me hAx =/

Hello xfire users :/

I'm also against cheaters & against aimbotters & I don't know what else..
BUT PLZ, don't see hackers where there aren't :/
I got 3 fucking insults till now.. isn't it possible there is just a player who trained hard & never played ET 'serious' enough to get attention? :/
WTF is wrong with you guys..
I heard everything:

"Youre aim is flickering"
"ok, you cheat, no doubts about it"
"You are switching enemy's in warmup (<- IN WARMUP???!!! :/) like I saw no one of high skilled dudes doing"

I don't know shit about this cheating programs or whatever :/
You can bust everybody - like someone comes around a corner - you hear him, you start preshooting - you have a little luck, you have 3 headshots..
Imagion: you are up @ supply, you see them running up, you try to hit them, suddenly you hear 'TINGTINGTING' - I really was shocked when I realised I shooted 3 hs over there :/ & then this guy starts screaming I'm a hacker :/
If you just get moments out of a demo - you can bust everybody imo =(

My question is: wtf is wrong with you guys?
even my own clan starts thinking i'm a cheater :/

over & out,
a very sad ETplayer =(
try searching for a better clan then :)
& stop playing low/- will help against alot of the whine.
quite hard if u only got unkown clans in ur clanhis :<
dont worry meth ur the last one to be accused of anything
very funny and original. im suprised it took u only 2 hours (with very little help of a dictionary !!) to write this comment. hey, remember the time when parents abused u, so u took it out on clan mates and clans fell apart.
lol u got busted
just play shit like i do
darkowner never plays bad.
I understand you. Some people tell me it's impossible to suck as much as me. I definetely must use a some kind of help to make me suck so much.
instaed of sucking, try to blowjob
Don't generalize...
if they think you cheat they arent a good clan insulting own members....

just leave them , and search for an better clan imo

that could be it? but I don't think so :/ He is as noob as me in computer things =)
Msn = connecting
Yeah sometimes people just accuse you of hacking because they're loosing but that isn't always the case.

You also have to understand that people have very little trust towards opponents nowadays unless their names are 'known' because so many people cheat now.

I just finished playing a 3on3 vs cheaters. In one of my previous clans that never got past the 2weeks phase 2 of the members with unknown names, both fops, both massive damage givers turned out to be wallhackers. Whenever I loose to random unknowns in a 3on3 a couple of weeks to a month later they get busted.

So try and appreciate that a lot of the whine isn't just because people have big ego's and their minds can't grasp the fact they got owned fair and square. Nowadays you just can't be sure if the game was fair or not especially vs random unknowns who appear out of nowhere with rly n1 aim and gamesense.
some ppl dont need to play a game 24/7 for a couple of years to be somewhat good at it :/
I never said people have to play 24/7 for 2 years before they can become good.

u basically said that only known players can be good and tht "random unknowns" are most likly cheaters :P

This isnt WoW mate!
I didn't say that only known players can be good.

What I was saying is that many people cheat nowadays (true or false?). This makes people doubt if the guys they're playing against are clean (true or false?). For example if PB was perfect and using hax was impossible no one would think the opponent is cheating, cos PB would have kicked them already (true or false?).

Now that your never %100 sure that the opponent isn't cheating who would you trust more?

People who have played for a long time, with their skill gradually increasing, played on ETTV with many people watching their every move and action, been played against hundreds maybe even thousands of times without anyone thinking their play was suspicious and in a lot of cases have played at LAN tournaments etc.


People who you have never heard of, have no history that you are aware of, play suspiciously, never been on ETTV, never played at LAN's etc

If you take my view that the guys with the known names and history will be trusted more then people who are completely unknown to you then you agree with everything in my first post.

In short. I didn't say random unknowns are most likely cheaters. I said cheaters are most likely to be random unknowns. There is a difference.

ok, then i agree with u :)
though alot of cheaters are also located in the sub-levels of ET competition
lol i specced u and ur aim is flickering whether ur hacking or not was very funny to spec. Plus u have had more pb guis than most xfire users have had girlfriends, this doesnt help. If u arent hacking then i apologise but sorry i lol at ur flickering aim.
LOL - that's what I mean - in my opinion it's youre screen from youre computer dude :/ I checked my demo @ 0.5 speed & I really don't see any flickering :/ you are what I call an goddamn idiot who wants to bust everybody who is good so he is the best ... 'evan the second'

I have alot of pb guids? :|
lol 1st i dont accuse many ppl of cheating - and watching ur demo at 0.5 timescale wont help, and yes u have many pb guids with only a few names - w/e i cba to argue with u all im saying is u have a very strange aim. and btw i lolled at these links from RTCW mr.iknownothingabouthacking :;query=Search;_accCheck=1

quote: I don't know shit about this cheating programs or whatever :/
thanks to chuckie ofc <3
WTF does those things have to do with me?
I never played rtcw =D

If you want to bust me, plz have proof :/

it's hard to be pro
i know how you feel... ;x
attention war! some say that I also cheat and I also dont make a journal about it pls even a cheater called me cheater I dont call names or smth but pls try to get some attention from ur little sister
santje hou je bek vuile ttsjiiet000r
Member For: 7 days
u can feel yourself skilled from now on.... the border of being skilled exceeds after u are considered haxer
you should hear urtier ingame :DDD
post demos!
it's so common , just dont play vs low .
btw dont be such a attentionwhore , gl !
There's a difference between a hacker and a cheater, btw.
you are too highskilled for this game just change to cs or something
ROFL a very sad et player shut up OH PLS and hey :/ its so true you cheat :/ wtf bye :/
We got kicked 4 times yesterday, 'cheaters'
take it as a compliment that they think u are that good, and laugh it off as no proof can be found :D
just stop hacking ecklav
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