How to win Eurocups: A manual.
21 Jul 2013, 23:08
- Step 1:
Gather the only active and skilled players left in the game.
- Step 2:
Throw in Night because he can think for 6 people, which is needed looking at the line up.
- Step 3:
Play mixes all the time in either ET or RTCW but never with more than four people out of your main line up, now you can claim you never pracced and win the Eurocup coolboy style.
- Step 4:
Get a Clanbase admin to love you.
- Step 5:
Reschedule your games until the opponent loses one or more core players due to summer. The fact that you're breaking numerous rules while doing so is not of any importance as Clanbase is already licking your heels.
- Step 6:
Delay the actual final as much as you can by showing up late and by faking internet crashes. This way you will annoy your opponent and they might lose their concentration and motivation. The fact that you are breaking even more rules here is, again, not important since your personal Clanbase Admin is openly on your side.
- Step 7:
Pause at critical moments during the game to check out what the opponent is exactly doing on the stream or on ETTV.
- Step 8:
By now your opponent will have no motivation left. He's also not used to playing multiple hours in a row unlike you so he will be weakened a lot. Take the victory.
- Step 9:
Be a cunt about your win to improve the coolboy level of your victory.
- Step 1:
Gather the only active and skilled players left in the game.
- Step 2:
Throw in Night because he can think for 6 people, which is needed looking at the line up.
- Step 3:
Play mixes all the time in either ET or RTCW but never with more than four people out of your main line up, now you can claim you never pracced and win the Eurocup coolboy style.
- Step 4:
Get a Clanbase admin to love you.
- Step 5:
Reschedule your games until the opponent loses one or more core players due to summer. The fact that you're breaking numerous rules while doing so is not of any importance as Clanbase is already licking your heels.
- Step 6:
Delay the actual final as much as you can by showing up late and by faking internet crashes. This way you will annoy your opponent and they might lose their concentration and motivation. The fact that you are breaking even more rules here is, again, not important since your personal Clanbase Admin is openly on your side.
- Step 7:
Pause at critical moments during the game to check out what the opponent is exactly doing on the stream or on ETTV.
- Step 8:
By now your opponent will have no motivation left. He's also not used to playing multiple hours in a row unlike you so he will be weakened a lot. Take the victory.
- Step 9:
Be a cunt about your win to improve the coolboy level of your victory.
You're coming home this week?
(c) 2013 by Domi
Provok his CB account is from 2008, I started playing EC in 2008, so hey, your "claim" has already been destroyed.
Still mad
get crushed
Un putain de random !
Je suis qui? Le mec qui a pété tes copines tellement sévère sur ET qu'elles en ont perdu la tête.
Only in the forms.
PS : u are 30 years old to speak to me like that ? I hope for u really
snooty man
. It's useless to speak with such an egoboy. And don't speak about IQ, devastation is a fun team and u sign up in all events :DDDD Nice IQ u got there, loosing by forfeit both matchs of a cup final, nice IQ u got there. And btw, all the readers can note your fucking high ego and your low IQ
2. Domi isn't ego as what he's saying is simply the truth, he's not saying he's a good player. He's only saying he is an EC player, which he is since he played some Eurocups in the past. On top of that he isn't ego because he simply is a really good and smart player.
3. Domi is one of the more intelligent people I know, even though he has no interest in showing that on Crossfire since most of the people here are retarded.
4. Devastation lost both games by forfeit because Sticked is apparently a very immature clan that hates fair play.
5. I remember Sticked disallowing me to play for Devastation in a random cup final even though I'm actually a full member of the team which can easily be proven by the fact that I went to a LAN with them.
6. Please make a better effort when writing in English, it's hurtful to read your sentences. ( Same goes for Provok ).
2. What you are saying is that a player who played EC is good, and can be considered as a 'EC player', which is false because i'm sure u know some players who played EC and they are bad so argument invalid
3. Domi is retarded, always flamming and whining in game, so a low IQ for him, argument invalid
4. Devastation lost because u guys can't organize a fucking final without 3 mercs ( your famous 'EC players', so important to win vs sticked :DDD ), so argument invalid
5. It's possible if you have played with an other team in the same tournament, so it's fucking normal ( the admin accept our request, u can shut up if the admin agrees with us ), so your argument is invalid
6. I don't give a shit, I went to England, Germany, Romania, Italia, Holland, my english was understandable by my interlocutors.
And I feel bad for u , if u really think that :)
Your English is rather terrible unless you're making all those spelling and grammatical errors on purpose. Your terrible English might also be the reason of you not understanding anything I said.
Stop telling lies like you're doing in the fifth point, and show some respect for other people. Acting like a 14 year old arrogant, ignorant, unmannered and disrespectful little kid is not okay, not even on the internet.
I wont reply any further, you're hopeless.
In the fifth point, I guess the cup admin decides that u are not allowed to play, so what's your point ?
and your quote made my day, Provok will put it on sticked voice serv :D
Rest was complete dev line up ;
do you get it now ? :)
Parles pas trop de voix johny b-b-b-b-b-ègue, puisque vous avez l'air de vous amuser sur le physique des gens on va commencer à taper dans le sapin
Je l'attendais, c'est les mêmes moqueries que tous les ado disaient quand j'étais jeune, tu peux me flammer autant que tu veux, rien à foutre
Pense quand même à baisser ton ego, ça fera du bien à toi-même et aux autres.
T'auras peut être plus de succès sur tetris, gtfo rookie
T'a déjà couru sur un terrain de basket ? rookie :D
Je n'ai pas egoboost, j'ai juste joué sur la scène EU, vous ai juste pété, vous avez juste ragé.
Si t'étais un tant soit peu intelligent t'aurais pas de problème à comprendre la situation mais visiblement c'est peine perdue.
Fin de la discussion valérie bègue
T'a pas eu d'egoboost ? grosse merde va, ton expérience en team france en a été la preuve.
Tu veux parler d'intelligence ? va s'y bro, domi va t'enrichir c'est sur ' allez on va prendre 3 mercs med+ pour péter les sticked tonight ' . Trop bien la team, trop bien les mates XD
Franchement, répond je vais rigoler je pense.
Pendant que j'y suis, j'attend toujours le bust de RIp, pas toi ?
Ca fait que ma masse comme tu dis je la traine très bien. :)
Mon expérience en TF a été une belle erreur, de croire que je pouvais m'intégrer auprès de personnes comme tu dis si bien dont l'ego est surdimensionné.
Les 3 mercs med+ tu les sors d'où? Je vois un merc, abort, et il a pas du tout carry. Alors fermes ta putain de grande geule.Le reste des joueurs ça s'appelle #devastation.
J'attends toujours le bust de rip, on est deux.
t'aurais pu finir ta phrase par : p-p-p-p-p-pas toi ça aurait été plus réaliste.
2. En team fra, peut être que ton caractère et ton ego n'a pas fonctionné avec la team, pas seulement celui des autres.
3. J'étais sur le serv ce soir là, on a vu 1, 2 , puis le 3 mercs se connecter, I remember it :D
4. Je sais que tu as dit que RIp a cheaté :s ( j'étais sur ts ... ) .
5. J'ai f-f-f-f-inis la conversation.
T'es un raté, tu pues la merde, anytime.
e: Well id rather be banned on CB than act like ultra retard. Just sayin
holy shit nerds mad
So who cares really,. If some people want to spend a lot of time on a gaming competition, that's their choice. In competitions, no matter where, the most motivated and dedicated people usually win. Most of us don't want to pour that much time and effort in an online competition, but why bother worrying about those that want to?
It's a different story ofcourse when the victors can't be gracious about it or can't put things in perspective. I don't know what happened though, but I know some people in that team aren't exactly gracious and can have a bit of an ego. If I look at the lineup, I've had some negative experiences with everyone on that team (including chry) except for with koop and clown, so I can imagine them acting like egoturds and I'd just ignore it like everyone else does:p
the match was rescheduled twice (once for each team, so I don't see how it is unfair), then R0SS was about 20 minutes late to the game today, causing tensions to be a bit higher than usual
there were a few pauses (from both teams) and some delay in between maps, but that's pretty much it
don't really know what the rest of Domi's dribble is about :P
Not really playing LoL anymore though, if I play it's just minecraft or civilization :D
Been thinking about playing the occasional L4D2 or ET game to blow off some steam though (no pun intended :s)
Can be wrong ofcourse.
We put up more than a decent fight against some of the most experienced and awarded ET players of all times, I would say that means something. I think we should have won, but not being able to defend 9 minutes on goldrush is a crime and we got punished for that. You started awful, got better from map to map, we started pretty good but once we lost momentum, we could never gain it back. WP&gratz to you, but I don't think all that hatred was/is necessary (however, I have no idea what happend between all of you).
As for activity - I don't see a point in races on who played less and still won, lets be honest in here - there is virtually noone to practice against, even if someone wanted it would be almost impossible to be even semi-active. Both teams played with slightly improvised lineups with little to no practice. (don't take it as direct reply to your comment)
I would now rate this 9/10, would read even more
Who would have thunk it
Perhaps some cup organization should implement a system which tracks the amount of ET played by all the individuals & teams and gives bonus points for lesser activity / awards for the teams with least hours of ET played related to their standing