Tell me about your weekend

SUp folks what are you going to do this weekend exept playing ET. Im going tomorro festivals in Kuopio FInland and listen maybe this and see live;
Support quakenet heading for next EC.
off to balaton, party hard
Nice man do you have any free bitches for me?
Not in Finland, sry
some staff like tv pc then again tv and pc etc etc
Serious gaming :) support :)
Gonna have private salsa lessons.
that sounds wicked..
You? :DD
Quoteseriuously your most visited top politics and weather? and there is no porn in top10? what kind of human are you?

Yea, me. Not you! :DD
Chekc out what is my most visited... :)
weekend is gonna suck for me
kinda looking forward to my next college semester tho
2 years done, 2 years left
On the road back from vacations in Italy, going at friends then at gf's.
i'll sleep the whole weekend
gosh i miss the >7 hours of sleep
buttsecks with ding's mother, dry and hard
> still a virgin
> talks about buttsex
> still a nerd
> still mad
nice bro, seems like you still got it!
going to my gf's sister's house and drink a lot and eat little and listening metal 24/7..enjoy your festival visit :)
Had nice plans at morning at work for weekend, until i heard the magic words from my boss: "Can u come to work tomorrow?" then all vanished.

Might be some BBQ on Sunday, since its very hot, if u know what u mean.
Working tomorrow, then some random island where i will relax and detox :)
What I am gonna do? Let's see?
Work around the house and work around the house, and in the evening, open a couple of beers and watch Qcon!
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