Nbs Admins.

hoi lads.

I've been pubbin lately since i got some spare time atm, are there any Admins around since this server is the only active ET pro pub. Cuz everytime i go i last like 5 minutes in there because its full with cheating scums, and really obvious cheaters. Can u guys do your jobs please so those times when people like me want to play on your servers we dont have to deal with this bs. :)

image: tumblr_liaj46i7Pj1qhlgm7o1_500
when i played on nbs most of those so called, flamed cheaters were low+ maybe mid- etpro players pwning noobs from jaymod
ye well obviously they r all shit but still it is annoying playing against retards with wallhacks and even more so when they got the riffle.
y u no troll them? cant find anything more entertaining in ET than a cheater accusing others and crying hard. atleast not anymore :D
because i dont enjoy trolling kids on the internet :) i just want to play a little and try to enjoy the game :)
Search other game then, this became YOLOLAND!
I recommend LoL
hehe im more for Dota 2 ;) but i play a little lol with my irl friends when i am really bored :P
he is clearly talking about the "obvious cheaters" , like I played today there and 2 guys went in and put their aimbot on rage mode, so insta 3hs to 10 players..
I dont think he cares about the usual whers and aimboters you find there since forever, but when 1 guy puts the bot on autoaim, that nick changing every 1 sec , autoreconnect when kicked etc just kills the server.
true, but atleast i found someone else who shares my opinnion about nbs drama and tragedies. ET is no more, works only if you play with friends, vs friends. Atleast I think this whole shit is dominated by wannabes who didnt achive shit before the death of this game and now everybody watch the throne, ruled by people who spam "we are not nerds, never pracc play" but still they play 24/7 and whine before every match :D

I think I lost our subject. See ya
+1 i just hate when i connect to NBS do ac_listplayers and see 10 people with 1 day old guids and try to play and notice they are all cheating.
This cheat was even already online, when tzac.client was still normal.
But yeah: cb admins like Ohurcool don't care.
They act if they care, but don't care at all.
hmm why is Ohurcool being mentioned here? As far as I know he is not an NBS admin.
Did you even understand what I wrote? Or what this topic is about :)?
For as far I know, they have more access to IP's.
Just need to access the root of CB.

Then compare it (with the IP received by Tzac (site)) with busted cheaters. And voila, a new ban wave.
But do you see Ohurcool do anything by that?
Nope, he rather let the new cheat wave be alive, than do anything.
Ergo we on nbs get more work to do.
Please tell me this is a joke and you don't actually believe that is how it works...
Actually, it's to simple explained. but I know it works like that.
I can do the same on our site.
And the same at my job.

It's pretty easy. I just need root access to both sites.
You do realize that IP addresses change, right?
That' depends on if the user is using a dynamic or static IP.
If he is using a vpn connection.
Or if he is using a IP block program.

Indeed, some you'll never get caught.
But if you code it smart with PHP and MySQL you can make a name and dump all it's used IP on the user's name ID.

Pretty easy from then on. Dunno why Embarressed says such things as he said, but obviously he doesn't even know what I'm talking about. Because I already know it works. OK I've explained it on a pretty easy base. But some here can code PHP, i've once seen a guy post here for explanation. So surely, one here should confirm what I've just said.
Quotedoesn't even know what I'm talking about.

I don't think you even know what you're talking about.

QuoteOK I've explained it on a pretty easy base. But some here can code PHP, i've once seen a guy post here for explanation. So surely, one here should confirm what I've just said.

What do these words even mean? Do you honestly think that admins never check IPs? TZAC, CB, GTV, CF all log IPs that are available for people to compare. I am sure you can search by IP on CB as you could on ESL. In no way is this some fool proof busting mechanism, it is ridiculously easy to change or spoof your IP. Cheaters, obviously, try to not get caught.

Now lay down and count to 10.
I never thought this was physically possible but you are basically seareal with less brain cells. I am sorry for your parents.
i have to say i dont get why people keep flaming Ohurcool he is doing work nobody wants to do and he is even doing it for free, as far is i know he has allways been nice @ least to me and when the tzac password changed he prolly had 100 msg'es on irc but still it took him around 5 seconds to answer me ( i am a newb :D) so instead of flaming him and telling him that he's doing a bad work u guys should show some respect.
^hmm so you clearly didnt understand what I said.
Also Ohurcool has nothing to do with this topic....
Also lets face it, NBS is only alive because the cheaters keep it alive, so bannng them all would be pointless. I said it very clear, that probably the guy that created this topic was talking about those 1 or 2 guys that came to nbs today and put their bot on "rage" mode, one guy was also running around with sniper scoped killing everyone in less than 10 seconds... these are the cheaters I complain... and the ones you should get rid of.

A very simple way to get rid of the cheaters I mentioned ? Add a 1 day old tzac guid minimum to join the server- and ban the guys that join to server to rage.
Now if you want to get rid of the cheaters....you are talking about banning all those 112k+ guys that play there and cheat there everyday, and you would kill the only active server.
Also you guys came to the server and banned zodiac...lol, instead of the 3 actual cheaters that were there....
If you ask me , you guys dont know how to admin and you should not talk about what ohurcool does when you have no clue how things work :S
Since the latest Tzac update, there has been a new problem:
Some people don't even know how to get your Tzac password again.
Wich is weird, but because of that (even skilled guys) lost their account.

Take vyjji (not implying he is high skilled, but surely many know him) for example: he has made a new account, if we apply what you say, he can't join nbs again.
Zodiac, in beginning made a new account as well. Were he was raging with his stuff.
And now he comes here to say he's clean. A bit lame, but ok.

And yesterday in total were 3 guys banned. 2 with perma, and one was banned with wrong time on it, so he'll probabl be back soon enough. You can't expect that all of us (admins) can be all day online on the server. Some of us do have a job/study.
Maybe you have a no-life and can be all day admin on nbs?
ive never made a new account? what the fuck.. just ask ohurcool who can search all tzac accounts, there's only one account. the account that I registered the first day TZAC launched
hmmm well you seem to defy logic man...
If those players cant change their password they can always ask help to an admin, also it is not that hard to get your account back.......follow 4 steps and its done, some people is just too dumb or lazy I guess.
And again, I dont care to play against cheaters on nbs, half ppl there cheat but is not like you cant kill a low with a bot, now the ones that are annoying are those who join and put it on autoaim , kills everyone in 10 seconds including their teammates, you kick him he joins in 1 second again.
I didnt imply you have no life but you could give ref to those players that are most active in nbs , is not my job to figure out who they are, ofc I am not one of those. Instead you guys behave like kids with admins, kicking people who says something you dont agree with, or people better than you. I was there when zodiac was playing ans got baned, I dont think he was cheating, it was really funny that you all came , kicked and baned him and let the obvious blatant cheaters continue their game there hahah, I would continue but I dont think you understand much...
nice life torm :s
In fact if you dont have access to your mail anymore (the one you registred your tzac account with) you just cant recover your password. And admins dont give a fuck and force ppls to make new accounts.
Fucked up policy is fucked up.
Just asked admin to send pw on my cf account witch contain same name as my tzac but he said he doesnt give a fuck so if everything is fuckeed up and noone gives a fuck why should ppls give a fuck and do not fuck that shit that you feel very uncomfortable to play vs 100k+ tzac.
Little tip. Just DONT GIVE A FUCK
QuoteZodiac, in beginning made a new account as well. Were he was raging with his stuff.
And now he comes here to say he's clean. A bit lame, but ok.

This is the only TZAC account that he has ever used: http://t.entirely.pro/profile.php?id=233
You say this because you checked his IP, right?
How could I possibly have anything to do with what goes on in your public server? Grow up.
You should step off as admin at CB.
Would be friendly of you.
Are you offering to replace me?
hes the best cb admin since killerboy.. first you ban clean players because they're better than you, then insult the best admin of the only site trying to keep ET alive? what are you, Satan?
What u expect from randoms being at ETpro scene for a year thinking they know everything..
Half et is better as me.
I admit that, but that doesn't make them cheaters.
And like I said other admin(s) were thinking the same AND you already were banned.
So pls, gtfo.
U are free to replace him and do at least 1/10 of job he does, until then shush already.
Go fuck urself allready
make your own server buddy, fuck.....
nbs admin (glenn) just banned me :( why wont he ban cheaters instead

edit: turns out its permaban.. what the fuck glenn
haha ye i've been kicked from the server cuz i was spawnraping Klobby with riffle xD long ago though haha
:D mad cuz bad
We were with two admins on the server.
And one other guy from axis was /killing alot, so he could watch you.
All 3 of us, were absolutely sure you used something.
sorry but uhm, I wasnt

ive been accused of cheats alot of times, still proven myself to be a talented (up for debate i suppose) player regardless.. just ask those who played with and against me right after slac launched (when cheating was impossible)
oh u cheater, i shall never play gather with u again :s
Cus all 3 of u dont reach above low+ skills, very based evidence u got there.
Hi, do any of the three of you happen to have demos of his "obvious" cheating? I'd love to see what it takes to get someone banned these days, so would be really glad if you could upload it.
Thanks :)
Mostl admins on nbs for example like hipkat, or this another low free frag Glenn banning for killing them too many times. Thats annoying. Klobby should back in days anyway, hes inactive for a week already.
If you knew... really.
+1 about "admins"
Thats what u get when u give ref and shits to ppl who are low+ lolz.
agreed man, fucking annoying cheaters always ruin it for everyone.
People are so naive these days, cannot even appreciate good skill when they see it.

Inb4 paranoid
As a nbs admin, we're doing our best.
We can't be all day avi, you have to understand that :(

For example today I was on for approximate 1-2hours banned 1 guy obvious. And i was /q'ed on irc for looking to an other cheaater, but he left the moment I joined the server.
The ban list is increasing rapidly, since this new exploit of tzac came out.
Or better, now since Tzac is Officially a dead project, with cheat opportunities like hell.
give admin to people you trust and that are active on nbs!

Only one I trust atm that is skilled and regular on nbs.
I wouldn't trust anyone else these days.
Besides it's xarqi that gives admin.
wolf is a nice guy aswell so not a bad idea, get that fucker xarqi to sort it out:>
Yes, and he pointed out a few cheaters himself to us.
Trust no fins and dutchies,they are the new polaks ...
yes i understand that but like DKZ said find players u can trust and that are active, cuz Nbs is becoming a hack fest. Another great idea is that u put restricion on the server so people with 1 day old tzac guids cant join, i remember Bio having that :) like people with 50 day old guids or over can join others cant or sumthing like that :)
seems like a job for kevlar, call him up im sure he´ll take care of these inbred poltards
yeah, revive bio and kevlar.. only decent pub since efterlyst
From what I've seen, the admining on nbs is awful. Someone botting could be there for 20 mins while an admins on and you would be the one getting kicked for calling klobby a retard for team bleeding you. Don't mind glenn, but the other two get but-hurt quick as shit instead of being an admin.
glenn is even worse though
It's good that you're mad.

You should team up with promen and Arnold.
I heard they are clean as well!
of course im mad, im banned without cheating.. kudos for providing proof though, but the only thing that demo proves is that I didn't even play good the moment you banned me
Get used to that :D harsh life we got :(
why you ban zodiac he dont even cheat. Could you not put the NBS server down. To much polaks and retards, there must be come a end in ET. I think 2013 is a good year for it.
I think 2013 is the year u should finally learn some decent english.
I totally agree!
How do you know they cheated? I'm playing on NBS for 2 weeks and I haven't even meet a suspecious guy.
Just check the weaponstats of the 112k and 113k+ players and you'll see.Always have a laugh about the shitty timed nades even with obvious wallhack
been playing this game for many years and when u play against a guy/girl with wallhacks that they are not even trying to hide u will know it :) cant give u a better explenation, but when u see 8 guys with new tzac guids on server @ the same time dont u find that strange?
but still they ban us with guid less than three hundred :(
Girls hacking also?

Punishment Sex incoming.

Recruiting hairy nerds for the job
http://www.upload.ee/files/3531265/2013-08-22-193126-supply.dm_84.html here is the demo Glenn was thinking he was cheating so did i so glenn banned him. he has been busted before he comes on the server around 992 or someting called caidoz just do /timescale 20.The last few days where very messy beacouse there are so many cheater's that comming with 1 day guid or playing a month or two and playing like pro's so its even hard for me like playing this game since 2003 to judge whos cheating or not.Maby ill stop it soon also becouse this is no fun anymore.
Trying to sort through your English was painful. Still have no idea what your point was. Just saying
ok so.. I saw through it and I didn't even play any good :s I've played better than that lots of times on your server but never been banned before

and trying to translate dutch realtime isn't too easy, but did you say that I had previously connected and used full aimbot? I HAVENT, for gods sake why would I do that.. you must mistake me for someone else

"he has been busted before he comes on the server"
yeah in 2007 or smth, why would I get banned NOW for that

edit: and I've played this game for years, I've been good in it for years.. I'm not just some random coming "and playing like pro's"
10 years ban inc! cheater :s

ps: i want my goldfish back, as shes not allowed to hang out with the likes of ur sort :(
Thanks :)
Zijn er nu meer cheaters op TZAC, waarom worden die gasten nooit gebust dan door TZAC of is het letterlijk dood?
nzz! you know im not cheating right, talk some sense into them :(
Hehe, I didnt say anything. But is this NBS so really dead of cheaters? Zodiac just stop playing ET and go on ETPRO server without. NBS is boring everyday the same map supply or deli. It's so fucking boring to play there.
yeah its full of idiots with full aimbot :D
Er is een client, die detection uit zet.
Bijgevolg kan je cheats testen, die niet aan tzac lib zijn toegevoegd.
Inject je wel één die Tzac wel kent, dan sluit je game af EN DAT IS HET. Dus er word niets doorgestuurd naar Tzac server.

=> Cheat à la carte.

Winject + wh en het programma afsluiten zodat je naar een server connect? Hoe makkelijk wil je het krijgen lol
En er zijn genoeg idioten die dit al hebben ontdekt
=> wij admins op de enige pub server met Tzac krijgen nu CONSTANT cheaters over de vloer al dan niet met nieuwe Tzac.
=> leuk!! dat ze oplazeren, echt man.
Tja, erg simpel maar effectief om het zo maar te zeggen. Nu tegenwoordig ook die screenshots op tzac weg zijn, is het steeds moeilijker om ze te pakken.
zeg mij wat.
At least there's some challenge.
Noobs cant handle my jaymod skills
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