Draft cup and TZAC

Since many people ask me about it here's le official statement:

Quote by myself, for better visibility
TZAC will be forced to use @ #ET Draft Cup despite it being completely useless in fight against cheaters. However it is still a lovely tool to identify players on gameserver so npnp wiaderko can't play

Still looking for captains, pmme on #ET
Any minium guid age btw? There are shitloads of under 15 days old guids
I refuse to play with/against those kind of players :(
would agree with that!
some players had to make a new account becouse they couldnt request a new password
rly ? thats shitty :(
Yeah, sure
exactly my thought when i went to nbs and 50% of the players had guid under 5 days...
they didnt have to do shit mate.. they can all /msg Ohurcool and he will find out what email they used and if that same email cannot be used anymore he will just change the email so those players can not use that as an excuse for having 3 day old tzac acount.
Doesn't work like that, as the players cannot access the site anymore, meaning they cannot confirm the account changes, resting password or anything else related to getting account back.
but it did Aniky :o cuz aparently they did access the site to create the new acounts instead of just asking one of u guys who had access to the emails etc.. i know they cant do anything right now but they cant create a new acount either.
Nothing certain about that as some players created new accounts after being unable to reset their PW. Each case like that will obviously be checked out.
Those people to stupid to pm ohurcool or marcus or?
Or tired of waiting with no reply (they're both really busy with morons pming them)
Yea, people are morons because they pm them about tzac pw because they said to pm them to fix tzac pw. That makes a lot of sense.
when is it?
i still cant request new pw - tzac site still down
i can give u my account for 50€
tried pming ohurcool?
contact [CB]ohurcool or ohurcool on IRC
send a PM to zaNc or Robert
I dont really see where that came from, but I assume u are busy or something like that, so sorry about that, but I was just trying to help a fellow ET player. :(
No need to apologize - it was just a joke.

But players shouldn't be PMing me (any more) since the website is now offline, which means they will be unable to reset their password anyway even with my help.
I hope tzac stays because I have a cool 2 digit number :)
high five bro!

oh wait, i cant download tzac and go back to et :(
Well even 5252 makes me feel pretty old school tzac user :D Too bad I didnt follow what was happening with ET when TZAC came :(
Looks beautiful as long as you're under 10k :)
Had to make new tzac account since I forgot my old pw, pm'd [cb]ohurcool but he can only help if you forgot your emailaddress not with your pw.
"so np wiaderko can't play"

image: man-laughing-gereida
say no to your cheatercup
thats the spirit
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