOSes people ... This is worse than cheating ...

Come on mate, you are an admin and you have the power to stop them. Use it oh my god ...
They are worse than cheaters because they directly harm your material ... this is even forbidden by International Law ... come on ...
you have to beg more, go on your knees
Kwiz What u Think about forming an alliance? Together with my teamviewer skills we can pwn the shit out of them.
Get balls and come at me IRL bro. I'd gladly make you bite the dust ...
I know that I can provide 210mbit impact bro, with your help that can be higher :) whats ur upload speed like 256kb?
512kb/h mate
C'est trop long a lire
Hi mate,

Pour résumer t'as des mecs comme Stary & Kwiz qui s'amusent à DDOS leurs adversaires pendant des IRC wars et surtout pendant des OFFIS sur GTV. Ils font ça car ils sont de gros nerds tout dégueulasse et ils sont nul à chier ...

Donc, voilà, je dénonce leurs conneries de façon publique.


Same rules should be enforced in both cases ...
nicely done mate
Yeah thank you mate, those nerds are getting destroyed the hardcore way ! ;D!
Seems like Apricot just earned his Nerd-certificate.
I think Apricot is right , heard them talking about ddos many times on ts :o
They are DDOSing me and other people ... this is pitiful and they all should be banned ...
ddos him 24/7 pls
Grow some balls and come IRL I'd gladly beat you down ...
funny how you threat people who don't believe you or are against you. Fuckin ego kid
I am destroying you. You are like a shit right now. Go kill yourself. Even that guy above knows that you and Stary are DDOSers. Everyone knows it.

I fock you up. People pms me from everywhere to tell me that you are a faggot. But the people are afraid to act against shit faces like you. Me I come to fock you up. You can bypass bans and shits and you can circumvent the rules hiding yourselves behind the " Technical / material evidence " system because you are a focking nerd who knows very well what he does.

But I came here with something much more powerful - the truth - ... And may you face the floor focking snake.
You are low skilled and ugly. You are a bad person and you act like a coward. Me, I come out of nowhere to fock you up.

I am focking crushing you and your shit faced teammate Stary.

Truth hurts.
dude you are fuckin chuck norris you made me laugh hard
I am a man. You are a coward. That's all.
you are under my age and you are saying you are a man? Kido go play on trampoline or something wtf, stop geeking this cf so hard
I want you and Stary and all those nerds to immediately cease your DDOSing actions aiming plenty of ETplayers including me & my teammates.

My fight is fair and good.
Dude if you wont stop talking about me ddosing you I will start to throw you whole day ddos parties, so you wont even have a chance to respond here. You got it now? Shut up. You decide if is this troll or truth. Wondering what kind of evidences would you even have against me. This comment wont be valid since now some 3rd party can go do that instead of me. Cease your bullshiting now
It's funny the way you say that because you claim to be innocent but at the same time you threaten me with DDOS ...

This is really illogical and it really shows that you along with Stary are DDOSers. Men without honor who cannot win unless they cheat ...
You are bolding me and ddos whole time, if you want to bold more just do it bro, you are the one who is talking here without honor, you are eyebulling us whole day long without single evidence saying it is me or stary. Shut the fuck up fuckin retarded anal virgin.
I'm saying i did not DDOS but I am capable to if you like to eat that you will eat 210mbit impact whole day, I think you will have to play on wifi or something bro.
You sound completely mad as hell ... Quit DDOSing people. Just stop it.
What I have just said.

Authentic quote from that liar Stary.

Quote[18:49] <Stary> ddos cannot be proved

Which is true unless you are the CIA ... but still ... everyone knows it's him & Kwiz.

Go burn in hell.
not true, ddos can be proved if target can be why not attacker?
And what if you are behind proxies ... you perfectly know it. Burn in hell.
I have said that it can be proved, and not how it can be. Fockin retard-certified who holds certificate of retards
You perfectly know what I mean. You know you are safe behind the material evidence system and behind your screen. You are a coward.

I make you bite the dust. Truth is powerful. Your lies can't do anything.
You are the one who is safe behind screen bro you wouldnt talk with me like that if you would stand next to me.
Bitch please ... :DDDDDDDDDD!
If you talk with people like you talk here to people I think you have fucked up face bro
"that guy is a CERTIFIED-NERD who holds a certificate of nerdism"

You guys gotta understand Francais is the man. Great guy, good mood and such a gifted individual.
Then you are even greater bro ... <3 :D!
Anyone that DDoS's a game server is a pathetic lonely little boy {{cough cough Schofield}} and should get his ass kicked just for the hell of it

Stary is very afraid at the moment.
Hi everyone. I see that plenty of great players have not their IP adress hidden on the IRC.
You have to hide it in order not to get DDOSed.

Here you have a quick tutorial which shows you how to hide it.


I strongly advise you to follow this little tutorial.
Stary the nerd has been reported to the Quackenet admins and is currently being actively tracked by authorities.
it seems that you can't or didnt read that i have already said that nab
This is really in details. And the stuff you said wasn't working for me. You have to register to have it working I think.
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