How to win Eurocups: A manual.


- Step 1:

Gather the only active and skilled players left in the game.

- Step 2:

Throw in Estonia Night because he can think for 6 people, which is needed looking at the line up.

- Step 3:

Play mixes all the time in either ET or RTCW but never with more than four people out of your main line up, now you can claim you never pracced and win the Eurocup coolboy style.

- Step 4:

Get a Clanbase admin to love you.

- Step 5:

Reschedule your games until the opponent loses one or more core players due to summer. The fact that you're breaking numerous rules while doing so is not of any importance as Clanbase is already licking your heels.

- Step 6:

Delay the actual final as much as you can by showing up late and by faking internet crashes. This way you will annoy your opponent and they might lose their concentration and motivation. The fact that you are breaking even more rules here is, again, not important since your personal Clanbase Admin is openly on your side.

- Step 7:

Pause at critical moments during the game to check out what the opponent is exactly doing on the stream or on ETTV.

- Step 8:

By now your opponent will have no motivation left. He's also not used to playing multiple hours in a row unlike you so he will be weakened a lot. Take the victory.

- Step 9:

Be a cunt about your win to improve the coolboy level of your victory.

image: The_captain_enlarged
how to lose?
Indeed. Kevin deserves golden pokal cuz best player in ET history.

You're coming home this week?
Al sinds zaterdag terug!
- How to give your tzac account to a cheater and get banned

(c) 2013 by Domi
fucking goldfish, man!
croute man
I don't love anyone on the internet except United States of America peaches and United Kingdom Marcus
broke my heart
ppfft thought we had something :s
Oh and by the way, I can remember your shit Devastation team using EC players in second division to win it so you better shut up.
Which EC players are you crying over again now? Because as far as I can tell, all the players we've used, were already playing with us, so take your sore loser Q_Q somerwere else you french piece of shit.
We won the division so I don't really cry but don't spit on other teams when you do the same, faggot.
you won the division because you frenchys played it like WW2, hey lets take forfeit win cuz we scared faggots. And do the same, as I said, we were playing with them for some time already, so your tears are for nothing.
That was one of our best victory <3 taking a forfeit win against such massive nerds trying hard with EC players :D
Trying hard ":D" You're such a joke of a guy. There is nothing about what you say that makes any sense at all. Its like talking to a brick wall.
You know I'm right, you have nothing left to say so yeah you better run away like a chicken.

image: tumblr_m8q9pdStFk1qawpudo1_r1_250
Sorry, but you have not even given a single proof to back up your "arguments" (aka tears). And since I am obviously not french, I will not run away like a chicken, france still holds that title.
What you up to lately?
Playing LoL with Feath or irl mates, I totally left ET and TM, I feel bad but I can't stop playing Lol even though I'm baaaad :> you?
Playing a shitload of games with eddo and kevin XD Stopped LoL actually, haven't touched it in weeks (Mainly because my own laptop is gone for repair). Tried to et back in TM, but then my pc got send in, and cba playing pub on this thing :P
all your words are fucking lies really, how mad and retarded u are :)
My words are lies? Please come with proofs that I am not telling the truth, instead of claiming something you piece of shit.

Provok his CB account is from 2008, I started playing EC in 2008, so hey, your "claim" has already been destroyed.
How about your CB account ? :D
Created in 2006.
Yeah but how is it now ???? Atleast I don"t have a C&A profile :D
Oh noes, You started the childish act again are we. You should marry r1va. And the C&A profile is such a stain on my ET carreer.
please don't tell me you called it a career. I mean ET and career in 1 sentence is quite hilarious, have nothing against you, and afaik you're a nice person, but ET and CAREERS PLS I AM LAUGHING :D
ET is his life
You should invest in a good sarcasm detector, because even a normal 12 year old would have seen that this was obvious sarcasm.
There is no other word that covers what he's trying to say in a well enough manner.
Parent here we go. Proofs that u try to play a cup final with 2 players online :( Thx for info that u play EC in 2008. I don't give a shit. I got some proofs, u got nothing. C U
Says nothing with only 2 players online there. But hey, I'll your mentally ill brain rest by now, because it must've been hard to come up with all those proofs by now!
You know he's not right and you have to keep this flamewar going on dude. Don't run away like a chicken XD
This chicken has nothing on me.

Still mad

get crushed
Les sous merde dans ton genre ne devrait pas trop l ouvrir non plus
mais t'es qui toi ?

Un putain de random !
Et toi t es qui? Un putain de gros porc en plus d etre une sous merde
bougrement recherché, et futé qui plus est. Tu te permets de montrer autant d'irrespect, envers une personne que d'une part tu ne connais pas, en te basant sur des propos infondés et venant de gros rageux qui se font péter à ET car il puent la merde tout comme toi, t'es insignifiant et tu n'as aucune personnalité, continues tes e-clash si ça t'amuses ! mais t'es rien qu'un putain de random :=)

Je suis qui? Le mec qui a pété tes copines tellement sévère sur ET qu'elles en ont perdu la tête.
tu sors la game gtv où tu nous a péter ? et toutes les fois où on a pété ton mix de merde composé de 'med+' et de rambos. Et je parle pas du 3v3 ... Sois pote avec Domi, vous allez bien ensemble.
mad quand tes potes nous insultaient de cheaters en 3v3 ? Je crois pas non, tes potes oui apparemment.
tu pues la merde tg
I like how you're defending Domi while he's talking shit about your country ROFL
I do not like my country myself, and especialy those fr people over cf community who are disrepectful aswell as retarded.
They arnt the only ones to use EC players in a lower division, its like a cool trend now in et
Me and tomoyo are EC players aswell, so I dont the huge problem with us playing with our friends and people we have played with for a while.
"Me and tomoyo are EC players aswell"

Only in the forms.
Still played EC when you were still in diapers.
hey that's my line
no worries dawg i dont care enough to even argue, but yes i understand where your coming from
want to believe :D
Oh god, another one of those diaper players, hey you wouldn't when I played EC because you weren't even playing ET in those days. Prolly you were sucking your dad's tits for milk.
What is the relation between age and playing EC ? Explain me master, maybe a 14 years old kid can play EC, why not ? :D And u must play EC to be considered as an EC player ? Maybe some good players in OC prem got the level too. C U egoboy, maybe u should be a bit more modest, I understand now why u and tomoyo are friend :D

PS : u are 30 years old to speak to me like that ? I hope for u really
You are coming with the sentence "I want to believe", and so I said what I played EC, which makes me an EC player. But I guess low IQ people like yourself dont get that part. And god you are horrible at reading references.
The problem is that you consider yourself as an EC player, in fact you're playing like shit and getting carried. That's the difference between sticked and your shitty Devastation team. We have never considered ourself as 'med+' or 'EC players' or wat u want. C U
snooty man
Since I have played EC, I am considered an EC player, so sit down son. And I am not talkin about Devastation, Devastation is just a team for fun, unlike you french try-hards. I am getting carried, now you are just hilarious (You were already funny before, but now you are going sky high son!). If I were to get "carried" why would they want me in their team? Please elaborate, well, if you can ofcourse. So far you have not had the IQ to explain anything, or proof. Just accuse and claim, typical shit head.
Parent This proof is already posted :(
QuoteSince I have played EC, I am considered an EC player, so sit down son
. It's useless to speak with such an egoboy. And don't speak about IQ, devastation is a fun team and u sign up in all events :DDDD Nice IQ u got there, loosing by forfeit both matchs of a cup final, nice IQ u got there. And btw, all the readers can note your fucking high ego and your low IQ
What does that actually proof? That we play cups and leagues for fun? with people that we know and play with? Ye, it surely shows that! Thanks for the proof! And low IQ is when you lose by forfeit? Because people with your skill rather take a forfeit win than play like real men, my IQ is low? =DDDDDDD God, your french is logic is horrible, you should cut those wrists of yours.
1. A fun team can perfectly sign up for all tournaments, why shouldn't they be able to as a fun team?

2. Domi isn't ego as what he's saying is simply the truth, he's not saying he's a good player. He's only saying he is an EC player, which he is since he played some Eurocups in the past. On top of that he isn't ego because he simply is a really good and smart player.

3. Domi is one of the more intelligent people I know, even though he has no interest in showing that on Crossfire since most of the people here are retarded.

4. Devastation lost both games by forfeit because Sticked is apparently a very immature clan that hates fair play.

5. I remember Sticked disallowing me to play for Devastation in a random cup final even though I'm actually a full member of the team which can easily be proven by the fact that I went to a LAN with them.

6. Please make a better effort when writing in English, it's hurtful to read your sentences. ( Same goes for Provok ).
1. A fun team can play a tournament with 6 players, not 3 mercs the final day, argument invalid

2. What you are saying is that a player who played EC is good, and can be considered as a 'EC player', which is false because i'm sure u know some players who played EC and they are bad so argument invalid

3. Domi is retarded, always flamming and whining in game, so a low IQ for him, argument invalid

4. Devastation lost because u guys can't organize a fucking final without 3 mercs ( your famous 'EC players', so important to win vs sticked :DDD ), so argument invalid

5. It's possible if you have played with an other team in the same tournament, so it's fucking normal ( the admin accept our request, u can shut up if the admin agrees with us ), so your argument is invalid

6. I don't give a shit, I went to England, Germany, Romania, Italia, Holland, my english was understandable by my interlocutors.

And I feel bad for u
QuoteDomi is one of the more intelligent people I know
, if u really think that :)
You missed the point on nearly every single argument I made.

Your English is rather terrible unless you're making all those spelling and grammatical errors on purpose. Your terrible English might also be the reason of you not understanding anything I said.

Stop telling lies like you're doing in the fifth point, and show some respect for other people. Acting like a 14 year old arrogant, ignorant, unmannered and disrespectful little kid is not okay, not even on the internet.

I wont reply any further, you're hopeless.
I don't miss anything, and I'm not writing here to have a job, so why are u crying about my english ?
In the fifth point, I guess the cup admin decides that u are not allowed to play, so what's your point ?

and your quote made my day, Provok will put it on sticked voice serv :D
I was talking about the concept of 'EC players are good' , I don't give a shit if he played EC in 2008
And yet, If I were not good, why would they keep me in their lineup? Something someone with such a low brain capacity as yourself can't comprehent.
we only used abort as a merc, who was my former teammate for EC; aswell as a inactive player during the period,
Rest was complete dev line up ;

do you get it now ? :)
lies like Domi, u try to take at least 3 mercs and 2 of us have already played in that cup. If the situation was like u said, only abort, we got no reason to take forfeit. Do you get it now ? J'espère que tu racontes pas souvent de mensonges comme ça dans ta vie, ça fait l’adolescent qui ment à tout le monde pour avoir raison. Et il y avait un admin à cette cup ( fanatic ), qui a fait respecter les règles, si on a le forfeit c'est que vous avez pas respecter les règles et vous avez donc mal géré votre team. Et tu te prends pour un papi, c'est toi qui a la voix de tapette sur ts, baisse ton égo. C U
So far only abort on the roster was a EC player that wasn't allowed to play, that's the reason why u cried to fanatic to get a shit forfeit, coz u got rolled too hard to handle it.

Parles pas trop de voix johny b-b-b-b-b-ègue, puisque vous avez l'air de vous amuser sur le physique des gens on va commencer à taper dans le sapin
no proofs of wat you're saying but I don't give a shit.

Je l'attendais, c'est les mêmes moqueries que tous les ado disaient quand j'étais jeune, tu peux me flammer autant que tu veux, rien à foutre

Pense quand même à baisser ton ego, ça fera du bien à toi-même et aux autres.
J'ai rien à baisser du tout, surtout face à une raclure dans ton genre, tu te prends pour qui, vous pétez tous plus haut que votre cul et vous la ramenez beaucoup trop pour mériter le peu d'estime que vous clamez.

T'auras peut être plus de succès sur tetris, gtfo rookie
celui qui pète plus haut c'est toi depuis le début, à défendre ton pote et à prouver que t'es le meilleur, c'est toi le mec qui a egoboost en quelques années, qui se prend pour une leet irl, et parle pas d'estime, beaucoup de joueurs français n'en ont plus pour toi depuis lontps :)

T'a déjà couru sur un terrain de basket ? rookie :D
je jouais au basket que t'étais pas né baltringue, l'estime que les français ont pour moi c'est le dernier de mes soucis, surtout quand on voit ce qu'il reste, c'est la crème des boloss(ouai t'en fais partie).

Je n'ai pas egoboost, j'ai juste joué sur la scène EU, vous ai juste pété, vous avez juste ragé.

Si t'étais un tant soit peu intelligent t'aurais pas de problème à comprendre la situation mais visiblement c'est peine perdue.

Fin de la discussion valérie bègue
J'ai joué en sélection ouest france de basket, pendant que tu trainais surement ta masse sur un terrain, gros sac.

T'a pas eu d'egoboost ? grosse merde va, ton expérience en team france en a été la preuve.

Tu veux parler d'intelligence ? va s'y bro, domi va t'enrichir c'est sur ' allez on va prendre 3 mercs med+ pour péter les sticked tonight ' . Trop bien la team, trop bien les mates XD
Franchement, répond je vais rigoler je pense.

Pendant que j'y suis, j'attend toujours le bust de RIp, pas toi ?
j'ai joué en cadet nation, et jusque dernièrement je jouais en R1.

Ca fait que ma masse comme tu dis je la traine très bien. :)

Mon expérience en TF a été une belle erreur, de croire que je pouvais m'intégrer auprès de personnes comme tu dis si bien dont l'ego est surdimensionné.

Les 3 mercs med+ tu les sors d'où? Je vois un merc, abort, et il a pas du tout carry. Alors fermes ta putain de grande geule.Le reste des joueurs ça s'appelle #devastation.

J'attends toujours le bust de rip, on est deux.

t'aurais pu finir ta phrase par : p-p-p-p-p-pas toi ça aurait été plus réaliste.
1. je te pète au basket
2. En team fra, peut être que ton caractère et ton ego n'a pas fonctionné avec la team, pas seulement celui des autres.
3. J'étais sur le serv ce soir là, on a vu 1, 2 , puis le 3 mercs se connecter, I remember it :D
4. Je sais que tu as dit que RIp a cheaté :s ( j'étais sur ts ... ) .
5. J'ai f-f-f-f-inis la conversation.
t'a réussi à penser que t'avais un zizi plus gros, G fucking G.

T'es un raté, tu pues la merde, anytime.
tomobroooo <333
gonna win ec next season ! Thanks mr domi
im moving to other town so ur serious gaming tongue can lick my balls. Look foward seeing how u try to bust me, will be fun.

e: Well id rather be banned on CB than act like ultra retard. Just sayin
dobra juz zamknij morde plebsie
Proponuje nauczyc sie jezyka jebancu bo to nie polskie forum :XD
znam angielski perfekcyjnie co nie oznacza ze musze go uzywac zeby pokazac gdzie jest miejsce takiego biednego polaczka jak ty
What Kalli said. n000000b
all that matters is that sucKen didn't win EC. that would the end of ET


holy shit nerds mad
got to the third step and done a massive facepalm.
i quess step 9 is in ur system already.
hey now, you play a lot at nights, just not with anexis mates ;x
What did I miss? Aren't the first 3 steps true for pretty much every year the last few years? Haven't been paying much attention, but ever since idle/dignitas, and also around that time a lot of other great players, stopped playing, I usually noticed only a few people who take the game extra serious.

So who cares really,. If some people want to spend a lot of time on a gaming competition, that's their choice. In competitions, no matter where, the most motivated and dedicated people usually win. Most of us don't want to pour that much time and effort in an online competition, but why bother worrying about those that want to?

It's a different story ofcourse when the victors can't be gracious about it or can't put things in perspective. I don't know what happened though, but I know some people in that team aren't exactly gracious and can have a bit of an ego. If I look at the lineup, I've had some negative experiences with everyone on that team (including chry) except for with koop and clown, so I can imagine them acting like egoturds and I'd just ignore it like everyone else does:p
not much happened tbh

the match was rescheduled twice (once for each team, so I don't see how it is unfair), then R0SS was about 20 minutes late to the game today, causing tensions to be a bit higher than usual

there were a few pauses (from both teams) and some delay in between maps, but that's pretty much it

don't really know what the rest of Domi's dribble is about :P
So nothing really happened it seems then. Thanks for the info, I wrongfully assumed that some people on rockit were acting like pricks (which is an understandable mistake, considering how some of them have acted in the past). All I saw on gamestv was chry and kamz flaming eachother, but I guess that's pretty normal. They both think they are Gods gift to mankind and that there can only be one such gift :p
Hi crook :)
Hi friend ;)
Still playing? Or just hanging about :p
Hanging about :p don't really play ET anymore, do I have you on steam... or you LoL only?
Ye you should have, we played some fail but hilarious L4D2 remember !
Not really playing LoL anymore though, if I play it's just minecraft or civilization :D

Been thinking about playing the occasional L4D2 or ET game to blow off some steam though (no pun intended :s)
I'm around tonight & tomorrow night if you wanna get some games going. 3on3 ET (I assume 6on6 dead) or L4D2 or something!
Sounds good, I'll be on bigbeats irc/ts tomorrow?
Yah tomorrow sounds good :)
well yeah there was some flaming and ego'ing in-game, but nothing too crazy
The rest is obviously jelly act cus u didn't mention u love him in that reply of urs xD
Heard that rockit neither had 6 (For the 2nd time) the last time, but didn't say anything about that before decerto said anything.

Can be wrong ofcourse.
We've all done that though, haven't we?
Might, but he still knew about it (if its true) that rockit didn't have 6 players twice.
is that retard of the year award still going on? You might win that !
Might? already won by miles, since all the favorites are banned :(
Just because I say what is on my mind. Love how ignorant people are in ET/CF. Well this torM guy has already won the award with his 5 year old logic.
At least he doesn't make new tzac every second week in dead game like urself and ur buddies.
Oh, that has something to do with retard award, wow your logic really makes alot of sense.
Once upon a time there was a snail...
R.I.P. -slo.snail- :(
All you really need is step one and two.
step 2 can be skipped and choose ex-cheaters instead
then why didnt we win?
Was you the captain pic on ts? :D
step 5 made me angrykiddo :c
2013 and people still take this game seriously, thats just sad
tryhard not to give a fuck.
8/10 would read again
I just read it again, 8,5/10
excuses before match why they gonna lose, thats important alzo
that's included in step 3
Im going to put this in the nicest way possible, what the fuck are you even trying to prove on this post? at the end of the day we havnt pld together for 3 weeks, ross + koop dont even play rtcw, i dont play rtcw that much either il have abit of fun on the other pc ( the shit one ) with the other lads i like to play with but nothing serious, anyway it still stands what im going to say. decerto was fucking awful, we made them look good on supply cause we didnt know what we was doing, this is nothing towards any of the players apart from saken cupra and lamp but ur all low+ and will never be on a "high" level. :DDDDDDDDDDD
Can you re-type that with your typical insults? This just doesn't seem right.
and for the record robert i normally only play on a wednesday and a friday when iv come in from being out on the piss you rabbit looking fucking gimp. time to go shine them rimz on your wheelchair m8
that's more like it
snakey snakey
where snakey snakey
That's not a nice thing to say :(
Having 500 more dmg than the low+ in decerto is not putting you higher than med skill either.
thats what i mean by people like you who think because people got a decent aim in the game they are high, its all about the game sense, come on now son lets not get all dopey, ur speaking to a lan winner by here:) fuck sake have some respect for the skillers
Why would I show respect to someone who clearly can't do the same himself?
Whatever "high level" means nowadays, in my opinion being in EC final puts you in "high" pool of players by definition (at that time, being all-time "high" is something else). There always are haters that will comment on how hard was someone carried (let it be saken or ross, that had a loads of those in past as well), but truth is - if he was to be carried, that team would never get successful in grand scheme.
We put up more than a decent fight against some of the most experienced and awarded ET players of all times, I would say that means something. I think we should have won, but not being able to defend 9 minutes on goldrush is a crime and we got punished for that. You started awful, got better from map to map, we started pretty good but once we lost momentum, we could never gain it back. WP&gratz to you, but I don't think all that hatred was/is necessary (however, I have no idea what happend between all of you).

As for activity - I don't see a point in races on who played less and still won, lets be honest in here - there is virtually noone to practice against, even if someone wanted it would be almost impossible to be even semi-active. Both teams played with slightly improvised lineups with little to no practice. (don't take it as direct reply to your comment)
Just read it again, I would like to improve on my previous rating

I would now rate this 9/10, would read even more
Good guy Koop
Im a lan winner. nuff said. respect the skiller.
was wondering why he wasnt replying lol :P
gonna put into my big book of tax. Tnx :D
Winning Cups with active skilled players.

Who would have thunk it
thing is we aint even active :(
People still playing ET? LolzZZzzZz
I've always found it funny that ET teams seem to be competing on who is the better team with least practice instead of just simply who is the better team. Most teams even seem to get offended when someone is implying that they have been active and get on the defence right away :D

Perhaps some cup organization should implement a system which tracks the amount of ET played by all the individuals & teams and gives bonus points for lesser activity / awards for the teams with least hours of ET played related to their standing
Fuck that....their all nerds who played this game over 10000000 hours regardless of their active or not they will always play well.
Haha, too true. Guess that started when the game started to go quiet. Somehow everyone suddenly became ashamed of spending time on a game in order to be good or to win. If you played a lot and won, you were a nerd and if you lost you were shit at this game. Didn't help that a lot of people showed their true frustrated selves through "trolling" eachother. by calling their opponents "shit" when they won and "nerds" when they lost. Only proper way to win was to not play and still win somehow. Looks like nothing changed and no one is a winner in this game :D
there's a new phenomenon on crossfire, you are either a nerd or you're simply too cool for games and you go to gym (yet still posting on gtv/cf all the time)
This couldn't be more true
U forgot taking dem steroids :s
well the game is pretty much dead and only hardcore gamers that cant just let it go keep playing, didnt you notice? I mean, a lot of people got bored after all of those years, nowadays you can't even find a proper game, everyone is cheating, there are almost no cups anymore so it's a lil bit funny to me that some people still take this game SO seriously and want to make it competetive with 5 active teams left.
It's like high school all over again "lol didn't study for the exam but got a good grade, you studied 24/7 and got worse grade, nerd". Priceless
oh yeah never thought about that. That's so fucking annoying.
People still getting mad about losing EC-games. Used to be razz or kamz, now it's domi.
I wasn't playing, just noticing how things go and wrote them.
you are all a bunch of sad losers , gg no re.
just for the record lads im not mad at all im just joking :), just its a fact if they won they would of been talking a load of shit on and off the server, would of been a couple of journals made already.
nah, u mad.
people getting mad cuz domi is writting bullshit once again :DDD awesome
Bullshit? This is truth written by me and a trustworthy source.
koop and ross winning EC? ET/RTCW couldn't be anymore dead.
people still get mad over a dead game
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