Arsenal trying to buy Suárez

anyone here big fan into footy here as im? Heard the stories Arsenal want to buy Suárez from my lovely LFC?
This is what owner of LFC had to say about their bid from last night:
John W. Henry ‏@John_W_Henry 3h
What do you think they're smoking over there at Emirates?

hes shit anyway
Can't find it funny, the current state of Liverpool is a good joke.
i think hes a good player for arsenal !
kuulitsä et HJK hävis joillekki kaljuille xzDD
I think he should just fuck off abroad
If Real pays FINALLY 50m, he'll be gone
Don't need that cunt.
He is a massive cunt anyway
maybe they are holding out for a bit more, I would personally have sold.
they should sell him till efficiency/age factor still makes him a great deal
I dont see how a guy who you can oretty much guarantee will get himself banned for at least 10 games a season is worth 50m. And why are arsenal crazy? Its a champions league team poaching a mid table teams best player. Seems highly logical to me.
I don't think Liverpool's still entitled to having their head up their ass.
Liverpool fans have this complex that NO other fans in the world can mimic. They think it is still 1970 and they will win a load of stuff each year. I have 2 people I work woth who support Liverpool and they think they are going to get top 2... I told them they'd be LUCKY if they get top 4.

Last year, when that anima decided to bite another player, they defended him saying it is no where near as bad as players diving and getting away with it. I honestly hope they end up in a relegatoin battle soon because they drive me fucking MAD.
Two guys makes your opinion on the whole fanbase? :)
Hit the pub around the home stadium or try to find scousers on twitter to see what they really think and how they stand by Suárez.

Mostl people thought his behaviour was unacceptable and he should be fined (which he was) and sold for the right offer - which yet haven't come.

+ We will never sell to Arsenal, if yes. I believe there would be SERIOUS problems for owners with the SoS.

Normal people who can think - think we will reach TOP6, luckily TOP5 and get into EL next season..
You should really check out the followers of the LFC twitter account. It is a LIVERPOOL problem and no, I didn't come to this conclusion because of 2 people, I have only worked with these 2 for 9 months anyway. It has been a thing I have seen my whole life. Liverpool fans are fucking deluded.
Liverpool owner John W Henry (regarding the cheeky Suarez bid) tweeted: "What do you think they're smoking over there at Emirates?"
Um, whatever it is, it's definitely not as strong as what you were smoking when you signed a horse for £35m.
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