New Jackass Movie

I'd prefer a new Jackass 4 too. This movie will be fun anyway

In cinema 25 October
Fat people shouldn't be shown on screen.
Retarded people shouldn't be shown on screen.
Here, corrected it for you.

Looks like a few good scene's, but for the rest it will suck
too bad that it's just an act
Looks like an absolute shit.
Jackass is terrible :/
ugh, so they made an entire sequel based on the least entertaining bits of each previous movie
I also think that the grandpa was the least entertaining, but I think this movie will be fun to watch anyway
dunno, we'll see I guess :P
ohhh god, when he made it rain i just lost myself xD
What an accumulation of pathetic, vulgar, obsene humor attempts. Oh my god, this is so embarassing to think that some people are actually going to laugh in front of that. Good lord, have mercy on their souls!
This is probably the best example of the kind of trash commercial products American sub-culture is able to deliver to the world - and have it succeeding despite of the obvious level 0 quality of this so-called movie which is undoubtedly nothing but one huge piece of utter shit. But heil America, successfully entertaining the planet for decades.
Holy fucking shit, I can't believe what I'm about to say but.. I totally agree with you.

I think I'm gonna throw up now.
I somewhat knew you'd actually agree
What? This is comedy and it's funny. Don't expect everyone to have the same movie preferences or same sense of humor than you :P

QuoteFavourite movies:
Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon
Charles Laughton's Night of the hunter
Pier Paolo Pasolini's Edipe Re
Fritz Lang's M – Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder
Jean-Luc Godard's Pierrot Le Fou
Alain Resnais' L'Année dernière à Marienbad
The great Orson Welles' Macbeth

I haven't seen any of those and quite frankly I'd probably find them very boring. But my favorite movies include: The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, The Untouchables (french one), The Prestige, Leon the Professional, The Usual Suspects & Limitless just to name a few. What do you think about those movies?
I'd make a difference between laughing in front of a movie - or having a great time watching it - and finding it of quality, cinematographically speaking. Maybe I would laugh sometimes - or even often - in front of Jackass, but I would know that it is nothing more than a product and not really a movie. A good movie includes a deepwork on the sound, on camera movements, on photography (lights, etc.), on actors' play and direction, on final cut, on coordination between sound/music and the image, etc.

What Jackass movie makers made in such a movie is simply a commercial product with a camera recording a grand pa doing silly things during 1.30 h. This is why I call it a product : the goal is not to deliver something of any quality to the audience, but something that fits to what they expect : they want to laugh. They don't try to make people more intelligent, they give them what they expect. You cannot arise intellectually (I don't say everything you do in life should have this goal) and what American big studios offer to something like 2 billions people on this planet is similar: 3 hours long blockbusters with zombies, earthquakes, world's end, explosions, etc. And people enjoy going to watch it even though it's always the same movie repeated again and again.
People that create art (cinema for instance) should create something that the audience does not expect, something that will make people curious. They should be ahead of the audience, not only behind it. They should not make movies that people expect.

About the movies you mentionned, I've seen The Shawshank Redemption, it was a good movie and I liked it, so did I with The Untouchables - I couldn't stop laughing for 1.30h but there was nothing more than laugh in it. It was of no interest cinematographically speaking, which is what I expect to find in a more than good and entertaining movie.

Sorry for wall of text, but the subject is quite complexe so had to do it <3
Good read mate, and agree almost 100% except The Untouchables had a deeper connection to me, it was a lot more than just a comedy to me. I'd guess it was because I could sympathize a bit with the characters (don't bother asking :P). Touching and great movie.

Last year at school I suggested to one of the teachers that we should watch a movie and I recommended The Untouchables. I made a little powerpoint representation of it and I really got their interest. Fast forward couple of months later she had rented it and there was room full of 30 people watching it in the so-called mini-movie theater (for lack of the English name for it) age ranging from 16 to 45.
After the movie ended I had people coming up to me thanking me for picking such an amazing and touching movie they could relate to. Even the teachers that I didn't even know. Especially my friend in a wheelchair could seriously relate to the main character. Their reactions was what made me realize there is a lot more to this movie than the comedy itself. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say as I'm having hard time putting my thoughts into words. Little bit off-topic but wanted to share anyways.

I really recommend The Green Mile to you based on what you've just told me. You'll like it. It's from the same director as The Shawshank Redemption.
Oh nice read :)
That's great if you could manage to gather so many people who liked the movie for various reasons, you should ve felt good :) It was pretty clear btw!
Heard about the Green Mile, will have a look at it :>
I'd rather buy it and I can't download it atm but thx anyway!
Yeah :) Alright, let me know what you thought about it when you've watched it :P
Oh please..........

You are just a guy desperately trying to show your intelligence... Met tons of guys like you @ University, also known as 'snobs'. They make me sick.

Making a comment like this on CROSSFIRE (THE N1 TROLLFORUM).... Well: Think about it ;)

Hollywood -> money -> viewers -> (95%) stupid. Get over it.
That's some strong argumentation here. Well done, keep going :)

e: also, how am I desperately trying to show my intelligence when Lordi asked me some precisions that I had to make? My initial post contained nothing of that, I would ve tried desperately if I had written that in my first post, but that wasn't the case.
QuoteWhat an accumulation of pathetic, vulgar, obsene humor attempts. Oh my god, this is so embarassing to think that some people are actually going to laugh in front of that. Good lord, have mercy on their souls!

QuoteThis is probably the best example of the kind of trash commercial products American sub-culture is able to deliver to the world - and have it succeeding despite of the obvious level 0 quality of this so-called movie which is undoubtedly nothing but one huge piece of utter shit. But heil America, successfully entertaining the planet for decades.

This is a way of trying to show your intelligence. Guess you didn't got that.

About argumentation:
QuoteMaking a comment like this on CROSSFIRE (THE N1 TROLLFORUM).... Well: Think about it ;)

You still don't get it do you?
Oh it's crossfire, everyone has to act dumb, reply with memes gifs and write Polaks kurwa :XDDDD smilies? Sorry I forgot about that. Any trace of arguments, long sentences, paragraphs, walls of text, any attempt to raise a debate and to voice an opinion on any subject, should be ****NUKED**** BANNED DELETED CENSORED AND ITS AUTHOR SHOULD BURN IN HELL AND DIE IN A CAR FIRE AT THE SAME TIME. Very interesting programm.

Also, thinking that my initial post was some intelligence bragging is absolutely wrong and show only one thing: that you are a true idiot.
You said in your first post that you feel sorry for those people. Meaning that you feel better... feel smarter... See where i'm going with this?

Ohwell... i always knew that geology can only memorize. :) You just proved me right.
You won't understand what i mean... but it's np!

Mad? Mad? Mad?

Geology? Wut the **** are you on about?
You don't understand what I mean as well so it's okay...
Sorry, my bad.
Geography... Still the same.
american bullshit!
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