HING going to army

today hing went to the army inspection for 8th time and thought it would go like any other time. but no, this time his worst nightmare came true and the doctor said "enjoy ur service son"..

so wish him good luck. theyr gonna make a man out of that mad goldrush hating lil gamer.

image: wwdw87

gl bruva well miss you happy full
Cool, no more whine in LoL journals :>
Darnit Hing, you better send me some pictures of your acorn once in a while

& did hospital thing not work out? :C
Heeft die kerel nu echt fullscreen teamspeak ?:X
I don't get it what does the doctor examine, and what are they trying to find out?
if u r fit enough for the army
ye i got that,but under what conditions would they turn you away?
no unfortunately :(
hope u have a great time in army, it was hell atleast in finland! :D
It was like hell sometimes but afterwards I got only good memories :)
If you have a choice to do it or not to (now that you know what's coming) would you?
True, a lot of good friends and some extremly funny shit? But I didn't laugh in February when it was -25 and I was in a fucking POTERO for 4hours, I couldn't feel any parts of my body after that. 02:00-06:00 never forget
was it exactly 02:00-06:00? What if it was 02:05-06:00 then it was worst 3 hours and 55 minutes in your life?
Actually it was from 01:45 because they wake u up 15mins before your shift so u can dress up and so, its kinda hard to do it quietly when u are 16guys in a tent! :D
too fat or like in my case cardiovascular problems or being homo (in the past) or if u got some kind of allergies and many other things
not that you really have to ask for that, to make it simple: significant health or mental problems
my friend is blind from one eye and got away... other one lied about shaky hands and he also got away, heart problems and shit like that confirmed by some doctors will get you away.. you can also get away by lying about that you are "crazy" or "psychologically" not okay but thats not legit anymore since they might take away your drivers license after that
Also if u lie about being grazy or being drug addict its gonna be rlly hard to find a job
It's only hard to find a job from somewhere that requires a background check (police, prison, work with children, maintenance in those places), but it doesn't make it any harder to get a basic factory or office job.
hahahahaha enjoy
hajoo aamuihis vitun mosa
Käy intti eka loppuu huutele sit :D
parempi huudella viel ku on kirkkaana mielessä kuinka paskaa tää on ;D
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