TFT Gaming Screen?

i need tft screen , although i know crt>tft, but whats the best TFT for gaming, price doens't matter..:) Ty
mh imo SAMSUNG SyncMaster 930bf or something like
250-300 €
Yeah, i heard that samsung syncmaster are good..:)
samsung syncmaster 940bf even better - just around 260 euros
2ms refresh rate - totally worth every cent of it
tft is better for your eyes! tft > crt!
crt has more Herz.
tft have no herz. they only change the pixel that need to be change and not generate a whole new frame.
the reaction time in ms is the thing that matters in this way
only if you use crt at low refresh rate. once you start using high display refreshes the difference should be negligable.
ofc crt give more radiation etc, as much a your mobile or fluo watch.
I'd go for Samsung Synchmaster 931BW. That's a 19" btw.
If you want a 21", get a Samsung Synchmaster 205BW.
Oke.. so Samsung Syncmaster series? I of the syncmasters.
I made a small mistake in my post. The Samsung Synchmaster 205BW is 20 inch, not 21.
Hope I helped you enough.
Samsung SyncMaster 940BF ;)
hp pavilion f1723 I think something around 300€
and another time: viewsonic vx922
mh brought my tft syncm. 930bf 1 year ago and i hadnt any problmes so far :s
Samsung Syncmaster 713N is good

but ask Aphesia he has an better one with 2 ms Samsung ...
samsung 930BF ftw!
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