Women Attraction tutorial

Have you ever noticed that:
1) The most attractive and interesting women seem to be attracted to men who don't treat them very well?
2) That the "nicer" you are to a woman the more she often seems to act like "just a friend" to you?
What's going on here? Didn't mom say to be "nice" to girls?
Here's the deal: Women aren't usually romantically attracted to "nice" guys. Women are attracted to men who are funny, confident, and mysterious. Good looks don't hurt, but if you're not 6'4" tall and model-handsome, then you have to learn how to attract women with your personality.
And being "nice" isn't going to do it for you.

So what DOES attract women? And how do you do it exactly?

Good questions...

At the beginning, I mention three qualities: Funny, Confident, and Mysterious.

Before I talk about each, I first have to remind you that WOMEN DON'T USUALLY MAKE SENSE. Remember that.

Here's a good metaphor: Remember when you learned to drive? It all made sense...turn the wheel left and go left, turn it right and go right...
But do you remember when you learned to back up? Backing up was a whole new game. Everything that used to work now works in a different way. At first you feel disoriented. Turn the wheel left and go right...and you have to learn how to maneuver with the back wheels staying straight while the front wheels turn...all with your head turned around.
For most people, this takes some time and practice. But once you "get it" then you can do it anytime you want.
Well, women are very similar. At first it's very confusing. You have to try things that don't seem to make sense. But once you get the hang of it, then you see how it works and can make it work... just like backing up a car.
As much as many women would hate to admit it, there's something very attractive about a man who is just a little more confident than he should be. And if you combine this with the right amount of humor, you have a magic combination that will charm almost any woman.

Here are a few ways to use this idea:
1) When you first meet a woman, tease her about something. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as you do it early on. For instance, you might say: "So what's with the big purse? Are you carrying a gun in there?" or maybe "Those are some pretty tall shoes, what are you like 4' tall without them?" If you tease a woman, it shows that you're not intimidated by her, and that you have a fun sense of humor. KEY: Make sure you say something FUNNY. If you don't know how to be funny, get a book on it. The test: If she's not laughing, then it wasn't funny!
2) Look around at other things and seem kind of pre-occupied when you first start talking to her. Make your funny remarks with a carefree, detached tone. You want to sound like you're talking to your best friend. Attractive women are approached all the time. It's not attractive to a woman when you look like you've just met Madonna. This "just a little too confident" attitude is very attractive to women... especially when it's combined with humor.
3) Don't answer her questions directly. Women love to ask questions like: "What do you do?" and "Where do you live?" and "Tell me about your family." Answer with funny answers, and don't give her what she wants. Most guys say, "Oh, I'm an engineer" or "I'm a stock broker." BORING, BORING. If she asks what you do...say, "Oh, funny you should ask. I'm a Calvin Klein Underwear Model... What do you do?..." (This is especially funny if it's OBVIOUS that you are NOT a model) Do you get it? Keep it up and keep her laughing.
It's important to remember that I'm not telling you to be mean, or to be a jerk to women. I'm telling you to start being confident, funny, and mysterious.

If this is starting to make sense to you, and you'd like to learn more about the art of communicating with a woman on a "sexual" level, then you might want sending me a PM.

Good luck and stay hard !
hahaha wat the fack
wise man
You forgot:
Greetings, fifty year old virgin.
Learnt a lot with this journal image: kappa

(@admins : cf needs this emoticon so badly... it cracks me up every time i see it on twitch.tv chat)
Who's dat? ( on the emoticon )
a guy from justin.tv staff but his face clearly looks like a sarcastic guy
pm swanidius for your woman troubles
never had any problem with the ladies since im tall and model handsome gg didnt read cu
hahaha everything apart from 'nerd;'
im a nerd when it comes to et
you're such a beta.
omg it werks man thxx for tips i get so mach pussy now
you still got it man, nice
hi man how u doin
everything is fine I guess, you?
always good, i'm too epic for things to be bad :ss
thanks for this information, i will test it tonight.
Women want nice guy, but not a boring one. Only dumb b*tches will stay together with a rude asshole, atleast I belive the coolest, hottest women will choose the one who is nice to them but still able to joke her, make some bad/rude comment about her (for the lulz), excite her and ofcourse sex should be stronk. (partnership, like w your best friends but more. )

If you are a lame who never goes anywhere dosent do anything with AND without her she will get bored, starting not to love you. Women usually choose you because they feel like "whoah that guy is awsome", so be it...

Though you cant stay pro if the chosen one is a hopeless lame and puts you in disaster. Need to kick her out or find sollution to cure her. LOl

so many pussy experts on cf, where are the finns.
also knowing aDman, naga. and Xanah helps a lot
you re right probably, but most of the time i just say Hey, I am Karrde from Team Hungary wanna buy me a beer? They spray instantly
Quoteatleast I belive the coolest, hottest women will choose the one who is nice to them has the deepest wallet.

Corrected that for u.
Tips for getting chiks:
1, Dont be ugly


In that case your edit is ok
Tried that underwear model joke. Bitch slapped me and kicked my in the bollocks...:
it works everytime

..oh wait, i am really a CK model lol
there are 3 things women want from a man (this is backed up by evolutionary psychology)
-sexual attraction (looks)
-supply (money,power basically)

the more you can provide,the higher your chances to get more/"better" mating partners
Honestly, looks isn't always so important, as some girls even with all their prettiness rather pick a good character over good looks.
well you need to compensate one of the lacking aspect with the other aspects to keep your value on the "market" and not get pushed down by other males who are not lacking in the aspect you are lacking (the whole thing is pretty rational; humans always want the most value for what they can get)
That's true, but some types of girls don't really put a lot on the outside look of their future partner, as they put more into the character and personality rather than just hot look, as they would live with that kind of person for either a period of time or a lifetime.
I find this journal utterly useless.
Because you have a face only your mother could love?
i dont think he has a mother, he came out of the ass
Without defending him, i think that means alot when the guy commenting (and the others following) never show/shown their probably ugly face!
true story

I guess he's......

as much as I appreciate bashing roba this was a rather weak and known one, I know you can do better embarrassed
image: eqrqqc

comeon , he is not that ugly even girls stick posters of his head

(c)h8m3 if I'm not mistaken
oh come on, did you had to make him cut his own wrists:(?
No he did not. Sorry to disappoint.
you didnt miss the chance, great shot
omg laughed my ass off, hahhahhaaa
touché :D:D:D
Oh how ive missed comments like this...
ddosing bitches always gets u laid son remember that
dolan pls y u kill nefjoe
Go up the the bird, Is there wi-fi in here?
Because im feeling a connection.
Is your name google?
Because you have everything im looking for.
shes on her knees sucking allready
wtf not sucking yet, u gave me wrong infos gg
it prolly doesn't work as well for you since razz is a sexy motherfucker
the google one is nice
not really, it's too learned. The first one is better since it's just funny & you take the attention away from the first moment :)
nice reply 7/10 bro
Dat troll

( I seriously hope for you you are trollin)
Tried your method today and it didnt work a single time, had to use a knife on every one of those bitches.
Thanks alot for that.
wtf is dat,anyways,

+ Work on your emotional intelligence
+ Hang around girls,dont try to fuck any thing that moves,no other great source knowing about girls from girls themselves.
+ Never beg for anything or be too obvious about something.
+ Keep emotions out of your shit,if you didn't then know when you need to be a man and cut her down,karma is a bitch.
+ Always leave your house dressed like you gonna meet the love of your life today,don't be sloppy.
+ Work out,even do the basics,its good for your self confidence.
+ Love your self.
+ When you find the right girl for you,don't be greedy.
+ Keep on the five seconds rule,once eye contact made don't wait,approach within the five seconds,that way you wont have to think about what to say,after couple of times you wont have problem approaching girls,I hope.
+ Never lower your chances,worst case? you wont die.
play ET, say "im a beast in this game"

just be yourself and patient, sooner or later you will find a cool girl that will reward you the time you had to wait for her
then only true tip is to not be a desperate. and it works in both directions m->g g->m

and if you want stupid bitches go buy a vw golf 2 or 3, get a good looking wheels and lower him a bit :D
Chicks over there got apparently low standards for wheels, here they drop only on bmw's D:
2. Is bullshit. Unless you have crazy eyes, you should look the women straight into eyes as much as possible. Avoiding eye contact is exact opposite of "just a little too confident" .
The PUA has spoken.
kurwa co ci ludzie jeszcze wymysla ja pierdole
Didn't read but sucking cock would be great
I don't like that mole or whatever the fuck is it, to suck my cock.
its a seal, you mad gay nerd?
is that seal gay, mad or nerd?
That seal might be as mad as nerd, but definitely gay.
y but I dont like seals either seems like molish to me
"Does this rag smells like chloroform to you aswell?"

Work 70% of the time.
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