Goodbye TZAC


TZAC has just been shut down, for good. It's no longer a reliable anticheat and is currently being sabotaged by chaplja.

This obviously means that you are allowed to play officials without TZAC now. All server admins (both public and private) should remove the TZAC server addon from their servers.

We will be announcing ET's new anticheat in the near future.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Have a nice day!


United States of America ohurcool & United Kingdom Marcus
Is it possible to save data about banned cheaters? I mean you should block them from playing cb matches somehow
Yes, we will keep everything
atleast it was good with the Guids etc :S
I guess they will keep some features from TZAC if they code a new one.
i hope so :)
cool , looking forward to the new AC, but what will happen with chaplja now? cut wrists and shit cuz cant sabotage anything anymore?
obvs he will, cus he "feels he was done wrong by the ET community"
that guy is a fucking slob.
Because he won't be able to sabotage the new anticheat :D ..... !
Nice to see some people still sticking up for ET despite the decrease of activity and setbacks like these. Good job.
I love your optimism to actually think chaplja isn't able to bypass your new anticheat :D
I'm not going to pretend that chaplja is incapable of bypassing the new AC. But TZAC in its current state can be bypassed by nearly anyone, so using a new anticheat is better than using TZAC and certainly better than using nothing.

Thanks for sharing though. :)
What makes you think everyone wont be able to bypass the new AntiCheat? I'm quite sure you wont find a better wizard than chaplja (anti)cheat wise.
Because I actually know the details? What a silly question.

No, it won't likely be better than TZAC was in its prime, but that is not a concern of ours.
Wow, didn't know you could misunderstand so badly. Im just saying its kinda pointless to have an Anticheat when you have a pissed pro-coder (chaplja) on the other side. Seems you got upset for nothing :D
He is going to code and sell cheats no matter which anticheat we use. What do you suggest we do about it?

I'm not upset.
Get foxy or someone who can even come close to chapljas skills! Is the coder being paid or its a free project, is it the anti-cheat from that polak-Sol?
I'm actually amused seeing you think chapjla is actually very good
I am amazed you think otherwise. He is coding ET Cheats for like.. 8 years? Do you think he isn't experienced enough to bypass anything? lol....
his code is still rather sloppy though.
So? A football player that has been playing football for 8 years HAS to be considered professional as well?
What kind of logic is that?

Chapjla is not that good, simple, if he was: He wouldn't be coding shitty cheats for dead games.

If he was actually good he'd earn loads of money with a good AC and publish it for all games.
coding cheats for ET isn't exactly rocket science, and besides tzac got bypassed from day 1, so yeah
Meaningful life he has!
Who the fuck buys chapljas cheats which got backdoors in em? lol
Who said anything about buying? He might just do it for the lulz, im actually starting to think that ohurcool and marcus are talking some bullshit here or atleast not telling the real story, but hey just my opinion!
He has never hid the fact that about cheating and he has never intended to invade the competition scene either neither playing nor coding. This unlike many so called ''top'' players for the last several years.

In ET there are/were many internal groups of people who stick together. When knowing that 3 or 4 of them have been busted you can say with almost 100% certainty that all the others must have at least known and hid this information from other people. Most likely they are/were cheaters them self as well.

Most obvious example is Qyz(AlexL's fuckbuddy) returning as N30 and playing with Team NL while EVERYONE knew it was him. Following with mize, fost etc getting caught as well. Smart people did a disappearance(waiting for update on cheats?) act and came back when most of the evidence was long gone or they could blame it someone trying to frame them.

This is what I call being a first class scumbag what chaplja does is just for teh lulz
lol qyz is innocent man, relax
You seem really upset. Allow me to calm your tits.

Me and N30 have been best friends for close to 15 years. The year of the WC you speak of he and I lived in the same house for our first year of college. I flunked out and played on his PC while he was busy studying. I had some trouble making the switch from highschool over to serious studying, because it meant I would have to give up something I enjoyed doing a lot, which was to play this game. In my desire to continue playing, I made the decision to take on N30's handle over my own for one simple reason. Due to cheating in the past, my nick was far from clean and taking on N30's nick meant I got a second shot at ET, as well as a guaranteed spot in a good team (mQ). What you describe as willing deceit was a no-brainer for me, and many others: I can name multiple instances of people coming back to the game with a different nick to end up performing well.

You seem somehow convinced that I came up with a plan to return as N30 and play in Team NL and fool everyone. Fact of the matter is, I returned to play with mQ because mize asked me. I was forced to play a role I wasn't comfortable with or used to because that was the only slot available on the team and I wanted nothing more than to play. This resulted in some hilarious EC matches in which I was rifling (please do yourself a favour and look them up on GTV, you'll soon realise how ridiculous your cheating accusations really are). I then tried out for team NL, initially as rifle since that was what I was playing at the time. I didn't make the team because my rifling was downright horrible, you may recall that perfo (who I'd say had one of the finest aims in the game back then) actually rifled for all of the team NL matches. I did however also try out 2 rounds as SMG, and got 3rd and last pick out of the trials, behind Efax and rocky (rightfully so). The reason I ended up playing a few matches that WC was because no one else could be arsed to play, I don't think perfo ever intended for me to play (or that's at least how I understood it when I spoke to him about it at the time). Your claim that EVERYBODY knew it was me seems rather farfetched: out of the people playing at the time, only perfo and mize knew who I was. Perfo has been questioned about my involvement on multiple occasions, during and after my short stint as N30. Much to my enjoyment, he has always stated that I sucked way too hard to be cheating, something which I regretfully would have to agree with. :)

You'll also recall how we were disqualified from that WC due to perfo's brother's cheating case, and shortly after I stopped playing as N30 and moved on with my life. Why you would qualify this as being 'first class scumbag' is beyond me, I played a few games at a time in my life when it was all I enjoyed doing. Besides decem being really butthurt for missing out on EC with his superawesome team, no one really got hindered by me playing this game on my friend's PC for a few months. Yet someone forcefully fucking up what little is left of this community is doing it 'just for the lulz'. Your framework could use some adjusting.
holy fucking fuck
QuoteYou'll also recall how we were disqualified from that WC due to perfo's brother's cheating case

God damn it, stop making such a roman when i check CF, nearly got heart attack.
Why aren't you deleting his comment like you deleted mine?
I haven't deleted any comments in this journal.
Just the fact a new AC is being worked on is hopefull. It's no one's fault that Chaplja is acting like a 4 year old. The best thing is to just keep moving forward
if chaplja makes cheats for the new ac (which would be sad) cant you just report him to the e-police or something since it is against the law?
No, not really.
gaming companies are sharing own games on torrents so people would try and buy them and the only possible way in my opinion is that zenimax would sue those who are making hacks on fact that they are loosing people and money, like jagex did nowadays (jagex with runescape). Since zenimax doesnt care for this game that wont happen.
i love your optimism that you actually think chaplja isn't able to bypass own anticheat :D
you da man
ohurcool for president
msh100 for queen eheheheheheh
Main News about TZAC and currently AC Status will be nice Admins !
All coming at it's time, mostly for new AC news, as the situation about TZAC is pretty clear.
its gonna be the trackbase anticheat ?
Smart move! i hope the up comming anticheat wil be good.
So am I.
Not like in cod4. Players can't play offi with UAC, cuz of laggs.
I never really had lag problems with UAC, just some higher ping spikes cuz of the scanning.
Let's play without, like the olddays.
removing it asap and run some deepscans xD
since ur at deep, suckin cock and deep throat would be great
If he can sabotage it, imagine what he can do to counter all actual and next AC, btw clean your registry
It's easy to bybass his own AC, I don't think he'll waste his time to bypass the new AC.
Also, there are not a lot of players left on this game, coding a new cheat requires potential players to buy it. And there are other games with much more players if he wants to sell cheats and make money.
so true but he surely knows what " grudge " mean, honestly this can be the real end of ET
coding cheats is not that hard....
u did it already?
But coding one which isnt detected does not really sound like an easy job. It's a cat and mouse game anyways I reckon.
Was never a fan of TZAC because of the maker and his background, but was forced to use it because of clanbase.

TZAC was shit, and with loads of bugs. I still can't understand why an organisation like Clanbase even forced us to use it.
- No Linux support
- Server addon was horrible
- Made by known ex cheater
- Difficult for new users

Good luck with new AC hope it will be more user friendly.
And why are you blaming CB?
If you had a decent running organisation for this game, wouldn't you want to have the most certainty of clean gamers?
When TZ-AC actually looked good, would you have said: NO! NO tz-ac for my org, it has no linux support so let's go no ac!

That's just fucking stupid lol.
Why are you asking? Reasons are listed above
Then you're just retarded as fuck.
Why are you saying things like that?
It makes me sad that you can't reply in a polite manner.
It's all shit everyone knew already and it's so easy to say AFTERWARDS.
Useless comment is useless.
Maar NBS is online zie ik met 6 man? Maar tzac is toch uit of wat?
Waarom vraag je dat mij?
Neem aan dat zij ondertusse ook wel tz-ac eraf hebbe gehaald, dus iedereen speelt gewoon zonder tz-ac denk.
hmm nou gewoon een vraagje. Dat tzac werkte toch nooit, mensen maakte toch altijd extra accounts aan als ze gebust waren.
Dat is ook zo, en het duurde te lang voordat cheaters überhaupt gebannen werden. Is leuk dat silent detection, maar dat zorgde ervoor dat veel cheaters gewoon door konden spelen. De schade was meestal al geleden als er een ban kwam.
Why don't you just say you disagree? Instead of flaming me. It jus makes me sad that you are unable to reply without flaming.
And what did you do in your first post? Was it not flaming CB for using it?
How am I doing it different?

You are coming here with a post about CB being dumb for using this and you give reasons why, after TZ-AC failed. So if everything went amazing you wouldn't even have opened your mouth.

Neither have you done so beforehand, so what the hell is the point of coming with this now?
Showing how awesome you are and how much you know(or even already knew) about this project?

No, you deserved my flame.
Giving an opion and telling why is not flaming.
Shouting and trying to offend someone is flaming.
I'm glad too see you are able to reply in a polite way. If you would have done that in the first place, we could have had a normal discussion. And how would you know that I didn't complain before?
I can be as polite as I want to be, I tend to adapt to the discussion though.
I'm just saying, this was way too easy afterwards and useless. Let's leave it at that.
please shut up, PB was totaly shit and admins had to find something to replace it, they took this opportunity even if it didn't fit to everyone.
And It's kinda easy to blame everyone after the drama
Another one who is unable to reply in a polite manner.
Regarding PB you are right, couldn't agree more.
Sometimes opportunities seem to good to be true. And indeed it's easy to blame afterward. It is hilarious that chaplja had access all this time to Tzac, only imagine the security risks related to that.
It should have been banned months ago.
do u even play ET or are you just a forum addict? tzac was decent even if chaplja was a faggot
I am not playing active anymore. Just casual public with my brother, he is still active.
But I'm supporting several et teams with free servers.
I also think Tzac was decent on the client-side , just to many side effects.
So true.Yes have sone fun together sometimes on public. come at me brah!
forced by CB just because pb stopped following ET and there was not any AC at this time, i prefer TZAC then cheaters. Why dont you work on a good AC if your not happy since so long ?
I preferred to play without any AC than with TZAC tbh. Because of all the problems related to it. And since when does CB trust cheaters? I didn't notice a difference with or without TZAC. Most players got banned after the damage was done. But I respect your opion. And programming is not my area of expertise.
thats your point of view
Zenix, it's easy if someone cheats. Just ban him on the public server and don't allow him to on tournements.
Time for me to start fragging again. Best ET related news in the whole year!
Goodluck and whatever you release, I hope it works :)
is there any risks from having tzac on my pc?
just uninstall it bro, anywayz u won't use it anymore
no, but some here like that "conspiracy theory" and claim it has a backdoor, which ofc it hasn't
damn, actually liked chaplja he responded almost every single time you pm´d him and had questions and didnt act like a dick :p

but gl with the new ac hope its half decent
aint that just because you are his biggest customer? :D
for me he was also friendly
Your point? :p
i never saw any cheat so he was also friendly to someone who never will be one of his costumers
I like your phrasing
u still playing?:D
replying to me?

but ye ive played a few times during the summar nothing actively like almost every summer, but winter comming soon so ill prolly be playing sum games if there are any players to play against.
ah nice to hear :) gl buddy
gta and fifa coming out !!
time for a comeback?
Goodbye TZAC and thanks, you gave me lots of victories
good job now shut the fuck up
and give me my money
As much shit as I talked about Chaplja, maybe you all should read this before you start jumping his ass and tryto ignore the fact a lowlife loser like Unforgiven is in the conversation
haha the shit this unforgiven guy goes through to try to get his "donator" status back is redonkeylous
i just love how unforgiven still crys over 50 euros he donated(willingly gave him money for nothing in return. was a donation for the service, not a FEE!

but yet he cries over it nowtzac is over with.

also crying for spending 1000 euros over 5 years for a game server service.
that's fucking pathetic. if he didnt like the service than he should have changed server hosting company with in the first 1-3 months instead of having it drag on for 5 fucking years. this fuckig gypsy is a piece of shit fucking crying bitch boy!!!

he telling ppl to stfu and stop calling him a kid, retard and other names cus he is "3 times their age" is fucking pathetic.... the old "man" needs to find a fucking gypsy wife and fuck off.

fuckin guy whine more than my fiance..... like fuck.
You call him fucking gypsy, bitch, etc. You should look into the mirror and think about yourself: your post shows a deep lack of education and intelligence, like HUGE lack.
Why the fact that we are dealing with a donation to a service and not a fee has to do with his claim? You give money for a service to work (better), etc., you expect to be rewarded in any sort of way: premium access, no advertising, etc. OR your name highlighted somewhere, because he actually did something more for the game than YOU did.
He gave money for 5 years: yes, you can hope that something gonna change with time and if you can afford it, why not giving again. Also, YCN is one of the main (the main?) game server provider for ET so moving to give money to another server hoster would ve had less impact than on YCN.
And yet you go harsh on him cause he may be stubborn and his English is bad. Yet he is way more intelligent that you'll ever be and that's an easy fact to assess. It is not because you wear a Dutch flag and him a Romanian flag that calling him bitch, gypsy, fuckface, etc. will make you superior. That's actually quite the opposite.
If this was facebook I would press the like button.
because he bashes me for not caring about him losing money, he lost money because he spend it. if he didnt like a companys service, fucking cancel it.

but he whines about the bad service. like it's common sense....
then hes got butt buddys like yourself, who stick up for him and also don't understand.

you butthurt guy.
im not dutch, lmfao.

The difference between a donation and a fee is that with a fee, you know the service you're getting. With a donation, you take a chance that your money will go to a good cause. If the service you paid a fee for doesn't work as expected, you get a refund. If the service you donated to doesn't work out, tough, it was a chance you took. Deal with it
Why would Chap not make up shit? :p
Why would he?
I mean, you can see all stories from all points and noone of us can know what is true.
You're right, why would he make up stories? But then the question raises, why would ohurcool/marcus do?

Just let these ''points of view opinions'' rest and move on. There is no ACTUAL way of telling what is and what isn't true.
That's a good point but, and really, I was a big Chaplja hater, but most of what I said about him was based on what other people were saying, not from talking to him myself, until yesterday, when I did talk to him for the first time ever and he gives answers quickly and concisely that actually make sense. One thing said in a post above, everything has been hosted by Marcus (no offense to Marcus) so how could Chaplja have access to Marcus server files? I Assume he has a backup of everything, just like anyone that has websites, on his own machine.

Easy to fix, right?? Just upload over the hacked files. Why did this never happen?
From my point of view:
I don't know Marcus, Chapjla or Ohurcool all that well, but I have talked to all of them just as much( which is not much )

Marcus has always been a prick, not just to me but in general. Sure in real life he acted nice to me at LAN but 1 week after online he just told me to get the fuck away on IRC. Cool guy really.

Chapjla, whom I had never spoken to or who had never even heard of me, really took his time for a chat and we had a decent one. We've had some talks a few times more at which point I even contributed to his project (even whilst knowing he is a known cheatcoder as well)

He earned my respect faster than these so-called ''admins''.

Fact of the matter is, none of those guys handling that tzac now are even close to chaps' skills when it comes to this, so it was useless from the beginning. And I am not even that sure it was done "for the good of the community'' . Might just as well be that ohurcool wanted to make sure he could carry on cheating himself with the excuse of tzac being there :D *shots fired?*

If there were decent people involved in this, I am pretty sure it could have gone differently. Fact remains though, Chap has his history against him.
I can say Marcus was cool to me the few times we talked and he was real supportive when I brought LB back last year. But that has nothing to do with this situation and agreed on Chaplja taking time to actually respond when I talked ot him yesterday
ohurcool can't cheat he is terrible.
So why are you defending him? if he was that terrible that would have been enough, this just makes it even more suspicious.
I never miss an opportunity to bring him down a notch.
Me saying he is cheating wasn't low enough? You're harsh
I honestly dont know you at all but that is one of the most retarded statements I've read in a long time. Please stop posting without thinking.
That's an opinion, so just get the fuck out.
I even gave my reasons.
You're a hostile little man, aren't you? Simple mind would explain why Marcus told you to get the fuck away.
And you're a sweet little 13 year old girl aren't you? If you don't know about it, don't talk.
Your statement is based on thin air. All I see you do is throw curse words around. and before you embarrass yourself, the curse word I used was quoting Marcus as you posted above.
Thin air? Amazing.
My statement was based on my experience, that's why it's called my opinion. I even posted why I think marcus is a prick.
He might not be a prick, but I think he is.

I am pretty sure Marcus can fight his own battles though, so I am not quite sure what you are still discussing about.

If you can't take it that I call one of your friends a prick, you really are on the wrong forum, let alone, the internet. Or at the wrong person :)

Say hi to marcus from me, you're probably all up inside him. Cu
QuoteMight just as well be that ohurcool wanted to make sure he could carry on cheating himself with the excuse of tzac being there :D *shots fired?*

I thought you were joking when you said this but then I read your reply to Carlos and realized you might not be joking? LOL Are you seriously saying that ohurcool cheats?
If you were joking , k cool. If you were not joking you are dead stupid and you should stop posting without thinking rlly.
Now you are just paraphrasing carlos :(

Like I said before if you read it all, we already knew TZ-AC wouldn't live long anymore and I was just stating: They may as well have kept it on to have an excuse to cheat.

I'm not saying he is cheating. The *shots fired* thing behind it should have made it clear but you probably couldn't read it in the sarcastic voice I read it in.. * shots fired *
I wasn't talking about Marcus, kiddo. I meant your attempt at...I dont even know what you were trying to accomplish with it?
QuoteAnd you're a sweet little 13 year old girl aren't you?
Well, I'm not a hostile little man really, nor a kiddo, but you wouldn't know. So you can stop with that. Just as I wouldn't know if you weren't a sweet little 13 year old girl :)

I tend to believe everyone around here is though, either that or like 15 year old gangstaboys.

you are very gangsta
Whaddup manizzle foshizzle homie G westsiiiide
I spoke with him a few times many many years ago and he was always honest about everything he did. I have never seen him make up shit or cause drama anywhere. I always thought he was a decent guy besides being a cheat coder.
Yep, I state that in my comment a bit under the one you replied to as well.
interesting :p
Great Answer. GG

Thanks for playing
New in Internet?
Honestly, this whole story is fucking fishy. For all I know is that chaplja, although he may have coded cheats in the past and all that, has never lied about the things he did and what was going on, so I do belive there is some truth in his words. Either way, the people flaming him are fucking hyprocrites, he was the one, who gave you another good 3 or 4 years in ET by developing an AntiCheat that actually worked at a time where ET was cheat infested, so show him some respect instead of making assumptions. None of you knows, what exactly happened.

Glad I'm not playing anymore, but thats what you get when you screw over the wrong person...
Manuel! :P
Ich musste grad dran denken als du noch n highlight auf vagina, muschi etc. im IRC hattest, haha. Dürfte so um die venerea (?) Zeit gewesen sein. :D
Andrééé mit vielen e! :D

hahaha das hatte ich schon komplett vergessen... das waren noch zeiten x) venerea war 2004 oder so. oh gott x)
Pretty much sums it up.

Hi Lahq, Phreako misses you :)
Hi Mark! Miss you guys aswell, we haven't talked in ages. :(

I got no Xfire anymore, but if you guys chilling on some TS, write me a pm and I'll certainly drop by :)
Hi fag still on irc? My laptop broke so see you online again in december when I am back home again.
Yeah we have a ts channel we hang out on however I am still abroad for the next 3/4 months with a borrowed laptop. Will get back to you around xmas time :)
another fag
You are my only love Diablos don't worry :)
Chaplja will bypass your new "AC" on day 1, kthxbye.
tl;dr version : fuck you mr.retard unforgiven and mr.failureInLife chaplja.

Stop posting that shitty conversation between those 2 idiots and calling it "the truth about tzac" when all it shows is unforgiven being retarded and chaplja trying to feel important but no "truth" is ever revealed, it is just unforgiven telling stupid shit about marcus (we all know he hates marcus) and then chaplja not denying it or confirming it, so what is the truth uh?
All we hear from the fail croatian is "the truth is tooooo embarrasing for marcus and ohurcool" , what is this a terror movie? Fucking idiot, if you have something to say just make one of those shitty websites again and make a statement, and tell that "truth" ...but wait , there is nothing right? Truth is that he wanted to shut down tzac and/or make cheats and sell them like he just tried a couple of weeks ago. He went away people, then he made stupid excuses like his taxes and then he went full emo and released the code.
The fact that he s posting unforgiven's videos above and the shitty chat logs between em two just shows how retarded chaplja is. Yo croatian idiot, let me tell you something: Unforgiven is not doing all that spam and all this for you, he is doing it because he hates marcus and has nothing else to do with his shitty life than trying to annoy him.
Go ahead and tell the truth idiot, how comes you keep saying it over and over again and don't say shit? They "took over" your project because you abandoned it and wanted to sabotage it just like you have been doing this whole month.
It blows my mind to see people here cocksucking this moron, well maybe they want to suck his cock to get free cheats , which wouldnt be that surprising, considering who those cocksuckers are.

Go ahead and make cheats for the new anti-cheat idiot, who the fuck cares? Is not the first time there is an anticheat and a coder making cheats for it, eventually they get detected , people get busted and the cycle begins again. What are you going to do now idiot? Keep failing in real life like you said some time ago and continue coding for ET ? HAHAH go ahead ! If you start selling cheats, you can count with some zlotys from the 2 or 3 polish players that will buy them and we can already guess they have been busted before, so no one will really give a fuck. If you release them for free they will just get detected. I am sure a few of your cocksuckers here would buy them (hipkat,dragonji,etc), just do it, and while you are at it, go ahead and post the "truthhh about tzaccc" in one of your stupid websites, cant wait to read it! (But I know you won't do it because you don't know what new lie to tell) --> Your cocksuckers will believe it anyways so write it!

Lives in United Arab Emirates

2 months and 5 days
Lives in Netherlands

3 years and 20 days


too easy idiot!
i totally agree with you
What don't you understand in: "[12:49] <khaplja> unforgiven: because they removed my access to the server long time ago"
For the start it would be great if there was a tool that you can see the IDs with like with TZAC, so you know who you are playing against at least.
It's ridiculous to believe that chaplja was ever a good coder or a pro coder :d People pls, to make it more understandable: Using a database without hash function is like surfing on porn sites without a working firewall! Your passwords have been readable for everyone! Everyone who got computer science in school knows how to encrypt a password, he didn't even do this lol...
I mean don't you wonder yourself that chaplja got no job in the computer industry? He is a total noob in it, there are tutorials on hacker forums how to hack a game, just read those things and u can code a cheat like chaplja did. It's just that you are too lazy to learn this script shit. (Or your name is chaplja and you got nothing else to do in your childhood, because you are crack whore who got no friends to play with). it's a lie tzac would have been ever better than pb, tzac was always worse than pb and pb was already one of the most shit AC i've ever seen!

people are so easily to manipulate by propaganda, pls people start to think of your own and start to analyze things!
Yep That was izi to take more then 10 acc spacialy from psiquh :DDDDDD
Removing all Chaplja's comments when everybody has already seen them, that smart moves...
I think it really doesnt matter what you use or what you make coz some how there always will be coders to make new cheats .. so why should u put your energy in making another anticheat its like the millionst anticheat anyways i give it a day before someone makes cheats!
Well if it detects even some of the cheats made so far I'm happy. At the moment people just loads some sort of wh/bot and mess around the servers freely. I prefer an anti-cheat before playing against dozen's of cheaters. Atleast nerds have to put an effort making cheats...
why not connecting ET with steam so cheaters would loose their whole account?
fucking hell, why nobody though about it before? :o woooow WOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW
Trollinghard.jpg i guess...
I stopped logging into cf when I come home from teh club.
Jeeej, man there's so much drama on crossfire nowadays it feels like im back in 2k6 :S
WHAT THE FUCK ???????????
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