Looking for a paradise.

Hello people of crossfire!

I've been thinking about travelling around europe for a long time already. I'm planning to buy an one way ticket out of Finland. Maybe go first to Germany where my friend is studying and live at his place for a while. After that I've been thinking about going to some of these countries: the Netherlands, Belgium, France, UK, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia. (Maybe some more, any ideas? I don't like tourists.)

I really want to find a place that I love and move there! So I'm gonna stay in each country for atleast +2 weeks. Sleeping every night in a hotel/motel would get pretty expensive so I'm asking if here are any people that would like to take me for atleast 2 weeks. Of course I will pay some rent to you. Also gonna buy my own food etc. All I need is a place to sleep and a really good working internet.

Some info about me:
From Finland
21 years old, 22 @ november.
185cm tall, around 93kg atm.. but trying to get to like 83kg.
I love music.
I produce electronic music as my hobby.
I like sports a lot.
I like all kind of games.
I don't like to get as drunk as Finland mind (I prefer drinking quality beers, wine, whiskey a bit)
I love food
I eat in restaurants like every day
I'm okay at making food.
I spend a lot of money.
I'm pretty calm guy, but I talk a lot about subjects I like/I know about.
I not a messy guy, but don't really like cleaning that much.
I should go to army next january so be aware that some FBI-guys will come to your door after I've vanished.
I like to explore new things (but I'm not really like those red bull biker guys)

Feel free to ask anything and if you're interested then pm me with your fbook/skype and lets talk more! No trolls please!
Oh yeah, Includes free poker lessons that are worth like 100-200 euros per hour!
Sounds like you should give interrail a try.
Hmm I was planning to go some smaller cities probably. I think a lot of capital cities have the same feeling and you don't see the real culture and people.. but tourists and arrogant people! But ofc I will visit some like Amsterdam, Rome, London
Interrail would be a good fit because it's cheap, provides a place to sleep (the train) and you're free to do as you like. You could obviously stop anywhere and spend as much time there as you wish and move freely within the country. You're not forced to visit only the known destinations, you could just stop by in Bern, Switzerland (or whatever) and go wherever you'd like from there. When you're done you can always move on.

Also I think traveling by train would be an interesting experience. By airplane you're more or less getting teleported to a completely different country, you take a nap and you wake up in Amsterdam :D
It's slightly surreal imo.

I've been thinking about doing smth like it myself sometime (this has to be some sort of 20 y/o crisis, a lot of people our age seems to be desperate to travel the world :D)

You made some good points there, thanks! Gotta find information of it.

Haha :D if you decide to go then give me a pm and maybe we will meet in some city!
Interrailing is easily one of the best experiences I've had so far in my life.
Had 3 amazing weeks touring Europe meeting loads of fun people. It would have lasted a lot longer if it hadn't been for uni/work back home.

Sounds to me like you should give it a go as well.
Which countries you visited? which ones were the best? 3 weeks must go so fast :o

I will prolly buy some interrail one country passes. They fit perfectly to my travel plan!
Yeah, sounds like a plan!

3 weeks was indeed not as much time as we would have wanted. We still managed to make our way from Stockholm -> Berlin -> Prague -> Vienna -> Venice -> Rome -> Ventimiglia -> Nice -> Paris -> Bruges -> Amsterdam -> Copenhagen -> Stockholm.

So it was quite hectic, but an amazing adventure with lots of crazy situations and weird meetings. We did practically everything from swimming in a canal in Berlin at 4.00 AM, climbing a church in Vienna, sunbathing by the Eiffeltower to getting drunk and then lost in Amsterdam... Wow I get all nostalgic :P

We tried to be as spontaneous as possible and that's kind of the reason why Vienna ended up being a great stop for us. We arrived there having no place to stay and found this awesome youth-hostel after a couple of hours which was door to door with a great backpackers pub. We had two great nights there with loads of different people from all over the world. Berlin and Prague was really nice as well. Prague was far more spectacular as a city if you ask me though. Partying in Prague was quite fun as well. I remember we ended up staying in some shabby hostel there though with a crazy lady screaming at us across the hall the whole night. Probably cursing us in some ancient language, she must have been over 110 or something.

It was a shame we couldn't stay longer at each destination, but I kind of liked just having something to do 24/7 and constantly being on the move. It was also nice to see and compare southern/northern/eastern/western Europe during that short time. It was nice to put things in perspective like that.

I would have loved to see more of eastern Europe as it was a lot more cheaper as well. I'd recommend you to go to Slovenia and Ljubljana actually. I was there last summer and it's an amazing country with very nice people. It's a bit like the Finnish/Swedish nature only a lot more spectacular.

Western Europe with France/Netherlands/Belgium was expensive. We really enjoyed Bruges for just relaxing and drinking beer. Amsterdam was crazy. And unfortunately we ended up on the wrong foot with Paris. First we almost got robbed after stepping off the train. We couldn't find any place to stay and people were generally quite dismissive. Especially the people at the train station. We could only afford to eat baguettes there as well. Which was quite fitting I guess. ;)

As for Italy, Venice was really cool but I wouldn't stay there for long as it really is just a tourist-trap. It's something you should see for sure, but if you want a taste of Italy you should probably see something else. We had a nice day in Rome and then when the trains got cancelled on our way to Nice we had a great time staying in the small village of Ventimiglia in northern Italy. Picturesque and not that many tourists.
You made my day with that sick story!

How come you went to Slovenia?

So Prague, Vienna, northern italy, Ljubljana to the list to visit! Thanks man!
Glad I could be of some help!

My girldfriend's grandfather was born in Slovenia, so we went there to see her relatives there whom she's never met. Was a breathtaking week but on the other hand I had the privilige to see all the beautiful parts of Slovenia and Ljubljana with locals showing us around. But I do believe that Bled, Kransjka Gora, the Postojna Caves are definitely worth a visit, as is Ljubljana.

Slovenia was in comparison to Transylvania where I went 2 years ago quite similar country-wise (the alps do stand out a bit though) but Slovenia in comparison to Romania felt a lot more clean and rich. Not that that is a pro or con really but that's just the difference I felt.

There are of course loads of other places you could consider, but based on my journies alone then yeah, those are the places I enjoyed most.

I do believe that you'll win a lot if you go after what you feel like seeing/doing. Just have an open-mind and see every obstacle as an opportunity and you'll most likely end up in the coolest places and with the most fun. Travelling for me is a lot about just taking the chances you get and see what happens. :)

Then there is of course that fact that you have to work around a budget most often which may restrict your travels ;) But good luck!

If you want any further specific information about trainroutes or hostels/places I found cool just drop me a PM.
You are a big help! Will write all the places up.

Have you been outside Europe?
Recently came home from a 2 month trip to Australia and New Zealand.

Australia was a lovely country to backpack, nice people and great sights. We only did the east coast though... So there's a lot more to do and see there.

New Zealand was just a pure adventure. We rented a car and drove around both the south and north island together with some Germans and I can say for sure that those two weeks were my best ever as a traveller. If there's one place you should visit before dieing, it's NZ ;)

There you got a bit of everything really. Great people, lots of history and lovely nature plus that there's so much to do and see for travellers there.

And whilst being there I just couldn't shake off the feeling that I was at the other end of the world doing loads of crazy fun stuff with people I've never met before. It's just surreal in a way that makes travelling so much fun :)

Only con is that it's quite expensive... Spent money which I could have used for half a year in Asia probably ;)

I'm looking forward to seeing South America, North America and Asia next, but I'll have to earn some money first before setting off on that trip!
Ok cool.. maybe you saw my sister? she's living in australia atm. she also visited NZ. The pictures just look so awesome, gotta go there sometime! I bet all the money you spend on that trip was totally worth it!

I have a friend in Brazil who was staying at my place for 3 weeks here in Finland, he's moving to germany now.. otherwise I would go to Brazil! Which countries you planning to visit in South America?
Maybe ;) It was definitely!

I've actually been wanting to visit Peru for quite some time. I'm into history and I've always been fascinated by the culture and history there. Then there's also Chile, Ecuador Argentina and Bolivia etc.. which I'd like to pay a visit. Brazil would be something I'd like to see as well. But I'd first and foremost want to visit the Spanish speaking parts as I'd like to practise my Spanish as well :)
Sounds cool! Hopefully you will get there soon! :P
U could indeed visit Slovenia, there's quite some nice places to visit around, like he said below, Bled is probably the most turistic place among the capital Ljubljana, as it has everything a turist wants to see. Also Postojna Caves are really nice, while there's a lot other places to visit, depends on ur resources.
It's kind of depending on the time of year u are visiting as well, as we have both, summer and winter points to visit.
Gonna make a visit there sometime. Thanks for reply!
Slovenia is beautiful!
Did u go with friends or did u meet some people on the train or somewhere and started to travel with them?
I went with two friends actually, which worked out very nice. We did end up spending lots of time with different people from al over the world though so travelling alone wouldn't be any problem as well :)
Interrailing si probably the best experience ive had. Nothing has changed me so much in such a short space of time. You been more than once?
Only once! Planning to go again though :) Where did you go and what did you see?
Sorry for the long reply I hardly browse it over here. I went all over Europe pretty much that time.

Prague -> Krakow -> Vienna -> Budapest -> Lake Balaton -> Zagreb -> Split -> Vis (off Split) -> Ljubljana -> Lake Bled -> Venice -> Florence -> Rome -> Nice -> Paris -> Lille -> Antwerp for a few hours -> Amsterdam.

Great stuff, we went to a lot of touristy and natural places.

Hit me up on IRC if you have any questions!
Interrailing represent
Kuulostaa hyvält. GL!
Do you speak english?? :D

Come to Perth and we can tear up the poker tables at the casino! :D
i gues mi elgish is ok.

How's the casino there? Don't really like playing live poker unless you play with friends and have drinks/smoke weed :D
Played in Burswood every now and then.
How's Perth overall, my friend is going there shortly to work as a welder i think.
Is it possible to see the desert in Australia or is it too risky/no expedition? I really wanna go to AU/NZ.
Romania is what you're looking for of course...

My one good friend is moving there to study. If I went to Romania which city should I go to?
If you go to Romania I could recommend Transylvania ;) It's got some amazing views and sights. Although the country feels quite run down and I remember not feeling entirely safe during my stay there.

However I heard that many backpackers go to Brasov. I could recommend going to Sigishoara as well.
I like it safe tbh. So maybe not Romania :o
Yeah, maybe not, should probably have a read about it before you decide though :) Transylvania's nice!
Yeah just like the guy below me said Transilvania is quite beautiful and not really dangerous like Bucharest for example. And this more like a rumor that Romania is a very dangerous country, as in every country there are bad parts of cities and so.
country so poor that people leave it to find better life in Poland? IT MUST BE AWESOME

well transylvania is actually quite ok, lovely views
Life so poor in Poland that they move to the Netherlands to find a better life

We move pretty much everywhere in west direction to find a better life :D
+1, they are ruining my job coz they are cheaper constructors than the finns
go to Poland, everything is cheap here
I don't like cheap. And I need a working internet :D

I've met 2 finns that had been in Poland and both loved it there, so it's one possibility to stay for a while. Don't think I will ever move to Poland though.
How can you not like cheap? You get quality stuff for less money than in Finland, what's bad about that? :D
If I go to a shop I never look at the prices, I just buy everything I want. So Poland being cheap isn't gonna attract me there. is anything else nice there?
google Mazury :D I'd suggest Warsaw aswell, lots of history around here for a city that was levelled to da ground 70 years ago
doubt u will react like that all the time even if I hope for u to...

But despite poland being cheap, it's a lovely experience, went there with domi for 5 days (CGS LAN) and we travelled a bit and had some gr8 fun.

However u won't rly enjoy quality alcool besides vodka :p

But you should give it a try
well if I'm buying a phone or laptop then I look a bit at the prizes ofc. but when buying normal food or clothes then never. I actually like them more expensive. :D

Already talked with dialer. He told about you being there. Will look forward to have fun @ Warsaw! I bet there are some good bears as well? :)
yes there are ! I kinda drank 5 days non stop there and ejoyed myself ! People are nice, even slept at dialer's gf place :{D

Doubt i would live there, but it's a good experience !
Hopefully I won't be drunk 2 weeks non stop :D

dialer was offering me his gf's place as well (he should ask her first?) :D
alex very nais girl ! no doubt she'll accept !
Whats up with all the crossfire nerds, especially finns, claiming to earn their living by playing poker? Can someone elaborate on that?
they play poker

they win

they got money
I don't know any other crossfire nerd that plays poker for living.
I am sure you missed it but it is not the first time some one in crossfire posts claiming to be rich, claiming to be super awesome at poker, claiming to ...
quick examples I can think of: sereal, mirror
I am sure "lahq" was refering to those finn players that always say during a gtv game "quick x player has to go play poker" .
From what you say here, I guess you play online poker, do you mind writing down your nickname and/or the platform you use to play? I will quick check if you really earn enough money to make a living as you claim (or if you play&win), or if you are just another wanna be.
I'm just another wanna be.
lol come on. What is the point in posting this:
QuoteI play poker for a living (Nl 40-1000hu -Reg killer mostly)

If when asked a simple question like your nickname you go and delete it after?
I am sure if you played poker for a living as you claimed you would't mind people knowning your achievments. Now why do you delete that part when you get asked for your nickname? Notice I didn't even ask you for proof, just your nickname. If you really play poker for a living, god honestly you are awesome, there is only a few people that can actually do this. I am now sure you are just a wanna be, not only are you too young but you perfectly fit the typicall kid who goes play poker online and then claims he does it for a living. And wow (Nl 400-1000 hu) ? Hahah , prove me wrong let's go play now? After all that is the soul of heads up, taking a challenge , I am sure you know this professional 21 year old fin player.
I deleted it because of people like you.

Yeah we can play nl400-1k now if you want. I can play on Stars, ftp, party, williamhill... whats your nick? Go sit I'll join you, 3-4 tables?
So you deleted it because I asked your nickname? I don't get it ? You were the one who came here claiming you play poker for a living, why is it so hard or annoying for you to prove it? As I said, wow if you play poker for a living thats awesome ! But haha please, also what is it with your "slang" ? Are you somewhat confused? I am sure you don't mean 400-1000k STAKES, hahaha do you? Elaborate on it because I also find it hilarious how you wrote that (Reg killer mostly?) Uh.
So whats your nickname on pokerstars , I will quick if what you are saying is real or not, whats the big deal uh?
I was about to post my graph from this year to you in a pm but then I saw you are a member for 18 days.

But yeah if you follow 400-1k hu then you know my nick on stars for sure.
Answer this simple question please, because you are either confused or wrong with your "poker slang":
-What do you EXACTLY mean by 400-1000k Reg mostly
It was nl400-1k

Hello unforgiven?

End of conversation.
Ok Matias, so answer the question because I think you don't know what you are talking about or you are confused or wrote it wrong:
-What do you mean by No Limit 400-1k (Reg killer mostly)

not sure what you mean by unforgiven as well?
I play nl400 to nl1000 heads up stakes. And like 75% of my hands nowadays come against regulars (other wanna be pokker pros). I normally play 2-4 table matches against them.
Ok thats is cool. So then again, what is the problem with sharing your nickname?
stfu you fucking nigger
what the fuck are you still doing on this site unfo, gtfo
how about you respect this guys privacy...

on a side note, the only other poker playing finn that i know makes a good living off of it is vanhaomena
He went online and posted that he plays online poker for a living, which I find it cool. I play online poker too but I don0t think you know how hard and demanding it would be to play it for-a-living. So vanhaomena also plays poker for a living, well this is awesome, do you have any proof or is this just another internet claim made by a finn?
i dont see why you're so focussed on people backing this up with evidence, im not saying you're not allowed to be sceptical, but they dont owe you anything.
What makes you think I am so focussed on it? By 2 comments I made asking?
Ofc they don't owe me anything, I agree. On the other hand I am very active in several poker forums/communities and platforms and I find it hilarious to come here and see a 21 year old highskilled player claiming to play poker for a living.
Again, there is only very few people that play poker for a living, they are called professional poker players, or heck let's even include the semi-pros too. I would love to be proven wrong here, but I am sure I won't find a professional poker player in an ET forum.
He also claimed to give free poker lessons worth 100-200 per hour. I find this claims hilarious and obviously fake. But again, I would love to see him prove me wrong!
Now I am assuming matias is wealthy (because he can afford that trip described above) and he likes to play poker but considering he is 21 and backpedaled the moment I asked his nickname I am most certain that he is just another wanna be. Every poker player I know has no problem sharing their stats, unless they are losing , then they just don't share em. There are several ways to prove you are a winning poker player without showing how much money you got. Whatever I will not continue, not making a big deal but I just found it funny that what that guy above said was true, what is it with people here in this website , claiming to be profesional poker players lol.
At least he was 5th on some Poker tournament in Bulgaria, winning 12k money. I don't know how much he has maked online
Everyone is just making this shit up, nobody really plays poker for living
I know people who play poker for a living and nothing makes them more proud that to show his achievments. I am sure these kids here are just throwing claims , like mirror did some years ago.
Im also finn and playing poker for living (bashing Matias), problem?
sure you do, please post your stars nickname here and matias I will do a quick stats check and prove you guys are just bullshit wannabs!
What I heard was that he won like 200k fast and lost it as well. I used to be a fish at that time so I have no idea if winning that 200k was just good run or skill. but losing it in 2 months or smth is def. not skill. Haven't talked with him for a long time so don't know how he's doing nowadays.
I also remember an old dsky player being quite successful in poker... guess it was kotkis?
Yes. He has been really successful I think.
im kinda mediocre at poker, but i know matias can play like he says he does
if you do well at midstakes+ you will have a sick hourly and lots of money
its nothing too incredible, people with talent and hard work will easily excell at poker even at 2013, nothing weird about it
if you come to Hungary, feel free to stay at my place :)
Mi a helyzet? Jottok régiós kupára ?
én rajta vagyok, csak facebookon nem írtam a csoportba :)
ja hogy már meg is hívtak? akkor jo. Powi IRC-en elérhető ?
szerintem igen, de majd szólok neki h menjen fel ha nem, este biztos fent lesz
I live like 25 miles from Budapest, so that wont do for you, but could get you a flat in BP. There are many friends from University who could lend you a bed in the capital city, or sth. Though I see sebi recommended his place (dunno if he is living in bp or somewhere else), I heard he can cook vegetables very well, dont miss it!
Budapest the best? :D
am living in Pécs, one of the most historical cities in pécs, settled right in the leg of a "mountain". It's in the south, not really far from the croatian border. And I can cook indeed :-D
sounds so great! did you get my pm?
replied already :p
If you come first time to .HU you should start with BP, then later Pécs, and some other places also worthy to visit. You can do whatever you want in Budapest even on weekdays, not like in smaller cities.

If you want to party hard BP is also the best place, but you should definitely spend atleast 1 night in Siófok (Balaton)
+1 on Siófok, but I don't agree with the first part :)
I am whining since I spent some time in Italy. Even a small VILLAGE have 10 times bigger life on weekdays than some Hungarian cities. On weekdays... like MONDAY... not to mention whats going on in Italy during Weekend. They know how to live.
That's true. But I'd say Pécs is an exception, anytime during the day / evening you go inside the heart of the city (Széchenyi tér and Király utca , if you've been there), there is always some spirit, some live street performances during daytime, and people drinking around in bars, clubs are also open in the evening. However if someone prefers the landscape, here is Mecsek (highest ~700meter). This providies excellent views. :)
omgomg! Can't wait to hike there!
I don't want to party every day all day. I want to play poker as well on the trip :)
I know, but in some cities you really cant do anything. Visiting both BP and Pécs is a good idea!
That sounds boring :D. Gonna stick with BP & Pècs then :>
Maybe I will visit Budapest for a couple of days and then go to Pècs!
you're welcome if you come here, just provide some info on the date when you have your fix plan!
Great man! I will keep you updated and ask questions on fbook! :-)
If you're in holland you can send me a pm and i could show you around the amsterdam/leiden/the hague area
I also have a ladyfriend who's family is originally from finland i might ask her to tag along if you'd like.

Unfortunately dont have a place for you to stay. I also promise i wont ditch you like exceed did back at cdc(3)? scouts honor!
I will visit holland for sure even if I don't score a sleeping place there. That would be lovely, I bet you know the best places to chill out @ Amsterdam! Does she speak any finnish? :)

Yeah I remember Exceed.... :D
theres plenty of hotels or hostels in the amsterdam area where you could enjoy your stay. or perhaps if you'd rather avoid the big city you could stay in leiden for a while, its the city where i work and its pretty nice. alot of young people because its a student town and the whole city has really old and traditional dutch buildings

as for her, i actually think she doesnt speak finnish all that well, maybe a little. her parents are fluent of course but i think she is better at english.
I could visit both cities! Already been like 5-6 times in Amsterdam :D. Are there any good coffee shops in Leiden?

oh ok :-)
yeah theres two really close to the train station, there might even be a third somewhere
ok, looking forward to it mate! :D
I think it's safe to say there are too many dutch people in the ET community for you not to find a place to stay. Dualinity and I met up last event in Amsterdam after we spoke for years. Lovely guy and super cool irl.

Well true.

He seems to be like a chill dude!

it's a nice place unfortunally i will not be there.

What to do there? :)
summer place, nice seaside around, touristic place and near the zone typical and awesome traditional south places. Also cheap and good alcohol own made (specially wine) bitches and concerts.
just a choice to see: https://maps.google.it/maps?q=Villanova,+Ostuni,+BR&hl=it&ll=40.789376,17.591059&spn=0.003245,0.004823&sll=44.497222,11.426944&sspn=0.048916,0.077162&oq=villanova+ostu&t=h&hnear=Villanova,+Brindisi,+Puglia&z=18

very small city but i can tell u that i can leave my car with keys inside and it will not be stolen...it's an old fishermen place...relaxing place nothing else..i loved it.
Gotta go there then! Will put it on my list :D

Have fun, sounds like a lot of fun and a great experience! Cousin spent 2 months backpacking in India and is planning to go to Japan for a while.
Thanks! Don't japanese people hate foreigners? :D
I have no idea, from what ive heard and seen (in Finland) they are very nice people, language barrier could be a problem tho!
I actually met one really friendly japanese guy this summer!
I had dozen japanese tourists come to eat at my work place, all of them greeted me and everybody working that night and after they had eaten they came and thanked us for the food with their awesome english skills! :D
:D where do you work?
i work at a restaurant by a motorway. Nothing fancy, steaks, pastas, pizzas etc, but a great place to learn since ive been studying it for a year now. And the salary is rather good imo.
most japanese people are friendly with foreigners, especially the younger people
japan is the coolest place ive been to and want to go again some year :)
I'm going to travel all around Japan in September. What do you recommend? :)
Well, all I can say is, I really enjoyed my time at Kyoto.. I was supposed to visit Tokyo also, but didnt get around it sadly.
Nightlife is pretty cool and theres lots of historical things to see if you enjoy that kind of thing.
Mostly I just enjoyed the big cultural difference to finland, as something refreshing.
I start in Osaka, and I end in Tokyo; and in between all that I have yet to plan haha
I'm going with my girlfriend, and we plan to see as much as possible. Rather see the small villages, nature etc outside the big cities, even though we won't miss them!

You mean there are cool clubs/bars etc? Didn't expect that :D
And yeah, the culture must be fucking awesome
Friends went to interrail like month ago. They said they really liked Budapest, really cheap and nice place.
If you plan to come to southern Germany (Stuttgart f.e.) I can surely get you a bed and decent internet.
How you like the city and people there?
It's fucking awful, don't even bother. I've been trying to get out of this shithole for years.
Come on, it's quite ok, just Turkey
lach nich so :< komm mal wieder TS du arsch
Stuttgart is quite cool. It's not as big as Munich, Berlin or Hamburg but it has a lot of culture paired with the strongest economy in the country which makes living here good and easy.

Always depends on what you want to do in the cities tho, if you want to go clubbing, Stuttgart has improofed quite a lot in this field, for shopping it isnt that good, missing a lot of good stores.
Wasn't too happy about Oxy's comment. Maybe he lives in a bad neighborhood or smth? :D

It's always nice to see new cities and meet new people in them! It would be nice to visit Stuttgart sometime! :)

Can you pm me your facebook/skype so we can talk more there?
I actually live in one of the rather... "richer" ones, it really isn't the neighborhood I have issues with either, It's the German mentality and culture, not to mention the language... oh god the language. And the excessive amount of immigrants that don't speak English NOR German around every corner.
lmao, i read " i can surely get you in bed" xD
As usual mati-mate feel free to hit me up with any questions as i've done a fair bit of travelling myself. Finland Sandi has done a lot too, and from what I understand Netherlands Spho is a massive traveller.

Further more, if you ever need a place to stay in Manchester or in Nottingham UK hit me up (meez is in Nottingham too).

/q ScarZy or hit me up on facebook! Very jealous!
Manchester would be a sick place to visit!
I can probably put you up for a long weekend or so during termtime but depends what time of year. :)
You could probably visit southern part of Portugal, Algarve, specially if u are going at summer time, as its spectacular with museums, castles and everything to check from history wise and turist wise. If u are into history and old fashion cities, u might wanna take a look at Tavira, has some spectacular parts from history and on other side, u could visit as well Faro and Portimão, both cities are really great.

On the other side, like i wrote u above, u could visit Slovenia and then if ur here, extend it over to Croatia, specially some of the islands are really great to visit.
I like history a lot, looking forward to visit some castles in Portugal!
Plenty to see there.
I love my city (Antwerp) because it's not too big but there is always something fun to do (less so in the winter I guess). But if I could live anywhere I want, I would probably look for a place at the coast somewhere around the mediteranian. Like Italy or Croatia.

So I guess my advice is to check out those regions :)
For a young guy who loves electronic music, Antwerp is a great place to be though!
I have been in Antwerp @ ET LAN!
Slovenia, Ljubljana, avi. (not joking)
na kurbe ga pel :D
a to obstaja? :_D
pa itk, si bo saj zapovnu slovenijo po nekmu :D
Yes, got a spare room and decent+stable internet.
Cool man! Do you have skype/facebook? :)
just dont go where polaks/russians/niggers/gypsys are and ur safe&fun
Germany + Austria
At first you should visit some nice places in Helsinki! waht? GL
so go to NL, stay at Netherlands Qyz's place and i'll come join
Sounds like a plan!
good idea - keep on living like this - this is the way cf should go on
i've just accidentaly deleted my whole wall of text essay comment about RomaniaRomania, if you want to know about it send me a message and we will talk (and get deeeeep). too pissed to write again now...
Reply it here! Because if I ever have a friend who is asking where to go etc. I'll just link this journal to the friend!

Not sure if I'm coming to Romania after a pm I got from unforgiven, but maybe you can change my mind!
":D" ok , i'll try to see what i can do
"quality beers"

you´re welcome
What are your favorites? :)
haha there are so many
hmm i would say delirium, chouffe,hoegaarden, val dieu and tripel karmeliet
hoegaarden overrated!
Hey mate, sounds like a great voyage you're going for there! =)
If you want we could arrange a couple of nights at my place in Brussels, and at the same time I could show you some worthy bars to go to :)

Myself I've been to Croatia + Herzegovina for three weeks last year, backpacking, with my girlfriend, and it really was awesome!
Croatia is gorgeous with all those little islands and small villages, and the nature was really beautiful! You don't want to miss the Plitvice National Park!
And at every coach stop there were literally 20+ people there with a "zimmer room cammer" notice, with cheap as fuck rooms :P
Herzegovina was great as well, and nature camping is legal, so if you happen not to find a place to stay; just plant your tent!
Crime never was really a problem except for one night in Herzegovina where we heard steps around our tent, while we were in the middle of nothing, but nothing happened; was scary as fuck though!
A few weeks ago I was in Cracow, Poland with a bunch of friends; and nightlife is awesome as fuck! Plenty of young people, plenty of bars, cheap but decent booze, it was really great! (and apparently there is a lot of story in that city, but we didn't go for that, unfortunately)
This year I'm going to Indonesia and Japan, next year to Brazil, but I guess that's not really for you :P

Good luck and enjoy this awesome trip, buddy =)


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have you seen the big kalasnikov and .50cal holes in the houses in Croatia ? near Plitvice Lakes ? :s...
such sad area...
Nope, but I've seen those in Bosnia Herzegovina though, really touching..
idd...ghost villages, though there are some reconditioned houses where people live but i've never seen any kind of movement.
in Serbia they have expanded Belgrad with new houses for those affected by the bombardment far away from the ruines, on a hill i remember. at least they wont have to see the damaged houses and remember about that time every day. :s..
It's Beograd cunt :D
isn't it Belgrade or Belgrad in english ? i thought Beograd was just for their specific language
Ye its Belgrade, but u talk balkan, when u are here, fk english :D
Sure. Brussels sounds great!

Yeah.. I've been dreaming of Croatia for a while now :)

I bet it was just some animal walking around your tent!

Idk about Indonesia.. But I would love to visit Japan and Brazil!

I added you on facebook, lets continue there xoxo!
Yes goku travelling /xf/er
if i remember right, nonix did a such travel ( ~europe ) with his bike?

also i think scarzy traveled a lot,

u should ask these guys, they probably have ideas & experience from that ( and maybe they know some friendly etplayers around where ur going )
Thanks kartez m8!
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