LoL Players euw?

Some ET Players here who are up for making a new 5v5 LoL Team?


Belgium latarki aka zaklantaarn (the ryze beast who rolled Athene 1v1 with 9k viewers) - MID
NetherlandsTropic - JUNGLE/TOP

Im am currently silver 1 and latarki is gold V.

Would be nice if you would be somewhere near those divisions.

EUW NAME: MocroManiac

Shoutout my nigga JOEY BADA$$

e: If we are able to get a team we will start playing after summer is over.
avi mid/jungle/adc
pm me op cf :D
Je hebt helium man ..

Maar welke division zit je dan?
ik ben silver nog wat ik speel amper enzo XD
image: z3di

Reason : Bought RP with my credit card and asked a refund to my bank D:
Explique en français ? Je comprends pas comment LoL a pu te bannir alors que tu as contacté ta banque...
Bah le support ma perma ban parce-que c'est considere comme de la fraude / vol

"Hi there,

Your account has been banned due to an outstanding credit card chargeback, please contact your bank to cancel the chargeback. If the chargeback goes through, it costs us substantially (in terms of status/fees) and your account will remain banned.

To clarify, customers buying packs and then charging them back is a major problem for virtual sales. The only recourse we have is to ban users who steal from us in this way. Hopefully this is just a mistake that can be resolved with your bank."
HoN > *
is it still tho? i remember quiting a long time ago because the s2 heroes that came out were pretty fucking ridiculous

i think quit around the time gemini and lord salforis came out
well, lets just say they cant seem to fix mk. Its skills fuck up so many other heroes skills. But apart from that nothing comes to my mind

Zaklantaarn also cheating on LoL?
There are no cheats on LoL.

He is just an awesome ryze player.

3D Radar :
- Jungle Timer (Top, Minimap, All)
- Turret Range Circle (Ally, Enemy, All)
- Champion Range Circle (Ally, Enemy, All)
- Self Range Circle
- LastHit Indicator
- Auto-LastHit (with Toggle Key)
- Auto-Smite (with Toggle Key)
- Auto-Ignite (with Toggle Key)

3D Radar :
- Show Champion
- Show Minion
- Show Turret
- Show Building (Barracks, Nexus)
- Show Ward
- Show Neutral
- Show Spawnable

Esp :
- Name Info
- Health Info
- Mana Info
- Cross Icons (5)
- Show Team (Ally / Enemy / All)

Panel :
- Draw Players Info on the left (HP, MP)
- Show Level
- Show Ultimate Cooldown
- Show Team (Ally / Enemy / All)

Hack :
- Mini-MapHack*
- Ward MapHack**
- Fov Hack

everything is patched since beta,
you are late son
released 5 days ago on trusted site 10e/month
u know that riot devs take care of this? I mean they buy every cheats for LoL, they test it and then they try to patch it ?
LoL = for pussy's
then you are a big cunt
No, I'm not playing fag games :D
I play LoL cause dota is too hardcore.
Casual gaming with 360 controler cause get a life
pro adc here, bronze 3 gg
jajaaja low creeps cait report report jajajaajaja XD
lolol why do you go blade of the ruined king? lolol it's for bruisers only noob l2p
blade of the ruined king is good on some adc´s.
you know that it was a joke? I'm pretty much building it on every adc and just snowball the lane.
you shouldnt build it on Miss Fortune though.
well not playing here atm. She seems kinda out of date. Mostly play blue build ez where botrk is really decent.
strangos :) lvl 16.

Xai/sirkka/neo from rtcw all play lol active :)
avi after 14.08 ;p
avi mid top adc

add nicolahBE
diamond 3 ez boys
How long did it take to get there?
Challenger here, get on my level kids :)
avi, adc only
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