ET discussion.


Which maps are still being played in leagues/cups?
Is it still the same as it was 2-3 years ago? (supply, adler, sw_goldrush_te, radar, braundorf_b4) ?
I remember some great maps were made around 2009/2010 like haemar, missile, edenberg(?) or smth like that.
People really should be more open minded about new and even about old maps. Oasis, fueldump, railgun - just to name some amazing great old maps and not being part of any competition for like 8 years? All great maps, yet the community keeps playing the boring overplayed maps.

ET was killed by 4 main things:
1. No more etpro development
2. No new maps are welcome in this community.
3. Crossfire 4.0 - Seriously why the update? I mean WHY?
4. No decent anticheat, tzac is too complicated for newcomers.

Thanks for the read and share your thoughts.
I would add also that ET is too hard to start. New players take too long to learn the competitive side and it is just too difficult compared to some newer fps games.
yeah, it's not easy for rookies like me :D
its hard to start in anygame if u dont have any fps experiance, if ur not talanted :o)
I agree with this. I think a lot of people underestimate just how fucking hard ET is. From my own (small) experience of online fps over the last ten years, ET is by far and way the hardest I have ever played for a vast number of reasons. It's not surprising that ET players have enjoyed so much crossover success in other FPS's.
i was playing only ET for about 4-5 years, and when i had a very good day i was about med skilled ususally I was a regular med-. When I started playing COD4 only on pubs after one day I was very often ending up with most kills on server :D It was so easy to play comaparing to ET.
Thanks for sharing your personal experience ! :-)
cod4 pub

same here
i rape on most cod series
and i never even played em
And again same shit and again nothing will change :D
Missile is now in sc 6o6 maplist and erdenberg also. But I totally agree with you on the old maps. Oasis and railgun are great maps tbh and its stupid leaving them out of the mappool.

I actually like cf 4.0. Ok it's a bit slow but quite simple.
missile... new... and it's not like erdenberg is played
"I remember some great maps were made around 2009/2010 like haemar, missile, edenberg" And yes people play erden every now and then
:D guess I was on the toilet when I wrote this comment on my iphone while struggling to press the nigga out

it's not even 300 chars. did u ever read a book, i mean a newspaper?
More than you think. I mean its boring too read all this stuff about dying game again and again and again. Just let it be already. The only thing which could help to save this game was ETLive, but it seems this project is dead too so..
yea is boring to play same maps all time. Anti cheat sux no support for new etpro and more more ...

Big Change its needed to our et but what?

new maps?
war config?
5on5 or 6on6?
etpro 3.2.7? or smth new etpro 4.0 :D?
anti cheat witch easy to use and very good
et pach 2.60b to new patch?

no support from sd :(

et needs group of people to do smth

we can only talks about it but srsly we have to move our ass and do what we can
1. There are several good maps which should be played, so no new maps needed to be made.
2. Is mg42 back to the warconfigs? If yes, I don't think there is anymore that warcfgs can help. Maybe increasing the number of landmines, 5 is way too less on certain maps.
3. 6on6 for sure, 5on5 take a big part of killing ET
5. agree.
6. agree.
Mg42 is indeed back, but isn't used as much as it was at past, for the rest, i think 5 mines is more than enough, otherwise we would be playing jaymod and not etpro, not to mention, it would completely stop any attacking by enemy team, as 2-3 mines could shut down entire team. 5 mines is more than enough for any smart engi to plant them strategically and have the most profit from.
Both formats were actually decent, 6on6 and 5on5 showed some profit, u cannot say that 5on5 took big killing at ET, when it was still played quite good, good teams could easily adopt to it regarding of having one player less, would still rather see it being sticked to 6on6 anyway.
Let's go !

New maps?
A lot of et players i think dont need new maps... reason ? prac hard the same map 5 years and they are good at this one, check et_ufo many teams got a problem on this map cus its new in ladder :P
Idea ? lets make a "Polls" on CF like: add new maps to ladder (haemar, library) , add old maps to ladder (fuel dump, rail gun) , Dont change anything

War configs?
Add mortar in 6o6 :)

5on5 or 6on6?
Check LoL , CS and other game... u know et community is decreases now :/ lets think about this, but 6o6 is awesome :P

Crossfire 4.0 ?
Why update ?

New ETPro ?
Without bugs :D

Anti Cheat ?
Yes yes we need it :P
The amount of maps we have is actually more than enough, as at very end, the community is the one denying any new maps to get played more often as they simply stick to supply/grush/radar most of the times and not giving a chance to other maps such as karsiah, missile, sos secret weapon, erden, reactor, sw_oasis and so on, just to name some most common.

About the mortars it was removed with reason, don't think there's any need for it, we already have panzer, mg and rifle grandes, probably more than enough heavy weapons to make some crucial multikills, as for the format of the game, u cannot really compare ET with other games, as ET has it own maps and maps adjusted to 6on6 style of playing, also the community of CS GO / LoL is a lot bigger.
The only thing u would actually need is a decent or very decent anti cheat, meaning from some reliable group of people or some company, that would take it over and provide decent support as well. The second thing u would need is someone with cash, connections and some knowledge about the e-sports to promote this game and get some new source of players into the game.

The rest i don't even think it would need to be changed, maybe some minor changes at patches, game settings, but not to much as the game wouldn't be anymore whats used to be now.
ET was killed by 4 main things:
1. No more etpro development

2. No new maps are welcome in this community.
noone wants new maps

3. Crossfire 4.0 - Seriously why the update? I mean WHY?
ye cf 4.0 sucks

4. No decent anticheat, tzac is too complicated for newcomers.
new maps is not really an excuse, because in CS, the same maps are also always played and heck the majority of public players play de_dust2 most of the time.
same argument can be made for all the Supply 24/7 servers in et, or thats how it was the last time I played with Cybergames etc.
but the point is that CS:GO's competitive scene still plays the same maps that were played back in CS1.6
that's also because CS is way more known than ET. People who start playing FPS usually end up playing either CS or CoD, just because they are more known. Not a lot of people know about ET.
totally agree 10/10. would be great to play on default maps again but on new ones also
ET died due to 1 very simple reason: No support from its developers. In other words, no viable competition, money, Lans organized by the developer, advertising, sponsors and so on.
I would agree with that cus thats tottaly true and its actually rly sad
we can do our own developer for et hehe what a mad idea :D
newschool bitch spotted
Don't make me laugh.
Cool, another one of these journals! Let's call ET dead and come up with a bunch of new ideas that have never been discussed before ever! Then hopefully someone will read it all and decide to save ET for us, because we certainly won't be making any effort to help! Yay!
u sure hope with we u dont mean urself :D
Punkbuster's shitness killed everything
dude you are at this scene for a long time.. et is dead since 5/6 years get over it and play if for fun or just change the platfrom
yeah I had a huge break and just wanna discuss thing trough :)
It's not like I can't let it go, just stating my statement and listening to other points.
what happend with et live?
what happend with et live?
this lifting belt destroyed the whole pic
ET died because of tosspot. crossfire is fine example.
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