Wat u eatiN ? Comeback, part 2 !

Yo my lovers!

After a fucked up killing deadlift & leg workout I needed some amazing food. So i did Serbish cevapi and Turkish köfte with some Rice!

Here is the pic:
image: 1174999_10151890740488083_586731290_n
- Serbish Cevapcici
- Turkish Köfte
- With rice.

image: a9e81ea0076811e3948222000a1f9307_7
- Me chilling

wat u eatiN brahs?
Fesk, recept? :P
türkisch köfte awesooooome.. kebab ftw.
Doing myself chickenburger'Z

image: 601388_15435598476645uua2b

over 9000 proteins
eating behind your PC, gg
whats wrong with that :D
whats even more disgusting is to sit down with X people to a table and watch eachother eat.
gaypic is gay
image: vegetarisch-kaasssoufflee
image: 4819223836_2f4f0bdcda_o

raspatat & kaassouflee
image: 1185634_10153091212045184_171643137_n

had some garlic lobster tails with lemon and few potatos and sweat garlic souce on side :)
this looks delicious :o
it was really good :) i finished like 500 gr of lobster + vegies and bread! didnt want it to finish :(
bacon & eggs
im gona do this tomorrow
image: 1084945_10151839233596518_1704376502_o

today i went to my grandparents and I ate this
image: kloesse
like on every sunday
Who the fuck plates up food to look like cock, balls and pubic hair. Strange grandparents you have there.
it was just a random pic from google :( i didnt make a pic of it sry but i can tell u at my grandparents it didnt look like a cock rofl :D
Have a 4 layer sandwich in the oven, nothing special, ham, salami, cheese, hamburger sauce and some mayo
image: pisaladiere ( Pissaladière )

with some tomatoes and mushrooms
2late4pic (plus it didn't look nice at all!)

Poverty veggie pan:
Half a bag of frozen veggies (500g?)
Half a can of corn
Canned tomatoes
some Ajvar and random herbs to spice things up a little bit
some butter

and 500g low fat quark/curd

After almost 1,5 years, I finally manage to hit the gym again 1-3 times a week. Feeling weak as f... :-(
How's the status btw? Did you manage to loose more weight? Have you been on a diet ever since?
Eating 500gr of veggies isn't like.. alot? xD Your poo will be green tomorrow!
500gr of veggies is not THAT much tbh :p
Na, didn't lose any more weight. I'm still at around 102-108 kgs most of the time. However, considering the job and completely changed lifestyle because of that, I'm pretty happy with it.

I'm basically on and off the diet 24/7/365 :-P. During the week I try to cut quite a few calories, while on weekends I mostly end up eating well above my limit (beer, bbq etc.).

I hope to maintain the weight (or rather lose another 3-8 kgs again) and get my ass up to an alright fitness level.
102-108 still seems alot, but i think you are kinda tall too, so it's okey.

Other than loosing the weight, i think the biggest accomplish was to face the problem and actually do something.. the life style change and mind change ^^

Keep on going :)
I'm 185 cm tall, so yep, even with that height 102 kgs are still way too much ;-)

Well, i just ate a "kebab pizza" for the first time. It's actually the basics of a pizza with the traditional kebab meat. Tasted good :)
For the record, i am lactose intolerant so now that i finished i think i am gonna regret over the next hours xD
Best pizza ever :D
i ate ur moms pussy but was disgusting and still now waiting for ur clumsy vendetta :c
oh shut up and go play your 10 rankeds, looking forward to see the division you end up xD
i need ten more picks first :C waiting for some good sales but yea dont worry about my upcoming gold2 >:O!
Afaik, if you win 10 out of 10, the max you can achieve is Gold V, but good luck with that.
On a side note, with the same amount of normals i had 16 champs! There is alot of cool 450/1300 champs!
but not for experienced players like myself

also about placing after first 10 ranks, i heard gold2 is certain from my diamond et friends so i guess legit ;c
Seem alot of ppl smurfing and winning 10/10 and the max they got is gold v thats why... but u should check it out by playing the 10 games xD and i doubt you win the 10 out of 10 tbh
you don't believe in me?! :( and its only because you weren't lucky enough to do it by urself :P
No, i don't believe for 2 reasons not related to you:
- seen pros trying and failing the 10/10
- you face too much trolls, kinda hard to get 10 clean games in a row

About 2nd part of your sentence, not at all and you know it! I am not a jealous person :o I got what i deserved judging my lack of experience!
and i saw Finland mana & Niki winning 10 out of 10 last season afair?

also i know how is it like to play 1v9 and i was kidding on tho friend, xoxo
Fingers crossed for you :D xoxo
nice pecs
no pecs no sex
Why do you edit all your picture? :))
more "Likes" on facebook i guess
in wat way u mean?
this pic looks "blurry". you must had added some effect, like in your previous journal. You posted a pic of yourself standing on a beach and it was black and white as far as I can remember.
Everything looks better with an Instagram filter! I always do it mysel aswell :o]
image: RwaPVmQ
vad ere för kött bro :D?
var köper du detta da?
Even that cheese wants nothing to do with the burger, it is gravitating away.
weight bro? im about 87 kg now going big :o)
around same weight then im like 88kg :)
im 180 cm i bet you higher :D biceps 42 atm
I win! 180cm and 32cm biceps!
im 192cm ;)
holy fucking shit, that gay picture
Damn u make fat cevapi, should make it bit slimmer and less burned :D
i knoooow, but the taste was awesomeeeeeeeeeeeee
beef + pork, mixed with some onion, garlic, salt and pepper makes the best meat, put some beer over it when u're baking it and u're in heaven :P
Had some shrimp tempura in the morning....
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