Headset rofl

I got a sennheiser headset for chirstmas and the microphone goes on the left. All my previous headsets the microphone has gone on the left but i have worn it on the right so im used to hearing the left sounds on my right ear and the right sounds on my left ear. Crazy i know. So if i wear my new sennheiser headset back to front i can hear fine. Is there anyway i can change me sounds so i can hear the left sounds in my right ear and the right sounds on my left ear? :p
s_volume 0
just turn around?
great idea

why did you turn it around in the first place :S
disconect the wires and reconect them to your specification
sit upside down and backwards
try rivatuner ROFL

same thing here you can probably reverse your windows mixer settings somehow
best comment in ages! well done xD
ill just wear it the wrong way till theres a solution xd
dont forget to sit upside down
just go cold turkey the normal way
turn your head around in your headset ;)
tardish naablet !
lol if this is serious, but then again, who would make this up
a rivatuner user would.
best journal so far
lol... how stupid ...:D
headsetban imo
get lost haxor
don't be so bad for him.
ask perfo, he is senheiser pro!
lol that sounds stupid.

(did u get it, sounds :DDDD)
haha, you remind me of a friend who always does this kind of jokes ^^
trow ur headset out of the window
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