iPhone 5s

uhm i checked cf and hell o hell no journal for the new iPhone 5s and 5c...

whats up?

what do you think about the new colours for s and c version? which do you like the most?

and is a new iOS, better cam, faster cpu and the fingerprint sensor good enough to challenge the androit phones?

some information about the new phone can be found here e.g.: http://www.theverge.com/

my first impression is a good one. i like it and although i will not buy a golden iPhone i really enjoy the fact that there are some more calours to use now... will see how they all look live @ friday ;)

see ya
nothing new than NSA gets now ur fingerprints
they said the data will not be saved in cloud, on apple server nor given to other companies..and i trust them..i mean imagine if they would do - it will not take long somebody figures it out and then apple will get a shitload of lawsuits...
keep dreaming!
expensive bullshit, as always
Nexus 4 ftw :p
They seem to be great phones but I will never overpay for a phone because of marketing and idiotic profit margins.
I would rather pick up an unlocked Nexus 5 for 250€ IF they come out in The Netherlands.
mh again all the people telling me it is a expensive phone..i dont get it...ok if you buy it without a contract..then it might be a bit more expensive then other top smartphones..but if i sign a contract it doesnt metter if i chose the newest samsung, iphone or htc... i just pay every month my 30-50 euros (depending on the contract) and thats it...ok sometimes i might have to pay a one time payment which is probably like 50-100 euros more for the iphone than other smartphones but still - is it the 50-100 euros the people tell it is such expensive???
Here in the Netherlands, you probably pay like 40 or 50 euros each month + 100 euros one time payment.
If you add that up, you pay 1060 euros for a freaking phone. Comparing that with a 250 euros nexus and a "sim only" contract, you pay around 610 euros.

Yes the iphone might be of a better build quality but definitely not worth all the extra money
but you have to add the extra money you spend for your sim to the 610 euros..so you will end up near the same amount... or am i wrong?
I wasnt clear, sorry

Sim = 15 euros each month for a decent amount of internets, texts and calls (at least, for me)

edit: did a quick search, iphone 5s 16gb contracts start at 66,58 euros each month, prices should go down though.
if u're gonna buy a phone for that amount of money I'll shake ur hands.
I always found pathetic when people buy smartphones for that much, what do u actually use ur phone for? browse the web, take pictures, sms and calls and thats why u are paying 1k €, gz! logic.
well, some of my friends are using old nokia phones..they can call and sms and thats it. thats ok cauz they said they dont need all the other stuff and i do respect it.

but i for myself use the phone not just for texting and phoning... and i dont count the 1k - i just count the 30-40 euros each month and 30-40 euros each month for a good phone is kinda ok in my opinion.
others do smoke for that amount of money or buy a new game or 2 blurays...i dont smoke nor buy new games thus the phone is my only vice :)

and you have to take into account that as soon as i got the new iPhone 5s i can sell my older 4s for a good price... same thing for the 5s when a new 6/6s is out..i can sell the 5s for a superb prize and thus the money i spend will not reach the 1k mark...
okay, u still havent answered the question, what do you actually use ur phone for?
2, why would u change ur 4s for 5s, what does 5s can do what 4s can't, and u actually would use.
The answer is kinda simple, snobbishness.
ok what do i use my phone for:

phonecalls, sms, whatsapp, internet, pictures, videos, small games while waiting for bus/train, checkin for flights, buying cinematickets, citytips, forecast, notifications, navigation, music & music in car, notification if there is a speed camera on my track, checking bankaccount, gathering&sorting all my accounts&passwords, buying traintickets, ecoupons for payback, checking my share price, dropbox, bwin, small games and so on...

why would i change: simple question: i got a contract and with this contract i can change my phone now without paying extra shitload of money...so why should i not change my current phone for a better, faster and newer one? + i can sell my "old" 4s for around 320 - 400 euros...

now your turn!
and u could do all this with a 100€ smartphone.
i would still pay 30-40 euros each month with my current contract ( phonecalls flatrate, sms flat, internet flat...) so whats the point in getting a cheaper old smartphone for the same monthly amount of money than getting the newest one?

i might understand your point if you dont have a contract/cant get a good contract and you would have to pay for getting the iphone 600 euros instead of buying a shit phone for 100 euros...
any 100€ smartphone > iphones in quality , sorry to tell u
well i have not had any problems during my 4 years i am using iphones now, same goes for both parents, my sister and my brother + ~ 20 friends i know using iphones...

my dad got a new iphone 5 and he had some problems with phonecalls...he got a new one within 1 week (and during that week he got a replacement...

but ok, there is no point in this conversation since you are extremly loving your cheap phones and i do love the iphones...
expensive is relative
don't know how it is in NL, but iPhone 5 (not 5s) is in top3 of the most expensive smartphones on our market (without contracts). It is topped only by newest Sony Xperia Z1 (which isn't even available yet - it is just preorders) and some Nautiz X1 (which I never heard of). And that goes for both, 32GB and 64GB versions of iPhone 5 (32GB is on par with Xperia Z Ultra tho). So, relative or not, it is still expensive even amongst expensive phones :)
I like this info much more. It gives you more creepy details.
I don't know but apple will die within 1 year.
Ow and if you want NSA to log your life, use a smartphone.
good call. most profitable company will most likely wilt within a year.
haven't watched the keynote yet, will do so soon. Got a 5 myself so won't upgrade unless they managed to dramatically increase the battery life ( which they probably didn't )
gtfo with apple products low quality high price
can't confirm that, got my iPhone 4 for 3 years already, still running like on first day, no spider app yet, everything´s still fine
yep agree with Aq, my iPhone 4s is running like a clockwork...no problems after 2 years of usage... and i still can sell it for good euros as soon as i got the new phone...
high quality and high price, they are surely top tier in every aspect, unfortunately for premium phone you pay much more than premium price...
yes, your piece of plastic must be way higher quality.
Apple nerd can't accept somebody's oppinion but only his own, how unexpected xDDDDD
Don't be mad, keep paying 50x price than the products actually worths, from snobby shitheads like u apple got that much money :D
mad nerd is mad?
edit: Check out apple store, you may wanna take ur hands on a new macbook or ipod, really worth their price, trust me. xDDDDDDD

image: windowslivewriterwhywindowsmobilerulesiphonevswindowsmobi-7c77rock-iphone-2
image: 2
image: 78-1

just found this, enjoy your high quality phone :DDDD
sorry but your comment wasn't even an opinion, you just plainly said gtfo (circlejerk) oh and those pics are plain wrong at some parts aswell as all of them being outdated versions.
So "high price low quality" isn't an oppinion? How is that?
2. Thank you apple that in 2013 u are going to release a phone which has the ability to multi tasking? or not even now?

btw I don't see u attacking my "points", why is that? Did I wake u up?
Because iphone does have multitask, and there's no point in attacking you as there are plenty of ppl like you with the apple circlejerk, oh and "features" =/= "quality" right?
like means being snoobby? then i must agree with u
"features" =/= "quality" right?
so u are actually paying hundreds of euros for a phone which has just as many features as a 100€ one and just as good in quality as apple? Whats that if not snobbishness?
tell me smth about apple price :DDDDD
Well, everyone has their own views of what's expensive I guess.
i see u are trying to avoid my questions
500€ is def. more than 100€ and EVERYBODY has a budget, even very rich ppl
buying apple products just because its name is snobbishness, get over it
By your logic, we should buy everything at the aldi or smth
oh and what question am I supposed to answer? "mad nerd is mad?" <--- that question is too hard for me to answer sorry
great stuff!
fuck this overpriced piece of shit
got my iphone 4s for 2 years now and it's still fine and running like on the first day. can't say that apple have shit quality its definitly better than other smartphones ( sure samung smartphones etc. have more features than apple but is that necessary? and ofc there are few contras on the apple site like raising up your phone with more space with a sdcard, but i don't care.) apple kept the iphone simple across from other provider.
I'll buy the new phone on 20. September that's for sure. :)
ye ;) which colour?

i am not sure...gold not but cant decide between the other two colours
i didn't say that i'll buy the 5s :]
but yes i'll buy the 5s and the colour is space black or how they call it. My 4s is black aswell.
I like black :PPP
i already reserved the 5s ( TELEKOM )

ps: why don't you buy 5c ? :PP
well 5c is not much cheaper than the 5s and compared to what you get for some euros more i surely do invest the few euros more ;)
good choice ;)
btw the golden one is nice aswell.
"sure samsung smartphones etc. have more features than apple but is that necessary?"

You are questioning necessity of additional features in Samsung vs Apple battle (I am assuming S4 vs i5 for now, as these are their flagships) - Samsung justifies high price tag with many premium features (not all of them are that useful, but that's another story), while for iPhone you are mainly paying for the brand. Then there is (imo) the best smartphone in terms of price/performance ratio - Nexus 4. For much less than half of the price of new iPhone 5, it does pretty much everything iPhone would do for you. It is simple, uses vanilla Android as Google designed it, nothing more to ask for. So, (by your words) less features and simplicity makes this phone the priciest on the market? But hats off to Apple marketing department, they are doing great job :)
As a owner of iphone 4,all I gotta say is fuck apple.
Basically a lot of things,but the main cause I believe is Itunes.
Yea pls buy a new Apple product six months after the previous one was released, you won't feel like a sheep after that. New version is toooootally revolutionary, will change your life - again - you will be a new man, extra extra extra features will get you laid as often as you want, BUY IT NAO. And don't forget the Google Glass for extra coolness and e-watch as well, cause e-watch is future man, I mean who cares about a goddamn clock on a watch when you can read twice more sms at once along with your iPhone 14sss, top-notch product!!..........
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