European living

Hello its shaun here :) Well ive been working after I finished uni now for 2 years almost, im pretty much looking to go away for a year somewhere to find a place to live/work in europe because im getting quite bored of where I live and would like to do something new. Who knows maybe ill like it so much that ill live there. I have a business degree but my work can have nothing to do with that, pretty much trying to find somewhere where its nice to live, night life, cool thing to see and relatively safe. I'll be looking for at least a reasonably priced place to live most likely an apartment in a decent area of town, no more then 1000 - 1500 euros a month. I can only speak english for now but if i was going somewhere I would try learning some of the language before I would leave.

Places I might want to live are:
-London / UK
-any where in switzerland

Im pretty much up for anything, any input where to go would be great thank you :)
go fuck yourself
That's how i express my love towards shaun
All of those places are probably too expensive for you try Poland
interesting, because PL ppl are those who spends vacations abroad cuz its cheaper there. BUT OK.
Abroad where? Iraq? You aren't trying to tell me London or Swizterland or Norway are cheaper than Poland are you?
ill say the same as i said to papper - when for example u have 300zl its like ~ 70-75 euro. U can get to Fr, Paris , Eurodisneyland for 3 days. The same money u can get for 3 days party in sh** weather near pl sea , with average conditions. ( most of your money ull spend for an alkohol ). If u have more money u can choose for example travel to Bulgaria with good conditions for 2 weeks . For the same money and the same time u can spend time with like i said in lines upper in weak conditions so.. STILL . Even travel to Egypt is cheaper then vacation near pl sea. Its not sayin that ,, we are rich country'' its says just we have economic problems. We want more then we can get. etc. im not study economy, dunno how to call it, but its not good sympthom at all.
Irrelevant. The cost of living in Poland is considerably cheaper than the cost of living in Paris.
true that, but i guess that mr who done this topic, dont want to move to those places, just wanna go for vacation time. U see .. proposals which are present by polish hospitality guys ( i mean hotel owners etc ) are srsly unmatched with salaries which u can get as a polish worker. Livin in pl is cheaper. Homes are cheater. Cars are cheaper ( ofc old ones ) but ,, summer time '' near pl sea is 2 expensive 4 us. Its better to get tour from travel agency to for example Ukrain , Bulgaria, Egypt then by own get trip to polish sea with bad weather, sea full of algaes. As far as i remember my travel ( like week ago :P ) i must say that we spend most of money for alkohol and food. Ofc by that what im sayin, im no doin good advertising for my country even my city ( 100km from sea ) but truth is truth :p
The topic of this journal is just two words and one of them is living.
hmm i would propose Ukraine, but not near big cities ( like Kiev cuz like i heared they have expensive stuff, but nice streets and places ) . Never been so dunno if its true. Also i dont recommend Warsaw. Its also a little bit expensive ( capital city .. so.. ) But north - west side of pl is cheapy one. And ofc south but this near border. U would be shocked how expensive is living in pl :p i read some days ago that we have biggest tax VAT in eu. If u want to have a little room, out of centrum of city, and ull eat canned food .. in this case yes pl is cheap. But if u want to live on standards like on west eu it can be difficult.
You must be FUCKING retarded, I pity you. just wow
XDDD zero pojecia
byles ty za granica kiedys? W pl za 2 tygodniowy pobyt nad morzem, slabe warunki , i srednia pogode zplacisz rownowartosc pobytu np w Bułgarii , gdzie masz duzo lepsze perespektywy jesli chodzi o pogode, i atrakcje. Za 300 zł pojedziesz na 3 dni do Paryza, w tym eurodisneyland - za ta sama cene zrobisz bibe nad morzem. Zainteresuj sie moze cenami to ty nadbierzesz moze troche pojecia. -_-
chyba cie pojebalo, za 300zl pojedziesz na 3 dni do paryza? XD tak sie sklada ze bylem w paryzu i kosztowalo mnie to 10x tyle wiec te swoje cebulackie teorie zachowaj dla siebie i zajmij sie graniem w gry komputerowe
masz 6 dniowa za 600 /900
7 dni za 800/1000 w zaleznosci od ilości osób w pokoju + trochę euro w zależności co chcesz zwiedzać.
Zanim zaczniesz kogoś obrażać poczytaj sobie. Byłam tam i wiem na ile dni i wiem ile płaciłam.
gowno mnie obchodza jakies linki z groupon i inne lastminute, 300zl to w Paryzu wydasz na obiad i butelke wina, wiec nie wciskaj ludziom jakichs bzdur... za taka kwote to moze do ciechocinka sobie dojedziesz na ulgowym studenckim XD brednie o kryzysie ekonomicznym w polsce to tez mozesz sobie darowac bo takowy byl owszem, ale 80 lat temu, wiec polecam wrocic do szkoły po podstawowa wiedze i odinstalowac sie od internetu
dałam Ci 3 strony internetowe, jakbyś przysiadł znalazłbyś więcej. Współczuje braku mózgu , i tego, że nie umiesz się nawet przyznać do błędu. Pozdrawiam rodziców, pewnie jest im ciężko.
dobra, widze, że "gadaj do dupy to cie osra", chociaz dupa to chyba niezbyt na miejscu okreslenie bo inteligencja idzie niestety w parze z twoim wygladem.
nie potrafisz zrozumiec, ze za 300zl to nie przezyjesz tam 3 dni nawet w obskurnym hostelu w pokoju z dziesiecioma rumunami, zywiac sie pasztetem prochowickim (ktory zreszta bardzo mi sie kojarzy z twoja osoba)? Nie wiem czy zauwazylas, ale kazdy juz cie tutaj wysmial wiec zajmij sie czyms pozytecznym zamiast sie udzielac w internecie, np poucz sie jezyka angielskiego - przyda sie, tepa wsiuro.
kazdy ? 3 osoby, ktore nie sprawdzaly cen wyjazdów, i chociaz nie pogrążają się jak ty? Nie mam potrzeby dyskutować z Tobą dłużej, ale szkoda mi Ciebie serio, brechtają z polaków, i jakby przetłumaczyli sobie Twoje wypociny to jest dosyć zrozumiałe dlaczego. Widocznie nie stać Cię nawet na wyjazdy takie jak wyżej zaproponowane. Byłam i mogę bardzo dobrze je ocenić.
stać mnie żeby sobie kupic na wlasnosc 100 takich wieśniar w białych leginsach to raz.
dwa, faktycznie, nie ma sensu dyskutowac z kims kto twierdzi ze pobyt w w polsce pobyt jest drozszy niz w paryzu. odsyłam tutaj i wypierdalaj:
nie to powiedzialam, powiedzialam, ze wyjazdy wakacyjne sa droższe. Np wiadomym jest dla wszystkich ( chyba poza Tobą ), że all inclusive w Egipcie jest tańsze, niż w pl, że pobyt w takim gołębiewskim ( jeśli w ogole wiesz co to ) cenowo wychodzi drożej, niż podbyt w tak samo ocenionym hotelu w np takim Egipcie. Poświęciłabym Ci trochę czasu, ale szkoda go na kogoś kto dostał argumenty i nie umie się z nimi zmierzyć, a jedyne czym wojuje to przekleństwa. Nisko, na prawdę nisko, trzeba trochę więcej żeby mnie zmartwić :P bb
o kurwa, serio? faktycznie, trzeba byc kims zeby wiedziec, co to golebiewski bo to tak elitarne miejsce do wypoczynku...
juz ci nizej kolega wytlumaczyl, czemu te twoje okazje to gowno, wiec nie musze sie mierzyc z zadnymi twoimi chujowymi argumentami, umyslowa biedo
grupon to okazja, normalna cena wynosi 1400 zl czyli gorna granica normy jak na 6 dni...
a ta strona o nazwie "untitled document" z wycieczka objazowa wyglada troche jakby Cie wysylali starym jelczem na 6 dni i objazd po schroniskach...

rownie dobrze ja moge powiedziec ,ze polecialem na Filipiny w zeszlym miesiacu za 1800(przelot +hotel) na 6 dni, wiec w takim razie Filipiny kosztuja niecale 2000 zl co jest bzdura, bo to byla wyjatkowa okazja, a takie wycieczki normalnie kosztuja 3k-4k.
przez 3 dni w paryzu nie zrobisz nic. pozatym samolot+nocleg+park zabaw+zarcie+dodatkowe wydatki za 300 zl? no chyba ze sponsorem.

kazdy wyjazd odpowiednio wczesnie i dobrze zaplanowany od Lizbony po Moskwe w ludzkim standardzie to wydatek 800-1200 zl.
Tobie dam Bułgarie

8 dni, nawet nie mówione 7 1200zl. Byście sie wstydzili obrażać rodaka, który broni swojego kraju jak się z niego śmieją. To takie głupie serio. Nic dziwnego, ze połowa sceny ma polaków za nic, jak my nawet nie umiemy sami się uszanować. Nie mamy szacunku do siebie, więc chyba nie ma się co dziwić , że i oni nie mają go do nas.
2 gwiazdki we wrzesniu w Bulgarii i to jeszcze w Golden Sands czyli najbardziej zdezelowanym komunistycznym Bulgarskim kurorcie...
nie tego nie nazywamy ludzkimi warunkami.
bez wifi, z miliardem dodatkowych oplat za lodowki, dodatkowe karty do klimatyzatora i wymiane poscieli :S
mysle ze za 800 zl na tydzien bedziesz to samo miala w jakims pensjonacie poza sezonem nad morzem tylko pogoda troche gorsza(jak to nad polskim morzem).
I tak i nie, są takie hotele, gdzie nie masz opłat dodatkowych, i kurort jest niczego sobie. Na pewno jak spytasz kogoś kto tam był z Twojego otoczenia to Ci to potwierdzi. Poza sezonem to się zgodzę , że w pl jest taniutko, ale na wakacyjny wyjazd w pl jedzie się raczej w lecie , przynajmniej nad morze, jeśli nie jedziesz do spa. W sezonie nawet i hotel nie jest najgorszy, w tym wszystkim, a raczej ceny produktów, bo rzadko kiedy masz w cenie all inclusive. - wiesz.. w Egipcie masz darmowe alko w cenie :p ( zresztą musisz je spożywać jeśli nie chcesz dostać jakiegoś choróbska ).
tylko za takie hotele musisz dac 2000 zl za tydzien minimum.
a co do polnocnej afryki to juz zupelnie oddzielna historia, zamkniete osrodki, okolicznosciowe wycieczki czasem, mozesz sie tylko opalac i chlac. I wszystko niemal zawsze w tym samym miejscu. i jeszcze syf i choroby w powietrzu :/ wybacz ale nie nawidze tych miejsc i dla mnie nawet jakby wycieczki byli za 500 zl za tydzien to juz wolalbym to 500 zl inaczej zainwestowac.
lol, that's why polish currency exchange is so shit?
im sure you can travel, and live like a bum asking for money.
lol, would be interested to hear what are these cheaper places where polish people spend their holidays :D

romania perhaps?
so what with Romania ? Romania is the best place ever to spend a little bit of your hollidays
come here once and you won't be joking about this country anymore.
yes, you might find some gipsies, but they are very few since all of them are abroad begging in other countries. and most of the ones here are rich, owning palaces and golden thrones...
I wasn't joking about Romania, it is one of the few possible countries in Europe where costs of living are lower than in Poland for a fact.
the currency of Poland is very close to Romania's.
sorry, i thought you were saying it in the bad way
Probably it would be Romania and Bulgaria, no clue about other eastern countries.
she is talkin bullshit :S i traveled a lot in last 3 years and the only cheaper places than PL are Ukraine and Albania :D
ehm not really
dont come to germany would be ur worst decision in ur life

I would go for london or norway
why you consider ger so shit to live in?
Grass is always greener on the other side.
He's joking. Germany best place to live :))
Germany is a pretty solid place, but Germans generally arent amazing at English, nor is shaun able to speak German. Norwegians at least know their languages.
which education do you have?
business marketing degree, looking for a fun job or whatever while im there, bartender or something like that just to make some extra cash :D
So for how long are you planning to stay?
maybe a year or so? depending how long i can get a visa as well
well, in Vienna there are a lot of american/irish/british/australian pubs/bars who often pick up foreigners who perfectly speak English, you might have a chance there
Alright thanks! Ya doesn't really have to be a bar :D I work like 12-14 hours 6 days a week and I just want to get away for a bit
Also toilet cleaners are always needed
welcome back sheep, my name is kevin
best friend kevin mate :)
No France ? :|
I could go but French people tend to hate English only speakers :D
Females tend to like the accent you guys have when you try to speak French
Besides the fact that a lot of French are rude and stuck up.
They hate people who think they own the place and start the conversation in English, without trying in French first or asking the interlocutor if he actually speaks English :P
But you are right and they are bad in English anyway so...
so, if we'd say first excusé moi( i forgot how to write it), then go on with english they won't be that mean ?
"Excuse me, do you speak English?" Don't go on, ask wether they speak it or not ^^

e: in French : "excusez-moi".
i never really looked into france just because how people are about the language, but i would learn some french before. What cool cities do they have and would it be easy for me to find a job you think? also how expensive is it to live there?
Interesting cities would be Paris ofc i guess, even if i dislike it. Otherwise you could try Lyon, Toulouse or Nice. Life in France is pretty expensive tho, but i guess finding a job when you're relatively young isn't that hard, depending which kind of work you wanna do
There are no jobs. :P just kidding, but at the moment, it isn't easy to find one but if you have English skills well I'm pretty sure you'd find something. Paris of course, I don't really know about other cities. Strasbourg is very active, student life, etc., so are Toulouse, Rennes, Lyon...
This coming from a French person is sooooooo ironic :D
the average of ppls speakıng decently englısh ın france ıs quıte low

france ıs gettıng worse anyway
Hence my reply... When I lived in Dublin I met tons of French people and everytime I mentioned I'm Belgian they started talking in French, even when I told them I don't understand it that well, they just continued on cos "I understand it a bit"...
Same reply than the one to Carlos, I'm not sure I see what you exactly talk about.
The French never adapt themselves to their surroundings, they expect the others to adapt to them. That's what I experienced in Dublin atleast...
I don't often travel but I heard similar things yea. Since they can't speak anything else besides French and because they feel naturally superior (the 2 factors are linked) they act the way you describe...
Excuse my rudeness but that is exactly how the rest of Europe think of the French.
Sorry, I'm not sure I understand what part of my reply you are referring to.
QuoteThey hate people who think they own the place and start the conversation in English

The french do exactly the same in foreign countries.
Oh well yea that's probably true as well, contradictory people.
[nfp]shheep, Antwerp bro
if you want something safe and you like hot chicks that go down easy then come to iceland buddy.
I'd go for London, that's where I'd love to spent a few years of my life.
Happy bday!
Still a few hours to go but thanks =)
Thats true , iceland chicks is very hot !
Amsterdam, London, Antwerp, Barcelona, Lisbon, Munich
Norway is expensive sure, but the pay makes up for that. Getting a job in Norway is easy, school and healthcare is completely free (higher education as well) and almost everyone knows English. And 1k-1,5k€ would be enough to get an apartment even in the most expensive cities (Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen, Trondheim).
yes ive heard many good things about norway, its actually not that more expensive then it is to live in canada :P but any suggestions where to live? wouldnt be a problem for me to find a job there even if ill have to learn the language?
nah lots of international jobs as well.. my hometown is the oil capital of Norway (Stavanger) and has a lot of international jobs or jobs where English is the spoken language as a consequence. Oslo, the capital of Norway, probably has a lot of English speaking jobs too.. Could be the city I'm currently living in (Trondheim) has some international jobs as well, as it's the student capital of Norway. I'd suggest Oslo or Stavanger, probably Oslo (although I want to say Stavanger because it's my hometown :D).

And if you want to learn the language it shouldn't be too hard (not that I know.. Domi and w3st would know!), as it's closely related to English (which is why Norwegians are so good in English as well).
What about Sweden?
harder to get a job afaik, else pretty much the same.. cheaper tobacco and alcohol (not so much) too
alright sounds good thanks, ill have to check into both cities but I love oslo when i was there travelling, hardest thing will be finding a job and a decent place to live :D
oslo it is then! yeah guess that would be hardest.. do not look for apartments from may to september, all students are looking then. a job shouldnt be too hard if you have your residency in order i think
Austria in my opinion is a wonderful place to live.
I have no experience of these countries but I heard from a fellow CF man that it is hard to find a job in London. Norway is expensive but can't really think any other bad sides in it.
in Romania, Bucharest you can get an apartment with 4 rooms(even penthouses) ranging from 400e to 1100e, around.
yes and that includes the magnificent neighbourhood
image: DSCN5193
actually no, it doesnt
not sure if you are really serious or not, but this picture was taken into other country , where the gipsies migrated. you will never see this here

im not going to start a discussion with you about gipsies now. i just replied so you wont think that you were right
well there is not much to discuss about gypsies in romania, its their homeland.

On a more serious note, how can you recommend him to live in romania. I mean I would never wanna go there and I live in pl so that means something xD
i didnt recommend anything , anywhere in my sentence
ofc not, you just happend to write a comment about apratments price in a journal where he asks for a good place to move to
realize the difference between "recommendation" and "information"

and god damn please , dont reply to me saying some stupid bullshit just to have the final word...
in this context its pretty much the same especially when I can see from your other comments that you think your country is actually not a shithole and thats it currency being close to PL one has anything to do with its economy state.
Also please apply your rule to yourself now, thanks!
Could have taken exactly the same picture yesterday here in Budapest :D
Come to Finland for a while if u want to live like in the Russian army.

Yes its horrible here.
Come over to Israel bro
Go to Berlin Shaun its fucking cheap, cool city, nice partylife, itd be hard to get bored there
not really looking to party :D wouldnt hurt though, wouldnt mind berlin been there before! you should come with me become professional gamers.
Barcelona or Madrid.
come here to dubai and lets build some sand castles and scream at arabs
For 1000-1500€ you can find a nice appartment in practically every capital I assume. But I'd rather advise you to look into house/appartment-sharing, saves you a lot of money that can be used for more interesting stuff and you meet new people easier!

As someone who lived abroad for 2 years and is looking to move abroad soon again, I can only recommend it.
London sucks, try out Germany :))
Norway for the understanding of English, Switzerland for the solid jobs in financing.
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